31 December 2006 Last Post
So its last day of 2006, 31 December that is. I just wanna try typing out all the events that brought great memories to me, and to the people involved in, probably giving my thanks to some people surrounding in my life. (ok, to be honest, I came across a few people’s blog who listed their thanks and memories there, so I’m just getting the ideas from them. Credits to them.) Essay time, be prepared.
1st person – lim hui jie
Someone who represents Gold, someone who is unaffected by trivial matters, and a person who seldom gets hot tempered. This year flew fast partly becos of him I guess, all the funs and laughter that we shared, though it was in the later months. Someone who never fails to leave others behind when they needed help, he is indeed someone with a heart of gold. He tries his best to help, usually never refuse offers from anybody. He is someone who is with me whenever I’m downright depressed, and one of the few who can understand me and withstand my character. Played games together, go out together, homework copy copy copy from him ROFL, and so much more. Although he misbehaves outside, which gets extremely disturbing to me everytime, I’m still proud and grateful to him for being my friend for long. A classmate since P5 though we aint close at all, but yea, its all the past, we head to present and future. Together with the so call brothers (zul addinu jingxiang linhan alex), class was fun, and cool. I'm just thinking time would turn back and we could have enjoyed everything again..
2nd person – alicia low su ru
My so call angel, tian shi (heaven’s shit. ROFL), symbolizing an opal (displaying many colours, describing her moods). Knew her since last year, through games, how wonderful, lol. And had outings, only twice though, and I tot she was someone god damn quiet, oh shit I was so wrong please, I take back my words, becos its totally the opposite. But we were not close at that time, it all began in 2006 again. (see, that explains how suck my life in 2005 was) Of coz, 1 thing I remembered was when she suddenly came and tried to ‘disturb’ me in MSN as she would say, but truth was, she was acting crazy yes, but listened tentatively to what I’ve said and all, and from a casual fren initially, she became one of my listener, and we crapped in the further days, studying and revising online (very amazing isn’t it?) and talking about our problems here and there still. As long as we are free, crapping would be the thing we do, and occasionally she would be at the peak of PMS, which is very unpredictable since it comes anytime. Shes a crybaby, just like she told me something like “I want to cry, but dunno cry for what. I just feel like crying” she sometimes do things without a reason, just do it for fun probably. A sickening role model of Gemini, since almost all descriptions matched her well. Overall, she is someone I cant miss out in life, coz she is another person who never fails to help me out whenever I need help in studies or anything, especially towards the end of year. Even after exam, she online = crap, not much of a boredom until we really have nothing to talk about. But hey, I swear, praising this girl too much does no good, becos she would be all shameless and say I praise her up to the skies and she feels very proud about it =\ lol. so end here.
3rd person – beatrice tay yun xiu
Right, shes next, a rather unique person I would say, another person like an opal, with similar moods with the person on top. A classmate for 2 years, in which I would classify it only a few months in the later months of secondary 4, becos she is someone who is way too quiet and only sticks with the minority, not very sociable at all during that time. So estimated that, during sec 3, I spoke to her less than 10 sentences, and probably she is the girl I spoke least to in class. That was all 2005, which suck big time, so heck.
