30 September 2006
morning lessons today, geography. it wasnt productive, i never learned anything. lol. well, i was told to get a set of geog wksht to shuyi since she overslept, but someone else took for her, waste my time. =X lol. well watever. doesnt kill anyway.
i stayed at home for the whole day after lesson, or rather after lunch. played and slept, studied only in the evening. chemistry. RGS paper, someone did first 8 MCQ and got 4 wrong. it sounded damn interesting so i went to do it. quite tough indeed..RGS leh..haha
well..had a chat with mdm lek..a long 1..about our class students..and many more..we talked about the students, who insisted hanging on to 8 subjects..they never wake up do they..when they knew they cant manage..
its not that i wanna criticise them for fuck sake, but seriously, look at prisca and irene as a study case. they are extreme cases whereby they think hanging on many subjects would do them good.
those who dropped only now, are abit too late too, but it might help abit, but it may not too. whatever it is, they took the path themselves, teachers have done their part ( except the fat ass ).
well, heard of mdm lek's husband story? its interesting, i heard it before, but i heard it once again, through msn, those lazy asses may want to go listen the story, a lil unbelivable, but i chose to believe it, even if its fake that is, but no reasons for her to lie. her main motive is just to want us to study hard xD
i stayed at home for the whole day after lesson, or rather after lunch. played and slept, studied only in the evening. chemistry. RGS paper, someone did first 8 MCQ and got 4 wrong. it sounded damn interesting so i went to do it. quite tough indeed..RGS leh..haha
well..had a chat with mdm lek..a long 1..about our class students..and many more..we talked about the students, who insisted hanging on to 8 subjects..they never wake up do they..when they knew they cant manage..
its not that i wanna criticise them for fuck sake, but seriously, look at prisca and irene as a study case. they are extreme cases whereby they think hanging on many subjects would do them good.
those who dropped only now, are abit too late too, but it might help abit, but it may not too. whatever it is, they took the path themselves, teachers have done their part ( except the fat ass ).
well, heard of mdm lek's husband story? its interesting, i heard it before, but i heard it once again, through msn, those lazy asses may want to go listen the story, a lil unbelivable, but i chose to believe it, even if its fake that is, but no reasons for her to lie. her main motive is just to want us to study hard xD
As Good As DEAD on 11:55 pm
29 September 2006
fucked up with school lessons lately..i'm so exhausted, and its as though i stay in school longer than in my own house. wat kinda nonsense is this man..
today nth much happened, boring lessons as usual, but i'm not really my usual self this morning. had amaths, after the Vice Principal had talked to us..then recess. i was doing amaths totally. and it was chemistry, and then went to library, again, amaths.
after that, stayed till in the library till 2.30pm doing amaths all the way (can u imagine how many hours i've spent god dammit) and had physics practical, sucks like, usual.
it went on till near 5pm, and we got outta the lab. and i told sylvia anthea, the gang, that theres still amaths lesson. tiring indeed. and i wondered if my ears heard me wrong, like, did i heard beatrice or someone calling my name? can't really rmb, but i suppose it was my imagination. i was getting so spiritless already.
and off we go to the library and had the difficult paper again. gone case =) and it ended only at 7.15pm and we need to have astral guide!! GRRRRRR...how did i manage not to sleep man..i'm becoming an insomiac soon, but a spiritless one, tired yet cant sleep. how weird huh.
went off after astral guide, to eat with jason and zh. at 768. then went mac, to sit and idle with shuyi tongfen and benghui..till 10pm and i got home. here i am, blogging. but before that, i was pissed off with my mp3, how i wished i could change it -_-"
and what the hell man, my mum is nagging over some small matters with me right now, when i'm blogging.
and theres geography tmr in the morningggggg...can you believe it? test still..2 hours. how bored. how silly. how stupid. i guess i shld end here..and by the way, tonight's night sky is quite bright somehow..beautiful night. =)
today nth much happened, boring lessons as usual, but i'm not really my usual self this morning. had amaths, after the Vice Principal had talked to us..then recess. i was doing amaths totally. and it was chemistry, and then went to library, again, amaths.
after that, stayed till in the library till 2.30pm doing amaths all the way (can u imagine how many hours i've spent god dammit) and had physics practical, sucks like, usual.
it went on till near 5pm, and we got outta the lab. and i told sylvia anthea, the gang, that theres still amaths lesson. tiring indeed. and i wondered if my ears heard me wrong, like, did i heard beatrice or someone calling my name? can't really rmb, but i suppose it was my imagination. i was getting so spiritless already.
and off we go to the library and had the difficult paper again. gone case =) and it ended only at 7.15pm and we need to have astral guide!! GRRRRRR...how did i manage not to sleep man..i'm becoming an insomiac soon, but a spiritless one, tired yet cant sleep. how weird huh.
went off after astral guide, to eat with jason and zh. at 768. then went mac, to sit and idle with shuyi tongfen and benghui..till 10pm and i got home. here i am, blogging. but before that, i was pissed off with my mp3, how i wished i could change it -_-"
and what the hell man, my mum is nagging over some small matters with me right now, when i'm blogging.
and theres geography tmr in the morningggggg...can you believe it? test still..2 hours. how bored. how silly. how stupid. i guess i shld end here..and by the way, tonight's night sky is quite bright somehow..beautiful night. =)
As Good As DEAD on 10:48 pm
27 September 2006
back for some short updates. well, school's as usual today. tiring..i've just realised some teachers have hypnotism skills. physics and chinese are the ones that can make me from so energetic to slumber in my dreams. but i tried to keep myself awake for chinese seriously, out of respect for mr kueh.
physics practical sucks totally, practical was done anyhow, and the graph was _!_ totally. bah, dammit. some people, act cute or rather, really cute, put the lens at their eyes, and the size is like some goldfish, eyes popping out anytime. i saw janella doing that. her eyes were SOOOOOOOOO HUGE like a goldfish totally. i couldnt resist to stare at her "eyes that are almost popping out" lols.
