30 June 2006
lets see..we started off with morning run..and I had to run the longer distance with the sports grp..gosh, I was alone at first, till I jogged and saw some familiar faces, jianxiong..and then jogged together with him, hes too fast, despite him just recovered from his fever, or maybe I'm too slow in that case haha
and so..started off with physics lesson, and I coulden't understand anything that Taekwando has taught..so I decided to daydream throughout the lesson..then it was Amaths, I went to change seat, to KY there, and then started the lesson, and I dropped my 10cm (broked) ruler, to the back ~.~ and, beatrice picked it up for me (ok thx for that, didn't had a chance to say it in class), and here goes:
"KY" - wow, that one also call ruler
"me" - no choice, I had no money left to get a new one..
and yea, that sentence of mine appears whenever people question about my stuff, and I'm a spentthrift against stationeries, however, there were still other conversations that were quite hilarious I guessed, and out of no reason, he would whack me =X (according to him, I always deserved to be beaten)
nothing much for chemistry after that, abit of daydreaming, and he caught me though, but who cares ~.~ and then bio lesson already, thus I left and headed to the library
it was damn fucked up there, seriously, with those childish 5N2 students making hell alot of noise, and I decided to ask for the key to the second floor library room, so that those practising oral won't get distracted much, and we can't hear anything from them there. Fuck them, they kicked up a bloody fuss, saying they are pioneers etc, shoulden't they be the one having that room. Blame themselves for being stupid, and not being initiative enough to get the second floor key. that GAY Wei Ming totally sucked, go fucking blow ur paper wrapper or watever with your classmates.
they made hell alot of noise though, even when we were inside the second floor room, and out of mischief, lin han pointed middle finger without showing his face to them, and all of them were pissed off, and complained to the PO (I forgot the name), and he came in to ask who pointed it, none of us bothered him, still, I scolded lin han for doing that LOLs, but seriously, they deserved that middle finger.
I wanted no trouble, since we were able to made it to the second floor, however, a few still switched on the com and went friendster etc, oh well, I can't stop them, I joined them ^^ (thats after I finished my chem worksheet, leaving alot blanks)
and it was after school..nothing much, I could only remember the piano rhythms, played by benny, and then I went home soon after..and, I saw something that amazed me (maybe you all find it nothing interesting, or lame, but to me, its nice)
a pile of small leaves, blown by the strong wind, created a small gust like a tonado, spinning and dancing.
29 June 2006
OMG OMG OMG!! Today is soooooooooooo DEAD!!!!
I reached school quite early today..about 6.50 ( usually 7.05 or later ), and I was so tired..
whats next? Reading Log..why doesn't our class have the new set while E2 has it?? oh well watever, I never bother anyway
Its a very tiring day indeed, I slept in the com lab during SS lesson, my eyes were a ton heavy, and I just coulden't open them up..and until heard the bell rang, yeah! SS over, and then carried on for Amaths..
Disaster started when it was near ending, when all of a sudden, theres a sudden pain in my right ear, and my hearing deteriorated. It was painful indeed, and my hand was with my ear almost for the rest of the day, but fortunately, everything was back to normal when Chinese Oral began..if not I might not be able to hear what the hell the teacher would say..but still..the Oral totally suck, heres the question.
Topic : Students are not interested in courses like Arts, Music and Dao De (manners?) Course. Discuss.
I was stunned when I heard the question, I asked the teacher to repeat the question, and not knowing what to do, I started crapping out nonsense becoz my mind was BLANK!
Somehow I kept telling myself to relax, can one..but when I asked beatrice and hui jie and a few others, how was it, they say gone case. C'mon, if its gone case for them, then what about my case? I need not say any further, since I'm always inferior to them.
And the first day seemed to be easy..but I doubt so, since what I had was the contrary.. Chinese is really tough,
28 June 2006
right, its been repeating over and over again by the US commentators..
and yesterday was Ghana vs Brazil..i was expecting a lot better from Ghana still though, when i watched their previous matches..but nonetheless i hoped Brazil won
it was obvious who would win by then..so i went to bed at the 65th minute..while my dad was still watching while swearing away of course..and i got to wake up after the match juz to shut down the computer..
and now, quarterfinals coming up so soon..cant wait for that..exciting matches are all lined up already heh
and today school..chemistry was a sucky one..the test? gone case..i'm gonna fail so badly for heaven's sake..so..forget it ><
as usual, the area around me is fun, especially when we kept laughing about someone blinking her eyes non stop ( estimated to be 120 times per minute, no joke, observe and you will know )
i bet nobody in the class can beat that
and its dumb, regarding yesterday, during recess..
KY "eh help buy ribena"
Me "huh? ribena ah"
KY "ya la, stall number 6 ( hand sign, and i coulden hear what he was saying )
Me "oh sure" ( assuming he wanted 6 cups then )
Me "i tot..6 cups..?"
ok that was really dumb, 6 people were sitting there eating, so i supposed 6 cups of drinks, 1 each, but i was wrong, so wrong HAHA
nevertheless, lh jx ky and me drank a cup each, jason bought 1 away, last cup? 4 of us drank a mouthful each and thats it ~.~
all for so much nonsense, but hell yeah, its always so fun in school nowadays, of course, when i'm with a new grp of classmates, they just rock my socks off xD
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thank loads to jianxiong for the help =)
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes

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