Only in the later months of sec 4 (2006 again) then it all began, little talks, and then craps, and I remembered she was the one who introduced jianxiong to me, another fine fren of mine that is. Cant really remembered how she became a good friend of mine, but then I guess it just happened. Shes always wanna does things perfect I suppose, that explains her trying to be perfectionist. Someone who can make very good arguments, and everytime we argue, I would be the one losing the ends, and the most unbiased person (so far I’ve seen that is), my conclusion is that, she loves making things fair, towards friends and all, which explains why youre a Libran heh. an extremely straightforward person in which this world is lacking of. (I'm just saying there are so many backstabbers on Earth) Shes another one who I would ask help for homework, during mid year or prelims..somewhere around that period. Not to mention shes loves to cry, due to trivial matters, or cry to work even harder for upcoming exams, so crying can be very encouraging, so people there, cry more next time. (doesnt apply to alicia who CRIES FOR NOTHING) We did online revisions as well just like alicia did. She is not really someone who would always help others, it all depends on her mood, but come to think of it, theres still many favours I owed her, so yeah, very nice of her afterall. what more can I say? Too much praising would not do this girl good lols, right, I’m joking. But hey, thanks afterall? hahaha
4th person – yap min cher benny (known as ymcb, the very vulgar word)
This guy is all funky and crazy, like an Olympic flame that never dies off. He is the centre of attention of 4E1 I would say, a very witty and talented person, and never fails to make the class laugh, with his gang like dayana and gang, they made hell of a laughter for the class. He is someone who knows me inside out, ok not exactly, but someone who practically knows a lot about me. I knew him since sec 1, and both of us just cant forget one thing, the computer lab secret when he was sitting beside me. Come to think of it, its so bloody embarrassing ~.~ and its like only yesterday since I did that thing and showed him. Its something not meant to be disclose, maybe nobody knows, unless he spilled the beans, which I think no way would that happen, lol. Someone who spends the night getting online to chat with his friends or watching Korean dramas, branded the Korean drama freak, as well as my Night Time Buddy. Sensible person who would talk about life with me, argue about it, and talk about the future and more. And his piano rock totally, many loves it, and so does he himself I bet. Music is part of his life, and he cant live without it, so yeah. Diligent person, and an approachable dude. No regrets having a friend like him, only joy.
5th person – anthony leonardi
Part of my growing up lesson friend, a priceless book that brought me to the path of maturity. Since sec 1, we would hav argued and played together, all those childish bullshits. I can argue with him for the slightest thing, cool huh? 4 years of classmates all the way, all those shitloads of craps, all about games in 3 years of life, only sec 4 have we got discussion about homework. But afterall we are lazy, so everytime going his house and doing homework is just plainly an excuse. Going his house only has the word ‘play’ and nothing else. Even a studious person like huijie also cannot resist the tempt, and all of us juz lazed around whenever we go his house. He is a loud person, someone who never fails to keep quiet, so talking is somehow his hobby perhaps. But anyway, all those childish load of bullshit I had with him since sec 1, made me realized many things, to tolerate, to be contented with life, and so many more values. But I have never told him that at all, about all these, but yeah, part of my maturity is thanks to him due to the arguments and the times we played together like doomsday is just the next day.
6th person – teng shi rui
Shes like a second mother to me, just that she teaches and helps me on my schoolwork. She is my tutor for sciences and amaths. And in her house, each time I laze, I would get a scolding..now you know why I say shes like a mother now? She has moods like weathers, unpredictable at times, so dun try to provoke her in any way, you might even be spanked becos of that. Cant remember much things about us, except her teaching me schoolwork. She is someone who tries her best, to simplify things just to let you understand. Hot tempered as she might be, occasionally she can be very patient when it comes to teaching. She thinks too much sometimes, about trivial things and being pessimistic about it. I think I would not hav improved my results if she didn’t teach me, she did about 50% of the teachings, the other 50% comes from the people up there.
7th person – alvin yong wai hong
Another friend of mine since primary school. He symbolizes a chameleon. He was a total nerd, someone who is very obedient and never misbehaves. Only sec 3 then I saw a great change in him, the devil in him. The reason why I would say he is a switch is simply because he changed a lot, for the worse though, but nonetheless still my good friend. We picked little fights in pri school, and then in secondary school, not much talking, but then we understand each other well, since we have similar desires and aims, and we are both lazy, etc. He can adapt to changes well, can manage things well except one thing in which he cannot handle at all, also the thing which made a 180 degree change in his life. Apparently he is another person who knows me inside out, without me telling him much, he knows what I’m implying when I just say a few things. Very helpful too..he tries his best not to reject helps from people despite his silent manner. He is damn stubborn though, and a lil autistic, and spoilt (this I must admit..afterall.). He goes to school as and when he likes, with MC produced each time. He looked as though he has lacked out a lot of schoolwork, but I guess he bucked up after prelims, and hopefully I’m not wrong about it. That’s about all I have to say about this guy, so yea..
I guess that’s all the people I have to say, but I still have many people to thank to.