and yeah, went home after that? lols. i came back home, slacked till 9pm and started doing my work, till 10.30pm. well, i'm not very well managed, my amaths is still a flop no matter how i look at it.
theres shitloads of emaths, which i doubt i'm gonna touch it, tons of amaths that i think i'm gonna do but with the difficulty it would be tough, chemistry that would be very questioning for me, english that would drown me with stories from somewhere, physics that would piss me off, humanities which requires me to dig out common sense in me. SO MUCH THING TO DO. WHAT SHLD I DO!!
oh well, Amaths and chemistry, priority!! and i guess i shld do more chemistry to maintain, my first best grade i've gotten over these 2 years. rite man..thats all for today.
drowning in a pool of depression..tsk. thats so me or?
physics practical sucks totally, practical was done anyhow, and the graph was _!_ totally. bah, dammit. some people, act cute or rather, really cute, put the lens at their eyes, and the size is like some goldfish, eyes popping out anytime. i saw janella doing that. her eyes were SOOOOOOOOO HUGE like a goldfish totally. i couldnt resist to stare at her "eyes that are almost popping out" lols.
and yeah, went home after that? lols. i came back home, slacked till 9pm and started doing my work, till 10.30pm. well, i'm not very well managed, my amaths is still a flop no matter how i look at it.
theres shitloads of emaths, which i doubt i'm gonna touch it, tons of amaths that i think i'm gonna do but with the difficulty it would be tough, chemistry that would be very questioning for me, english that would drown me with stories from somewhere, physics that would piss me off, humanities which requires me to dig out common sense in me. SO MUCH THING TO DO. WHAT SHLD I DO!!
oh well, Amaths and chemistry, priority!! and i guess i shld do more chemistry to maintain, my first best grade i've gotten over these 2 years. rite man..thats all for today.
drowning in a pool of depression..tsk. thats so me or?
As Good As DEAD on 10:50 pm
26 September 2006 Midnite
so..its 1.09am now, i can't get to sleep..i'm thinking of some stuffs, some things that drove me to another world. crazy as you people may think it is, but i'm not. i just got carried out, once in a while.
i got back all my results i think, except for english overall, but i suppose its a C6. lets take that grade first.
so heres the raw score. left side is my grade, right side is my expected grade
English -- C6/C5
Emaths -- A1/A1
Amaths -- C5/B4
Chemistry -- B3/B4 ( miraculous )
Physics -- E8/Fail of any grade
Humanities -- C5/B4 ( 1 more mark to get B4 )
Chinese -- C5 just for paper 1 and 2, but i guess both added up with oral and LC will still be B4.
so my best L1R4 --> 6+1+3+4+5 = 19
so, i'm bloody disappointed if you would ask me anything. fucked up, yes. 19 is so shit. its like i never made much improvements after mid year. though i broke my 20 barrier which i aimed for, but really, i wanted higher. people said i'm doing fine, they are just looking at my tremendous improvements of chemistry and amaths. why dun they take a look at others then? english from C5 dropped to a C6, or even possibly a D7, while humanities is still a C5.
i'm worried for my results, here and there. i'm such a worrywart. tsk, and since when am i becoming that. sigh, what can i say, 5 subjects and i got 19 points, while others are getting below 15. ahhh forget it. just work harder. and it muz be quality work.
i'm proud of my amaths, from a F9 to a C5 now. as for chemistry, its a slight improvement instead of great improvement. see, MCQ has 40 qns, rather than the usual 20, and theres practical in which gives free score to people. how not to score better than usual? as long as i scored this 2 components which i really did, its enuff.
watever. i'm ending here.
Principles of life..what do people like them know. they cant think far..
i got back all my results i think, except for english overall, but i suppose its a C6. lets take that grade first.
so heres the raw score. left side is my grade, right side is my expected grade
English -- C6/C5
Emaths -- A1/A1
Amaths -- C5/B4
Chemistry -- B3/B4 ( miraculous )
Physics -- E8/Fail of any grade
Humanities -- C5/B4 ( 1 more mark to get B4 )
Chinese -- C5 just for paper 1 and 2, but i guess both added up with oral and LC will still be B4.
so my best L1R4 --> 6+1+3+4+5 = 19
so, i'm bloody disappointed if you would ask me anything. fucked up, yes. 19 is so shit. its like i never made much improvements after mid year. though i broke my 20 barrier which i aimed for, but really, i wanted higher. people said i'm doing fine, they are just looking at my tremendous improvements of chemistry and amaths. why dun they take a look at others then? english from C5 dropped to a C6, or even possibly a D7, while humanities is still a C5.
i'm worried for my results, here and there. i'm such a worrywart. tsk, and since when am i becoming that. sigh, what can i say, 5 subjects and i got 19 points, while others are getting below 15. ahhh forget it. just work harder. and it muz be quality work.
i'm proud of my amaths, from a F9 to a C5 now. as for chemistry, its a slight improvement instead of great improvement. see, MCQ has 40 qns, rather than the usual 20, and theres practical in which gives free score to people. how not to score better than usual? as long as i scored this 2 components which i really did, its enuff.
watever. i'm ending here.
Principles of life..what do people like them know. they cant think far..
As Good As DEAD on 1:14 am
23 September 2006
woots, back to blog, becoz its hilarious today, especially at 9pm. right lets start for morning. boring abit though.
woke up and chatted, played a lil, till afternoon and then went out to study. lousy man, i couldnt study much lols. came back at 8pm, and continued chatting, yes. till 9pm.
so i was watching I not stupid 2. its so hilarious man. examples - teacher demostrating skills.
*pants splitted*
The 2 Students:
Hahaha Zhen De Shi Da Kai Yan Jian!!
thats just one part seriously. more to come. ok english version from here on, becoz i cant rmb the chinese 1.
Shawn's Lil Bro:
Hey, you came to rob us right? remember to shout loudly yes?
Must shout louder, shout as loud as you can.