The students of 4E1, jianxiong, benghui, yaoliang, sheila, tongfen, Mr Gabriel Goh, the robotics teachers, subject teachers (except that teacher, I bet everyone knows who I’m referring to) and perhaps some other people out there. I cant thank them face to face, but still, from the bottom of my heart, I’m giving my most sincere thanks to them all, creating a wonderful year 2006 to me.
Farewell 2006, I will have a countdown for you, be it at home or anywhere, alone or with friends =) and this year is the best year I've had all my life.
1st person – lim hui jie
Someone who represents Gold, someone who is unaffected by trivial matters, and a person who seldom gets hot tempered. This year flew fast partly becos of him I guess, all the funs and laughter that we shared, though it was in the later months. Someone who never fails to leave others behind when they needed help, he is indeed someone with a heart of gold. He tries his best to help, usually never refuse offers from anybody. He is someone who is with me whenever I’m downright depressed, and one of the few who can understand me and withstand my character. Played games together, go out together, homework copy copy copy from him ROFL, and so much more. Although he misbehaves outside, which gets extremely disturbing to me everytime, I’m still proud and grateful to him for being my friend for long. A classmate since P5 though we aint close at all, but yea, its all the past, we head to present and future. Together with the so call brothers (zul addinu jingxiang linhan alex), class was fun, and cool. I'm just thinking time would turn back and we could have enjoyed everything again..
2nd person – alicia low su ru
My so call angel, tian shi (heaven’s shit. ROFL), symbolizing an opal (displaying many colours, describing her moods). Knew her since last year, through games, how wonderful, lol. And had outings, only twice though, and I tot she was someone god damn quiet, oh shit I was so wrong please, I take back my words, becos its totally the opposite. But we were not close at that time, it all began in 2006 again. (see, that explains how suck my life in 2005 was) Of coz, 1 thing I remembered was when she suddenly came and tried to ‘disturb’ me in MSN as she would say, but truth was, she was acting crazy yes, but listened tentatively to what I’ve said and all, and from a casual fren initially, she became one of my listener, and we crapped in the further days, studying and revising online (very amazing isn’t it?) and talking about our problems here and there still. As long as we are free, crapping would be the thing we do, and occasionally she would be at the peak of PMS, which is very unpredictable since it comes anytime. Shes a crybaby, just like she told me something like “I want to cry, but dunno cry for what. I just feel like crying” she sometimes do things without a reason, just do it for fun probably. A sickening role model of Gemini, since almost all descriptions matched her well. Overall, she is someone I cant miss out in life, coz she is another person who never fails to help me out whenever I need help in studies or anything, especially towards the end of year. Even after exam, she online = crap, not much of a boredom until we really have nothing to talk about. But hey, I swear, praising this girl too much does no good, becos she would be all shameless and say I praise her up to the skies and she feels very proud about it =\ lol. so end here.
3rd person – beatrice tay yun xiu
Right, shes next, a rather unique person I would say, another person like an opal, with similar moods with the person on top. A classmate for 2 years, in which I would classify it only a few months in the later months of secondary 4, becos she is someone who is way too quiet and only sticks with the minority, not very sociable at all during that time. So estimated that, during sec 3, I spoke to her less than 10 sentences, and probably she is the girl I spoke least to in class. That was all 2005, which suck big time, so heck.