Real Robber:
Shawn's Lil Bro:
LOLOLOL SO FUNNY LOR!! and theres this thing about adam's apple. like, what the hell, his lil bro kept shouting
ok i shall end here, for those of you who missed the show today, its ok! watch the next week one. hahaha. ciaos.
woke up and chatted, played a lil, till afternoon and then went out to study. lousy man, i couldnt study much lols. came back at 8pm, and continued chatting, yes. till 9pm.
so i was watching I not stupid 2. its so hilarious man. examples - teacher demostrating skills.
*pants splitted*
The 2 Students:
Hahaha Zhen De Shi Da Kai Yan Jian!!
thats just one part seriously. more to come. ok english version from here on, becoz i cant rmb the chinese 1.
Shawn's Lil Bro:
Hey, you came to rob us right? remember to shout loudly yes?
Must shout louder, shout as loud as you can.
Real Robber:
Shawn's Lil Bro:
LOLOLOL SO FUNNY LOR!! and theres this thing about adam's apple. like, what the hell, his lil bro kept shouting
ok i shall end here, for those of you who missed the show today, its ok! watch the next week one. hahaha. ciaos.
As Good As DEAD on 9:45 pm
22 September 2006
booooo...i'm being told i'm a timebomb lols. shits man, i guess i really need some anger management. if not i would do reckless stuffs. lets see how, to tolerate nonsensical stuffs, worse off seeing some faces we dun wanna see everyday.
i'm short tempered since i was small, and i was easily provoked, that changed, not much easy anymore. bahh watever, i guess i need to change myself into someone, calm and steady, looking with a "peaceful" expression on my face (how impossible is that man ROFL)
but yes, to prevent others from thinking about how reckless or how easily i get provoked, i think i need to endure more nonsense coming from the surroundings.
its only 9.30 man, i'm heading off to sleep, or a nap
i'm short tempered since i was small, and i was easily provoked, that changed, not much easy anymore. bahh watever, i guess i need to change myself into someone, calm and steady, looking with a "peaceful" expression on my face (how impossible is that man ROFL)
but yes, to prevent others from thinking about how reckless or how easily i get provoked, i think i need to endure more nonsense coming from the surroundings.
its only 9.30 man, i'm heading off to sleep, or a nap
As Good As DEAD on 9:40 am
20 September 2006
yea..sorry for not blogging ytd..nth much happened since i went out to play badminton and got kinda tired..
today i had my results back..amaths was seriously not up to my standard..but i'm glad that i passed somehow. someone never study can get B4, i study like fuck and i got a C5. no justice. =P
well, and theres still SS and chemistry. SS i scored 32..not bad, but, time management once again. not enuff time. chemistry. just passed, 40.5/80 and i was abit contented abit, until i asked some about their results. many failed, so i dun wanna say much from here, its not really good. i realised that i need to be very contented with a pass there.
physics practical. sucks la. pui. dun wanna talk about it. chinese i had a bloody C5. sucks like. ohhhhhhhhh forget it. why must i take chinese...argh!! and beatrice was still laughing away for me taking chinese when she was heading to library T_T!! "you think i dun wan drop meh T_T"
today not really much shocks, relatively, i still survived everything. and yea, emaths i had 83.8 according to wat alvin says, i'm not satisfied. i aimed for 85. becoz thats O lvl A1 least score i suppose. too high of a standard you ppl might say, but no, really, emaths is my core subject, i cannot survive without an A1 there.
so much talking for results, i'm still wondering how much i would score for geography. and my other chem papers. yes, this time rd after seeing my paper 2 i got abit greedy, i aimed for B3! AT LEAST A B4. no C5 or C6. anymore. english is dead shit so forget about it. oh well. a summary of my results will be up when i'm done with all my results, getting back.
today i had my results back..amaths was seriously not up to my standard..but i'm glad that i passed somehow. someone never study can get B4, i study like fuck and i got a C5. no justice. =P
well, and theres still SS and chemistry. SS i scored 32..not bad, but, time management once again. not enuff time. chemistry. just passed, 40.5/80 and i was abit contented abit, until i asked some about their results. many failed, so i dun wanna say much from here, its not really good. i realised that i need to be very contented with a pass there.
physics practical. sucks la. pui. dun wanna talk about it. chinese i had a bloody C5. sucks like. ohhhhhhhhh forget it. why must i take chinese...argh!! and beatrice was still laughing away for me taking chinese when she was heading to library T_T!! "you think i dun wan drop meh T_T"
today not really much shocks, relatively, i still survived everything. and yea, emaths i had 83.8 according to wat alvin says, i'm not satisfied. i aimed for 85. becoz thats O lvl A1 least score i suppose. too high of a standard you ppl might say, but no, really, emaths is my core subject, i cannot survive without an A1 there.
so much talking for results, i'm still wondering how much i would score for geography. and my other chem papers. yes, this time rd after seeing my paper 2 i got abit greedy, i aimed for B3! AT LEAST A B4. no C5 or C6. anymore. english is dead shit so forget about it. oh well. a summary of my results will be up when i'm done with all my results, getting back.
As Good As DEAD on 9:43 pm
18 September 2006 Shi Rui's Bday
woots, today is shirui's birthday. so a grp of frens and i went to celebrate her birthday at seoul garden. well, quite a nice day and having a fun time there. coincidentally, benny, ky and gang were there too to celebrate lester's birthday.
we hanged out at cwp till 7pm and i went back home to check my mails and stuffs. some, emails that appeared to be quite stupid but accurate. lol. and i went for badminton after that, till 10pm. and here i am! back at home duhh. haha.
well, i think i need to sleep soooooon. so tired! and theres the bloody physics practical (disgusting. *spits*) ahhh. gotta run along i guess. theres lesson still at 12pm tomorrow for amaths!! hahaha. ok byebye. ^^v
we hanged out at cwp till 7pm and i went back home to check my mails and stuffs. some, emails that appeared to be quite stupid but accurate. lol. and i went for badminton after that, till 10pm. and here i am! back at home duhh. haha.
well, i think i need to sleep soooooon. so tired! and theres the bloody physics practical (disgusting. *spits*) ahhh. gotta run along i guess. theres lesson still at 12pm tomorrow for amaths!! hahaha. ok byebye. ^^v
As Good As DEAD on 10:34 pm
17 September 2006
i'm totally bored today. played some GBA games..but seriously not very interesting..haha. woke up at 10 today. kinda late, yet earlier than yesterday though. well, perhaps i was looking at some reports, but not much of an interest. sheesh, i got influenced into watching reports. LOL. but perhaps, it helps to kill time. quite fast.
so i chatted till afternoon, while playing some games..and went to slumber in the afternoon. woke up at 5. and i forgot what i've done. hrmm..yea i really forgot, perhaps games again! but boring.
went dinner after that. and suddenly i juz rmbed i haven asked what is needed for the god damn lesson tmr, what people replied was, just bring urself, bring ur pencil case, practical book or? i dunno..really.
juz to realised that i need a haircut, so i went out to get it done. now i'm kinda back to square one. life is boring lately. i dun hav the mood to study anymore, becoz 2 weeks aint enough? and i forced myself to study. but "study is a painful process" came from someone, and its so true.
i guess i shld just..sigh i dunno. i'm so bored to an extent that..i need sometime refreshing and new! ARGHHHHHHH!!! ROARRRRRRRRRR
so i chatted till afternoon, while playing some games..and went to slumber in the afternoon. woke up at 5. and i forgot what i've done. hrmm..yea i really forgot, perhaps games again! but boring.
went dinner after that. and suddenly i juz rmbed i haven asked what is needed for the god damn lesson tmr, what people replied was, just bring urself, bring ur pencil case, practical book or? i dunno..really.
juz to realised that i need a haircut, so i went out to get it done. now i'm kinda back to square one. life is boring lately. i dun hav the mood to study anymore, becoz 2 weeks aint enough? and i forced myself to study. but "study is a painful process" came from someone, and its so true.
i guess i shld just..sigh i dunno. i'm so bored to an extent that..i need sometime refreshing and new! ARGHHHHHHH!!! ROARRRRRRRRRR
As Good As DEAD on 9:11 pm
16 September 2006
i didnt know a punishment can turned out to be something good. i got an ex-buddy back as a friend, probably who i used to kinda dislike. well, nothing much to say, since hes happy, i cant say i'm so exuberant, yet i guess i can say i'm contented.
As Good As DEAD on 12:17 am
15 September 2006
this sucks man. that **** called my mum once again. this is annoying me seriously. what fucking problem does he hav when i just ask him to get over and done with? confronting me not enough, call my mother somemore, and my mother still asked me to tolerate.
not as though people dunno me. i'm bloody hot tempered when i'm very unhappy with somebody. theres 1 point my mum said is right though. i told her he cant teach, he suck big time. my mum didn't say becoz we did not hav evidence of it. we cant just say that with our own strength, we need support from others but theres nobody in the class bother to complain too.
1 more funny thing, i can get caned if this gets too serious? OHHHHH i'm waiting for that day. tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to cane me if he dares, with this little mistake which is showing disrespect. this is bullshit totally. even miss sum cant comment anything about what i said since they are colleagues.
yea, the only point i can accept is, i got attitude problem, but i can still work well with others when he said i can't. SO, EVERYTHING ELSE I WILL NEVER ACCEPT WHATEVER HE SAYS. worse off, he expects an apology from me, told my mother about it, and i insisted i refuse to apologise.
it seems like he wants to know the reason why i hate him so much, why i treat him like this and not anyone else. one simple reason, he himself cant communicate with people (like he and the physics lab people?) and he still blame me that i cant communicate well.
strangely enough, i asked him, why did i not do that to any other teachers, like mr ong? guess his reply? --> "BECOZ YOU ARE AFRAID OF HIM"
LOL?! if i'm so afraid of mr ong, i wouldn't even go approach him and ask him questions. let alone being defiant. i just don't understand why he has to come to this school, be our teacher, not preparing lessons, nobody confronted him, nobody told him that.
people always say they are on my side. but they cant do anything, becoz they simply dun care. u might think i'm a nosey parker, but sorry, i cant bear myself to suffer, wasting my time on him. and yea, pulled me out and confronted me, made me cant listen to wat mr ong had said to the class. what can i say when teachers always think they are right and ask students to do reflection, YET THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT DOING SO. DAMMIT!
so i had detention, till 2.30, he never released me, but i went ahead on my own. since detention was only TIME FACTOR, and not finishing his work. (asked me to do physics? yea i did do, but all are nonsense)
but gladly before that, i spent my 1 hour well on 12pm to 1pm. hearing vincent lim talk about strategies on english and careers and so on. quite useful really. but i'm sad that he says i'm street smart and very smart but academically proved otherwise =(
LOLS but its ok! becoz i am really not cut out for studies. if its maths, probably. science? i cannot make it. now it seems that i'm stuck, and i haven really plan for my future. (do i even have a future? lol)
i dun really wanna say much already seriously. thinking of that ass just piss me to the maximum. tell me man, if i'm so wrong in breaking my tolerance and shout it out loud FFS.
my mum told me to tolerate. probably she knows if i dun tolerate i would get into further trouble with that ass. she had experienced it once in her work, so she din bother much about stuffs after that horrible experience with intefering with someone's problems.
i hope i can get out of the bloody school as soon as possible now. or rather at least not bother about physics anymore, best, not to see him around. i'm losing my thoughts, having doubts about having to communicate well with anybody in the class now.
being quiet is my nature at times. in my thoughts i really run wild and think many stuffs. when i cant tolerate, i shout it out loud. thats me. i'm someone who hates people who dun change for the better. therefore in conclusion, i hate myself. now i've learnt, being a nosey parker gets u only into deep shit. shut up is all i have to do. simple, and plain.
not as though people dunno me. i'm bloody hot tempered when i'm very unhappy with somebody. theres 1 point my mum said is right though. i told her he cant teach, he suck big time. my mum didn't say becoz we did not hav evidence of it. we cant just say that with our own strength, we need support from others but theres nobody in the class bother to complain too.