Only in the later months of sec 4 (2006 again) then it all began, little talks, and then craps, and I remembered she was the one who introduced jianxiong to me, another fine fren of mine that is. Cant really remembered how she became a good friend of mine, but then I guess it just happened. Shes always wanna does things perfect I suppose, that explains her trying to be perfectionist. Someone who can make very good arguments, and everytime we argue, I would be the one losing the ends, and the most unbiased person (so far I’ve seen that is), my conclusion is that, she loves making things fair, towards friends and all, which explains why youre a Libran heh. an extremely straightforward person in which this world is lacking of. (I'm just saying there are so many backstabbers on Earth) Shes another one who I would ask help for homework, during mid year or prelims..somewhere around that period. Not to mention shes loves to cry, due to trivial matters, or cry to work even harder for upcoming exams, so crying can be very encouraging, so people there, cry more next time. (doesnt apply to alicia who CRIES FOR NOTHING) We did online revisions as well just like alicia did. She is not really someone who would always help others, it all depends on her mood, but come to think of it, theres still many favours I owed her, so yeah, very nice of her afterall. what more can I say? Too much praising would not do this girl good lols, right, I’m joking. But hey, thanks afterall? hahaha
4th person – yap min cher benny (known as ymcb, the very vulgar word)
This guy is all funky and crazy, like an Olympic flame that never dies off. He is the centre of attention of 4E1 I would say, a very witty and talented person, and never fails to make the class laugh, with his gang like dayana and gang, they made hell of a laughter for the class. He is someone who knows me inside out, ok not exactly, but someone who practically knows a lot about me. I knew him since sec 1, and both of us just cant forget one thing, the computer lab secret when he was sitting beside me. Come to think of it, its so bloody embarrassing ~.~ and its like only yesterday since I did that thing and showed him. Its something not meant to be disclose, maybe nobody knows, unless he spilled the beans, which I think no way would that happen, lol. Someone who spends the night getting online to chat with his friends or watching Korean dramas, branded the Korean drama freak, as well as my Night Time Buddy. Sensible person who would talk about life with me, argue about it, and talk about the future and more. And his piano rock totally, many loves it, and so does he himself I bet. Music is part of his life, and he cant live without it, so yeah. Diligent person, and an approachable dude. No regrets having a friend like him, only joy.
5th person – anthony leonardi
Part of my growing up lesson friend, a priceless book that brought me to the path of maturity. Since sec 1, we would hav argued and played together, all those childish bullshits. I can argue with him for the slightest thing, cool huh? 4 years of classmates all the way, all those shitloads of craps, all about games in 3 years of life, only sec 4 have we got discussion about homework. But afterall we are lazy, so everytime going his house and doing homework is just plainly an excuse. Going his house only has the word ‘play’ and nothing else. Even a studious person like huijie also cannot resist the tempt, and all of us juz lazed around whenever we go his house. He is a loud person, someone who never fails to keep quiet, so talking is somehow his hobby perhaps. But anyway, all those childish load of bullshit I had with him since sec 1, made me realized many things, to tolerate, to be contented with life, and so many more values. But I have never told him that at all, about all these, but yeah, part of my maturity is thanks to him due to the arguments and the times we played together like doomsday is just the next day.
6th person – teng shi rui
Shes like a second mother to me, just that she teaches and helps me on my schoolwork. She is my tutor for sciences and amaths. And in her house, each time I laze, I would get a scolding..now you know why I say shes like a mother now? She has moods like weathers, unpredictable at times, so dun try to provoke her in any way, you might even be spanked becos of that. Cant remember much things about us, except her teaching me schoolwork. She is someone who tries her best, to simplify things just to let you understand. Hot tempered as she might be, occasionally she can be very patient when it comes to teaching. She thinks too much sometimes, about trivial things and being pessimistic about it. I think I would not hav improved my results if she didn’t teach me, she did about 50% of the teachings, the other 50% comes from the people up there.
7th person – alvin yong wai hong
Another friend of mine since primary school. He symbolizes a chameleon. He was a total nerd, someone who is very obedient and never misbehaves. Only sec 3 then I saw a great change in him, the devil in him. The reason why I would say he is a switch is simply because he changed a lot, for the worse though, but nonetheless still my good friend. We picked little fights in pri school, and then in secondary school, not much talking, but then we understand each other well, since we have similar desires and aims, and we are both lazy, etc. He can adapt to changes well, can manage things well except one thing in which he cannot handle at all, also the thing which made a 180 degree change in his life. Apparently he is another person who knows me inside out, without me telling him much, he knows what I’m implying when I just say a few things. Very helpful too..he tries his best not to reject helps from people despite his silent manner. He is damn stubborn though, and a lil autistic, and spoilt (this I must admit..afterall.). He goes to school as and when he likes, with MC produced each time. He looked as though he has lacked out a lot of schoolwork, but I guess he bucked up after prelims, and hopefully I’m not wrong about it. That’s about all I have to say about this guy, so yea..
I guess that’s all the people I have to say, but I still have many people to thank to.
The students of 4E1, jianxiong, benghui, yaoliang, sheila, tongfen, Mr Gabriel Goh, the robotics teachers, subject teachers (except that teacher, I bet everyone knows who I’m referring to) and perhaps some other people out there. I cant thank them face to face, but still, from the bottom of my heart, I’m giving my most sincere thanks to them all, creating a wonderful year 2006 to me.
Farewell 2006, I will have a countdown for you, be it at home or anywhere, alone or with friends =) and this year is the best year I've had all my life.
Labels: thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 5:09 pm
31 December 2006 Horoscope Pisces
heres another post about horoscope in which I got from alicia, which is much more detailed with much aspects and more. here goes..words in bold are very similar to my characteristics. there are some unnecessary parts in which I skipped it, but the link is here, so fret not.
The twelfth sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
* compassion, sympathy, love, altruism
* dreams, the psychic, clairvoyance, sixth sense
* illusions, magic, film, fantasy, make-believe
* art, drama, music, poetry, prose, dance
* unusual talent, memory, wisdom, versatility
* sensitivity, intuition, humor, satire
* secrets, fulfillment of life, eternity
Elemental Quality
Pisces is the mutable water sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a warm, turquoise lagoon, twinkling in the sunshine, or to a strong ocean current rising from the depths to break over a rocky shore, smoothing the pebbles for all time.
Mutable means changeable, and water can change its form in many ways: rain, hail, snow, mist, frost, clouds, rainbows, warm pools, and puddles; thus, Piscean feelings can change a dozen times a day. (which just simply means I have mood swings)
Spiritual Goal
To learn the meaning of peace through service to others.
The Piscean Personality
These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Pisces. An unhappy or frustrated Pisces may display some of the not-so-attractive traits.
* Loving and caring
* Trusting, hospitable, and will help all in distress
* Shy (towards people I met for the first time?)
* Helpful
* Romantic
* Creative
* Mystical
* Gentle and kind (judge me on this. lol)
* Compassionate
* Understanding of others (maybe only?)
* Self-pitying
* Gullible and will give all in a lost cause
* Temperamental
* Dependent
* Escapist
* Sensationalist
* Depressive
* Can lose touch with reality
* Too emotionally involved with the problems of others (sometimes)
* Tends to blame self for everything (towards people I'm close with)
Pisces must find peace through beauty, music, and harmony. The Pisces needs work which will enable him or her to achieve this. More than any other sign, Pisces has many talents which may be used to develop their character. Many work hard to improve the lot of humanity. Others bring their talents to film and entertainment, enlivening the lives of thousands.
Physical Appearance
* Body: usually short and thinkset
* Back: may stoop as the person walks
* Eyes: a sleepy appearance with large eyebrows
* Head: oddly shaped (am I? and it sounds like an alien like what alicia says LOL)
* Limbs: generally short
(overall, simply put it short -.-)
The typical Pisces man:
* may be tall but is not physically distinctive
* has a somewhat clumsy appearance
* has rather heavy jowls (and whats that?)
* has broad or thick shoulders
Behavior and Personality Traits
* has few prejudices
* is not ambitious for status, fame, or fortune, although he can make good use of opportunities if they come his way
* is very romantic
* cannot easily be fooled (very fake, I always get fooled, even for the smallest things)
* has few material needs, but needs his dreams
* talks slowly and is knowledgeable on many subjects
* is rarely jealous, but gets hurt all the same
* is emotionally involved in whatever he does, although he may never show it (so true.)
Typical Behavior and Abilities
A typical Pisces at work:
* is rarely in an executive position, nor does he or she enjoy being tied to working in a team that has a strict routine
* enjoys work that offers freedom of expression, which usually means working alone or in a self-directed position
* if working in a team, Pisces prefers an occupation that allows for frequent changes and adaptations
Pisces as Employee
A typical Pisces employee (male or female):
* needs work where there is plenty of outlet for either human understanding or creative imagination
* will be depressed, lazy, and useless if neither of these needs are satisfied
* will be very affected by surroundings
* when happy is a loyal worker
* will get the job done, although nobody seems to understand how he or she operates
Working Environment
The workplace of a typical Pisces man or woman:
* must feel comfortable
* will have a pleasent atmosphere
* should be a large and flexible space (hopefully)
* may be brightly colored
Pisces and Love
To Pisces, there is no difference between love, affection, and romance. A Pisces needs all three. A Pisces who feels unloved is an unhappy person to whom life seems very gray. Love revitalizes Pisces.