1 more funny thing, i can get caned if this gets too serious? OHHHHH i'm waiting for that day. tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to cane me if he dares, with this little mistake which is showing disrespect. this is bullshit totally. even miss sum cant comment anything about what i said since they are colleagues.
yea, the only point i can accept is, i got attitude problem, but i can still work well with others when he said i can't. SO, EVERYTHING ELSE I WILL NEVER ACCEPT WHATEVER HE SAYS. worse off, he expects an apology from me, told my mother about it, and i insisted i refuse to apologise.
it seems like he wants to know the reason why i hate him so much, why i treat him like this and not anyone else. one simple reason, he himself cant communicate with people (like he and the physics lab people?) and he still blame me that i cant communicate well.
strangely enough, i asked him, why did i not do that to any other teachers, like mr ong? guess his reply? --> "BECOZ YOU ARE AFRAID OF HIM"
LOL?! if i'm so afraid of mr ong, i wouldn't even go approach him and ask him questions. let alone being defiant. i just don't understand why he has to come to this school, be our teacher, not preparing lessons, nobody confronted him, nobody told him that.
people always say they are on my side. but they cant do anything, becoz they simply dun care. u might think i'm a nosey parker, but sorry, i cant bear myself to suffer, wasting my time on him. and yea, pulled me out and confronted me, made me cant listen to wat mr ong had said to the class. what can i say when teachers always think they are right and ask students to do reflection, YET THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT DOING SO. DAMMIT!
so i had detention, till 2.30, he never released me, but i went ahead on my own. since detention was only TIME FACTOR, and not finishing his work. (asked me to do physics? yea i did do, but all are nonsense)
but gladly before that, i spent my 1 hour well on 12pm to 1pm. hearing vincent lim talk about strategies on english and careers and so on. quite useful really. but i'm sad that he says i'm street smart and very smart but academically proved otherwise =(
LOLS but its ok! becoz i am really not cut out for studies. if its maths, probably. science? i cannot make it. now it seems that i'm stuck, and i haven really plan for my future. (do i even have a future? lol)
i dun really wanna say much already seriously. thinking of that ass just piss me to the maximum. tell me man, if i'm so wrong in breaking my tolerance and shout it out loud FFS.
my mum told me to tolerate. probably she knows if i dun tolerate i would get into further trouble with that ass. she had experienced it once in her work, so she din bother much about stuffs after that horrible experience with intefering with someone's problems.
i hope i can get out of the bloody school as soon as possible now. or rather at least not bother about physics anymore, best, not to see him around. i'm losing my thoughts, having doubts about having to communicate well with anybody in the class now.
being quiet is my nature at times. in my thoughts i really run wild and think many stuffs. when i cant tolerate, i shout it out loud. thats me. i'm someone who hates people who dun change for the better. therefore in conclusion, i hate myself. now i've learnt, being a nosey parker gets u only into deep shit. shut up is all i have to do. simple, and plain.
As Good As DEAD on 3:53 pm
13 September 2006
my exams die liao lah...totally flunged it..emaths paper 1 was hell of a sucker, 66/80. can u believe it? when i expected much higher. ok not much, but at least 70. to hell with it.
and i screwed my SS, amaths, chemistry, geog, english, emaths 2, physics (practically all)
yes indeed, its ALL! not to forget chinese also.
my core subject no more A1 already. my emaths paper 2 today was a hazard. everyone got error, i dun hav, and i realised i'm the one wrong..gone case la..fuck -_-"
physics was worse off. i finished the paper so fast, and i went to sleep. xD
anyway physics is meant to fail, i confirm wun use L1R4 for physics.
and i was told its sylvia's bday today. she demand a present? maybe a joke i guess, and i got nothing to give her seriously. i dunno today's her bday, so i got nth prepared. oh well..hahas.
guess wat, armanda told me prisca gave her mp3!! i'm thinking wild at that time. is the mp3..ahem i guess i shant say much.
how i wished my bday gift, is a badminton racket or maybe something that is memorable lol..come to think of it..my bday is just another ordinary day..since its really nothing special..~.~
tml amaths paper 2..i'm afraid somehow..relative velocity..integration, area under graph..permutation combination..many more..i'm stressed up perhaps. yea i am. i threw my prelim off seriosuly. u shall see. the many F9s i will get..
i dun giv a damn anymore seriously after tml, i gonna play so hard like i never before. and that continues after O lvl. in that mode. for this week next week. play all the way.
and i screwed my SS, amaths, chemistry, geog, english, emaths 2, physics (practically all)
yes indeed, its ALL! not to forget chinese also.
my core subject no more A1 already. my emaths paper 2 today was a hazard. everyone got error, i dun hav, and i realised i'm the one wrong..gone case la..fuck -_-"
physics was worse off. i finished the paper so fast, and i went to sleep. xD
anyway physics is meant to fail, i confirm wun use L1R4 for physics.
and i was told its sylvia's bday today. she demand a present? maybe a joke i guess, and i got nothing to give her seriously. i dunno today's her bday, so i got nth prepared. oh well..hahas.
guess wat, armanda told me prisca gave her mp3!! i'm thinking wild at that time. is the mp3..ahem i guess i shant say much.
how i wished my bday gift, is a badminton racket or maybe something that is memorable lol..come to think of it..my bday is just another ordinary day..since its really nothing special..~.~
tml amaths paper 2..i'm afraid somehow..relative velocity..integration, area under graph..permutation combination..many more..i'm stressed up perhaps. yea i am. i threw my prelim off seriosuly. u shall see. the many F9s i will get..
i dun giv a damn anymore seriously after tml, i gonna play so hard like i never before. and that continues after O lvl. in that mode. for this week next week. play all the way.
As Good As DEAD on 11:59 pm
11 September 2006 MSN fix code
ok kids, listen up, those having problems with MSN currently that is.
follow these instructions and u can sign in MSN again
For Windows XP Pro or Home users,
Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and Add in -> messenger.hotmail.com dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net
it works, i tried already, so good luck
follow these instructions and u can sign in MSN again
For Windows XP Pro or Home users,
Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and Add in -> messenger.hotmail.com dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net
it works, i tried already, so good luck
As Good As DEAD on 11:08 pm
11 September 2006
ok this is fucked up. singnet sucks, the connection is so fucking unstable now. plus, with the ass MSN not working, i'm so fucking bored. tell me what to do god dammit ARGH.
As Good As DEAD on 8:59 pm
10 September 2006
Hatred aint a good thing, it brings no benefits
Hatred always strain relationships between people
Hatred brings harm to many parties involved
Hatred is what people always dun wish for, they want peace
Hatred is about gore and violence
A person with Hatred is known to be a devil
yet..in my opinion..its all otherwise.
Hatred is something that shows true emotions in people
Hatred is needed in order to prove you are human
Hatred changes people's lifestyle, for the better
Hatred makes people understand what True Feelings are
Hatred comes from mistakes created by you and others, therefore you change
Because you learn to Hate, and you Hate, thats why you know whats Love, and you learn to Love
Hatred makes me what I am today, to be appreciative of what I have and not to ask for more demands.
Just to realise, that Hatred is not a totally a disadvantage in life.
Emotions mixed with Hate, will end up turning Love. Because you realise who cares for you
Hatred always strain relationships between people
Hatred brings harm to many parties involved
Hatred is what people always dun wish for, they want peace
Hatred is about gore and violence
A person with Hatred is known to be a devil
yet..in my opinion..its all otherwise.
Hatred is something that shows true emotions in people
Hatred is needed in order to prove you are human
Hatred changes people's lifestyle, for the better
Hatred makes people understand what True Feelings are
Hatred comes from mistakes created by you and others, therefore you change
Because you learn to Hate, and you Hate, thats why you know whats Love, and you learn to Love
Hatred makes me what I am today, to be appreciative of what I have and not to ask for more demands.
Just to realise, that Hatred is not a totally a disadvantage in life.
Emotions mixed with Hate, will end up turning Love. Because you realise who cares for you
As Good As DEAD on 10:07 am
9 September 2006
blogging at a late time i suppose? well..cant really blame me. i lay flat on my bed and took a nap when i reached home immediately. and woke up at 9.30.
woke up quite earleh today..and then was doing some stuffs at home. got out of my house at 12pm sharp to meet armanda. she was late 30 minutes -.-!! 12.15 wait till 12.45. wat did i do? wait lor, then smsed beatrice whether she and janella and shuyi were there already. ok they were there, and i was told to be fast. -.-
went to sun plaza str8 after passing the notes to armanda then go there study. no, not really study. shuyi made alot of noise, told alot of stories, created alot nonsense. then the rest laughed. ohhhhh my god -_-" cant really get the notes into my brain.
then there was some photo session between beatrice and shuyi. and erm. shuyi is so gone case, when beatrice took a picture of her acting so tarded. all we did was laughing, insanely.
i cant even get simultaneous eqn right for amaths. i'm so a goner. i'm disappointed la. janella do so fast, i do 20 minute still cant get answer. then the conversation went on. storytelling tht is.
shuyi went to sit with her cousin's friend after that friend came, and i tot i could study in peace somehow. still cant. we were chatting + abit of revision. ok heres the fun part..
janella was listening to "jian dan ai" kids version 1 la, then she sang the chorus, so i listened, as well as beatrice. to my surprise, she was recording, without our notice OH MY GOD! janella was so embarrassed LOLS. and we all laughed so madly.
and it was near 6+ after all those nonsense. i went home and, the content is at the top already.
woke up quite earleh today..and then was doing some stuffs at home. got out of my house at 12pm sharp to meet armanda. she was late 30 minutes -.-!! 12.15 wait till 12.45. wat did i do? wait lor, then smsed beatrice whether she and janella and shuyi were there already. ok they were there, and i was told to be fast. -.-
went to sun plaza str8 after passing the notes to armanda then go there study. no, not really study. shuyi made alot of noise, told alot of stories, created alot nonsense. then the rest laughed. ohhhhh my god -_-" cant really get the notes into my brain.
then there was some photo session between beatrice and shuyi. and erm. shuyi is so gone case, when beatrice took a picture of her acting so tarded. all we did was laughing, insanely.
i cant even get simultaneous eqn right for amaths. i'm so a goner. i'm disappointed la. janella do so fast, i do 20 minute still cant get answer. then the conversation went on. storytelling tht is.
shuyi went to sit with her cousin's friend after that friend came, and i tot i could study in peace somehow. still cant. we were chatting + abit of revision. ok heres the fun part..
janella was listening to "jian dan ai" kids version 1 la, then she sang the chorus, so i listened, as well as beatrice. to my surprise, she was recording, without our notice OH MY GOD! janella was so embarrassed LOLS. and we all laughed so madly.
and it was near 6+ after all those nonsense. i went home and, the content is at the top already.
As Good As DEAD on 10:12 pm
8 September 2006
hmm an early morning today. first thing was as usual, on my computer and check some stuffs. and happened to chat with someone, who was very disappointed with his/her results. this question was raised from my mind then.