Behavior When In Love
The typical Pisces:
* is romantic
* eager to please
* adapts to the demands of the relationship
* appears to be helpless, delicate, and vulnerable, but being loved enables Pisces to cope very well with a range of difficulties, problems, and tragedies
* is emotionally involved, to the point of not recognizing when he or she is being deceived or treated badly
The typical Pisces expects:
* to have his or her dreams valued and to be protected from harsh criticism
* to be cared for romantically
* to have children (Pisces love children)
* to be frequently reassured that they are loved
* all birthdays and anniversaries to be remembered (hint hint, get a present on 24th feb LOL)
The End of An Affair-
Some Pisces tend to drift into another relationship almost without noticing, yet are surprised when they are accused of unfaithfulness. The self-doubt which haunts many Pisces can only be dispelled by repeated reassurance that they are lovable.
Consequently, Pisces may sometimes just leave a relationship for no clear reason and with no regrets. It is not that the Pisces does not love the abandoned partner anymore. On the contrary, Pisces will often show much sympathetic understanding and will try to retain a friendly relationship with the one he or she has left.
The worst possible event for a Pisces is to be rejected by the one who loved them. (like I said last time, confession is pure stupidity, not bravery) A partner who wants to end a relationship with a typical Pisces will find this a very difficult thing to do. Pisces will cling, convinced that if they reform in some way, everything will be all right again. The ex-partner of a Pisces may have to go to extremes to extricate himself or herself from the emotional mess that a hurt Pisces can produce.
Pisces and Friends-
In general, Pisces likes a friend who is useful and reassuring. In return, they will give unprejudiced understanding and loyalty to their friends.
Positive Factors-
Pisces are emotionally attached to their friends and will rarely take notice if the friend is taking advantage of this involvement.
Pisces are friendly, humorous, and caring friends, even if there are long periods of time between meetings.
Pisces will always think up something interesting to do and will enjoy any kind of artistic ventures.
Negative Factors-
Pisces can be a confusing person, so arrangements may be difficult to make.
Pisces can sometimes seem to be cool and offhand. This is usually temporary and due to a moment of insecurity.
Pisces needs a hero or heroine to identify with. If a friend happens to be the chosen one, this can be pleasant enough but may become a nuisance when Pisces gives the friend talents he or she hasn't got and expects them to be demonstrated!
Pisces does not find it easy to conform; friends with conservative attitudes may find this a difficulty.
Piscean Likes and Dislikes
* seafood, champagne, and organic foods
* romantic places, sunsets over the sea, mountain vistas, waterfalls, ponds and waterlilies
* background music, poetry
* people who need their understanding
* mystical settings, candles, incense (sounds like I enjoy seeing dead people)
* being loved
* freedom to drift along from time to time
* privacy
* colorful food (that looks simply edible)
* personalized gifts
* presents wrapped in magical paper
* new books
* diamonds
* bright, noisy, crowded places
* dirty, ugly objects
* being told to get a grip on things
* stiff clothing
* authorities
* people knowing too much about him or her
and yeah, thats about it, the rest are kinda unneccessary.
The twelfth sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
* compassion, sympathy, love, altruism
* dreams, the psychic, clairvoyance, sixth sense
* illusions, magic, film, fantasy, make-believe
* art, drama, music, poetry, prose, dance
* unusual talent, memory, wisdom, versatility
* sensitivity, intuition, humor, satire
* secrets, fulfillment of life, eternity
Elemental Quality
Pisces is the mutable water sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a warm, turquoise lagoon, twinkling in the sunshine, or to a strong ocean current rising from the depths to break over a rocky shore, smoothing the pebbles for all time.