Diligence vs Genius, who is better?
to that someone, well, results are obvious when comparison was made. but i believe in effort still, to match up with smartass. c'mon man, nth is fair, we need to work for what we aim for. (not really for my case, i see a rotten future in me)
i can sense the effort people put in their work, especially close friends, when i asked what they do everyday. when they said they never practise or revise, i had doubts, that they did "secret training" lols.
why bother about others? just work on our own pace is still the best..yea.
oh yea, dun brood over small matters. its only PRELIMS. it aint real O lvl. so please dun bother about it even if you guys, results fail. =o
Diligence vs Genius, who is better?
to that someone, well, results are obvious when comparison was made. but i believe in effort still, to match up with smartass. c'mon man, nth is fair, we need to work for what we aim for. (not really for my case, i see a rotten future in me)
i can sense the effort people put in their work, especially close friends, when i asked what they do everyday. when they said they never practise or revise, i had doubts, that they did "secret training" lols.
why bother about others? just work on our own pace is still the best..yea.
oh yea, dun brood over small matters. its only PRELIMS. it aint real O lvl. so please dun bother about it even if you guys, results fail. =o
As Good As DEAD on 7:30 pm
7 September 2006
heh, i'm back for blogging, today shall be a short and boring one.
did nothing much, stayed at home all day, played awhile, studied awhile (more than playing) and then discussed with ky about the geog notes on how to settle it...
i assume its 3/4 done, and i guess i will meet him to get the stack and then distribute, at crescent park 10am? hahahas. it looked as though i got nth to do o.o but no choice, i cant reject an offer from a good friend who needs help =X
yes thats roughly all, collect the geog notes before they are gone, thats all i can say, becoz its LIMITED EDITION. ok lame. =o
did nothing much, stayed at home all day, played awhile, studied awhile (more than playing) and then discussed with ky about the geog notes on how to settle it...
i assume its 3/4 done, and i guess i will meet him to get the stack and then distribute, at crescent park 10am? hahahas. it looked as though i got nth to do o.o but no choice, i cant reject an offer from a good friend who needs help =X
yes thats roughly all, collect the geog notes before they are gone, thats all i can say, becoz its LIMITED EDITION. ok lame. =o
As Good As DEAD on 11:41 pm
7 September 2006
ok i'm back from my last day of playing. badminton that is. my legs are jelly-like now O_O. and i'm feeling more and more stupid nowadays. i cant even do simple emaths. can like, jump off from building already. whatsmore, amaths screwed me upside down.
miss sharifah said i looked stress, maybe? but i still had time to play. -_-"
Kelvin, if you play much more than you study, please go slap yourself each time for every extra minute you spent.
ok. that shld be the statement. yea i did revise today, but not very effective. i'm kinda sad, disappointed with myself. i got no self discipline. i need someone to discipline me to study after all. who is willing? i treat them lunch / drinks or anything for that (provided you can teach me work that i dunno) hahaha ok i'm blabbering nonsense? =o
so...lets see..yes, my brain is malfunctioning..
emaths from benny i cant do,
amaths i got stucked,
geography i looked stress,
english is goner,
chinese is hopeless,
physics is fucked up with ray chua's presence,
chemistry has a short amount of time left to rush.
alright. i've been whining about my subjects. why? i hate studying seriously. why the hell must i force myself to study..sigh.
"mian qiang shi mei you xin fu de" --> use against studies, HOW TRUE IT IS right?
and everyone's asleep, at 12+am. which is like, so earleh, where some people considered it late, very late. early sleepers..early wakers.
ohhhhhh i'm so abnormal. WHY?! i'm a late sleeper, a late waker. i cant hav breakfast, i only take lunch. people study hard. i do otherwise. i must really change my way of lifestyle. sleeping late is not good afterall, i haven forgot wat my friend told me. sleeping early is better than sleeping late. lols.
yes, after this i go sleep la! BUT THAT OWEN STILL TALKING NONSENSE NON STOP. let me juz shut him up. and i can sleep in peace =D
alright. tml schedule!
12pm - 3pm revise amaths
3pm - 6pm revise watever you like
6pm - 8pm eat + revise a lil.
8pm onwards. slack.
oh man, if i can revise for that long, i'm not called Kelvin, my surname wun be Yeo. LOLS.
but lets see about that. against all odds. GOING OUT TO STUDY IS THE BEST CHOICE AFTER ALL.
miss sharifah said i looked stress, maybe? but i still had time to play. -_-"
Kelvin, if you play much more than you study, please go slap yourself each time for every extra minute you spent.
ok. that shld be the statement. yea i did revise today, but not very effective. i'm kinda sad, disappointed with myself. i got no self discipline. i need someone to discipline me to study after all. who is willing? i treat them lunch / drinks or anything for that (provided you can teach me work that i dunno) hahaha ok i'm blabbering nonsense? =o
so...lets see..yes, my brain is malfunctioning..
emaths from benny i cant do,
amaths i got stucked,
geography i looked stress,
english is goner,
chinese is hopeless,
physics is fucked up with ray chua's presence,
chemistry has a short amount of time left to rush.
alright. i've been whining about my subjects. why? i hate studying seriously. why the hell must i force myself to study..sigh.
"mian qiang shi mei you xin fu de" --> use against studies, HOW TRUE IT IS right?
and everyone's asleep, at 12+am. which is like, so earleh, where some people considered it late, very late. early sleepers..early wakers.
ohhhhhh i'm so abnormal. WHY?! i'm a late sleeper, a late waker. i cant hav breakfast, i only take lunch. people study hard. i do otherwise. i must really change my way of lifestyle. sleeping late is not good afterall, i haven forgot wat my friend told me. sleeping early is better than sleeping late. lols.
yes, after this i go sleep la! BUT THAT OWEN STILL TALKING NONSENSE NON STOP. let me juz shut him up. and i can sleep in peace =D
alright. tml schedule!
12pm - 3pm revise amaths
3pm - 6pm revise watever you like
6pm - 8pm eat + revise a lil.
8pm onwards. slack.
oh man, if i can revise for that long, i'm not called Kelvin, my surname wun be Yeo. LOLS.
but lets see about that. against all odds. GOING OUT TO STUDY IS THE BEST CHOICE AFTER ALL.
As Good As DEAD on 12:37 am
5 September 2006
now i'm feeling a lil troubled. no, VERY TROUBLED maybe. seeing the few souls stay and working so diligently gives me the creep and fear. its was about 4pm when i left home, and theres 1 more soul left working with homework. that person sure has hell lot of stamina with work. what a diligent 1.
for me? nahh. stay back? and asked only MCQ, my short answered are blanks. i'm lacking so farrrrrr behind. too far. amaths, chemistry, emaths supposedly to be done. its tuesday now fuck it, none were done. and theres geography tomorrow. and that fucking physics, i'm not gonna bother seriously. last minute study for it
chemistry emaths amaths geography..how to study them all at once? i hav tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday. 5 and a half day to be exact.
chemistry = 1 day.
emaths = 0.5 day.
amaths = 2 days.
geography = 2 days.
should i say this is so well managed? i dun think so..its still so last minute. i hate myself for not being diligent. i hav only myself to blame for being so lazy. LAZY !!
juz like shuyi said, we tell people to work hard, yet we ourselves are so lazy. lols. oh well wat can i say. but probably, today is the day where i witnessed diligence in others. i can't compare with such people, i can only compare with lazy freaks.
nevermind forget about it, if i really wanna work, i will. and i trust after today, seeing people working so hard to score, i myself, shouldn't lose out anymore. i know i gonna flung my prelims, but i gonna do my best with this 5.5 days.
maybe a day of rest.. =X
for me? nahh. stay back? and asked only MCQ, my short answered are blanks. i'm lacking so farrrrrr behind. too far. amaths, chemistry, emaths supposedly to be done. its tuesday now fuck it, none were done. and theres geography tomorrow. and that fucking physics, i'm not gonna bother seriously. last minute study for it
chemistry emaths amaths geography..how to study them all at once? i hav tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday. 5 and a half day to be exact.
chemistry = 1 day.
emaths = 0.5 day.
amaths = 2 days.
geography = 2 days.
should i say this is so well managed? i dun think so..its still so last minute. i hate myself for not being diligent. i hav only myself to blame for being so lazy. LAZY !!
juz like shuyi said, we tell people to work hard, yet we ourselves are so lazy. lols. oh well wat can i say. but probably, today is the day where i witnessed diligence in others. i can't compare with such people, i can only compare with lazy freaks.
nevermind forget about it, if i really wanna work, i will. and i trust after today, seeing people working so hard to score, i myself, shouldn't lose out anymore. i know i gonna flung my prelims, but i gonna do my best with this 5.5 days.
maybe a day of rest.. =X
As Good As DEAD on 5:02 pm
4 September 2006
hrmm..i was supposed to play badminton..what am i doing here o_O?
lol..simple..i.........slept!! T_T! MISSED A DAY OF FUN!! but really..it was raining..sigh =(
today's physics lesson sucked big time. that ass is stupidddddddd.
1 piece of sad news. 1 Ray Chua stingray killed steve irwin the crocodile hunter..curse that stingray. god dammit -_-! FUCKKKKKKKK THE STINGRAYYYYYYYY
lol..simple..i.........slept!! T_T! MISSED A DAY OF FUN!! but really..it was raining..sigh =(
today's physics lesson sucked big time. that ass is stupidddddddd.
1 piece of sad news. 1
As Good As DEAD on 8:15 pm
3 September 2006 Dumb Dance
OHHH MAN OHH MAN YOU GUYS SHOULD SEE THIS. ok maybe some of the ADSSians who hav access to my blog have seen it. those who aint from my school. watch this
this is so fucking fucking lame, like OH MY GOD MAN! LOLOLS
this is the most fucked up dance you people will ever see in your life i swear. LOLS
this is so fucking fucking lame, like OH MY GOD MAN! LOLOLS
this is the most fucked up dance you people will ever see in your life i swear. LOLS
As Good As DEAD on 11:03 pm
2 September 2006
this is crazy. juz becoz corrections are undone i need to see principal. god bless. screw him man. cant believe he would resort to such @#$#^%#$%#@$@#!@# means.
well, watever it is, i need to finish up the bloody corrections. yes, perhaps the last thing to do. no time for chemistry and thats it.
well, watever it is, i need to finish up the bloody corrections. yes, perhaps the last thing to do. no time for chemistry and thats it.
As Good As DEAD on 11:08 pm
1 September 2006 Part 2
wat shld i say, u say i insult u so many time, WHERE GOT SIA!!! LOLS. u power liao lorrrr hor? hahaha, i'm ur gd fren right? hahaha, i hav a gd cute fren and i juz know it today!! LOLS
ok, u rocks totally k? lols! now..i dunno what to say liao la. =o LOLS
insulting u 3 times, for today..well i guess that aint insult.
dun say i bully u, u baodou elf aka jianling then i die liao. HAHA
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Link blog if you wish to
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wat shld i say, u say i insult u so many time, WHERE GOT SIA!!! LOLS. u power liao lorrrr hor? hahaha, i'm ur gd fren right? hahaha, i hav a gd cute fren and i juz know it today!! LOLS
ok, u rocks totally k? lols! now..i dunno what to say liao la. =o LOLS
insulting u 3 times, for today..well i guess that aint insult.
dun say i bully u, u baodou elf aka jianling then i die liao. HAHA
As Good As DEAD on 12:11 am
1 September 2006
painful day today. why? my wrists hurt, my shoulders hurt, my body aching, my ass is feeling the pain, my legs hurt too. everywhere also pain, even the head, internally. (its headache if ure dumb enuff not to know)
yea, i went out in the afternoon with hj addinu zul jx. and then went badminton at night till 9pm. went home and chatted, crapped, played, slacked. anything lazy u can think of. no books for today, and for that, i'm gonna slap myself for not doing chemistry. shit.
oh well watever. when am i gonna start? lol
yea, i went out in the afternoon with hj addinu zul jx. and then went badminton at night till 9pm. went home and chatted, crapped, played, slacked. anything lazy u can think of. no books for today, and for that, i'm gonna slap myself for not doing chemistry. shit.
oh well watever. when am i gonna start? lol
As Good As DEAD on 11:56 pm
The Cursed
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Current Mood

Onion Tales
Onion Tales
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