Mutable means changeable, and water can change its form in many ways: rain, hail, snow, mist, frost, clouds, rainbows, warm pools, and puddles; thus, Piscean feelings can change a dozen times a day. (which just simply means I have mood swings)
Spiritual Goal
To learn the meaning of peace through service to others.
The Piscean Personality
These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Pisces. An unhappy or frustrated Pisces may display some of the not-so-attractive traits.
* Loving and caring
* Trusting, hospitable, and will help all in distress
* Shy (towards people I met for the first time?)
* Helpful
* Romantic
* Creative
* Mystical
* Gentle and kind (judge me on this. lol)
* Compassionate
* Understanding of others (maybe only?)
* Self-pitying
* Gullible and will give all in a lost cause
* Temperamental
* Dependent
* Escapist
* Sensationalist
* Depressive
* Can lose touch with reality
* Too emotionally involved with the problems of others (sometimes)
* Tends to blame self for everything (towards people I'm close with)
Pisces must find peace through beauty, music, and harmony. The Pisces needs work which will enable him or her to achieve this. More than any other sign, Pisces has many talents which may be used to develop their character. Many work hard to improve the lot of humanity. Others bring their talents to film and entertainment, enlivening the lives of thousands.
Physical Appearance
* Body: usually short and thinkset
* Back: may stoop as the person walks
* Eyes: a sleepy appearance with large eyebrows
* Head: oddly shaped (am I? and it sounds like an alien like what alicia says LOL)
* Limbs: generally short
(overall, simply put it short -.-)
The typical Pisces man:
* may be tall but is not physically distinctive
* has a somewhat clumsy appearance
* has rather heavy jowls (and whats that?)
* has broad or thick shoulders
Behavior and Personality Traits
* has few prejudices
* is not ambitious for status, fame, or fortune, although he can make good use of opportunities if they come his way
* is very romantic
* cannot easily be fooled (very fake, I always get fooled, even for the smallest things)
* has few material needs, but needs his dreams
* talks slowly and is knowledgeable on many subjects
* is rarely jealous, but gets hurt all the same
* is emotionally involved in whatever he does, although he may never show it (so true.)
Typical Behavior and Abilities
A typical Pisces at work:
* is rarely in an executive position, nor does he or she enjoy being tied to working in a team that has a strict routine
* enjoys work that offers freedom of expression, which usually means working alone or in a self-directed position
* if working in a team, Pisces prefers an occupation that allows for frequent changes and adaptations
Pisces as Employee
A typical Pisces employee (male or female):
* needs work where there is plenty of outlet for either human understanding or creative imagination
* will be depressed, lazy, and useless if neither of these needs are satisfied
* will be very affected by surroundings
* when happy is a loyal worker
* will get the job done, although nobody seems to understand how he or she operates
Working Environment
The workplace of a typical Pisces man or woman:
* must feel comfortable
* will have a pleasent atmosphere
* should be a large and flexible space (hopefully)
* may be brightly colored
Pisces and Love
To Pisces, there is no difference between love, affection, and romance. A Pisces needs all three. A Pisces who feels unloved is an unhappy person to whom life seems very gray. Love revitalizes Pisces.
Behavior When In Love
The typical Pisces:
* is romantic
* eager to please
* adapts to the demands of the relationship
* appears to be helpless, delicate, and vulnerable, but being loved enables Pisces to cope very well with a range of difficulties, problems, and tragedies
* is emotionally involved, to the point of not recognizing when he or she is being deceived or treated badly
The typical Pisces expects:
* to have his or her dreams valued and to be protected from harsh criticism
* to be cared for romantically
* to have children (Pisces love children)
* to be frequently reassured that they are loved
* all birthdays and anniversaries to be remembered (hint hint, get a present on 24th feb LOL)
The End of An Affair-
Some Pisces tend to drift into another relationship almost without noticing, yet are surprised when they are accused of unfaithfulness. The self-doubt which haunts many Pisces can only be dispelled by repeated reassurance that they are lovable.
Consequently, Pisces may sometimes just leave a relationship for no clear reason and with no regrets. It is not that the Pisces does not love the abandoned partner anymore. On the contrary, Pisces will often show much sympathetic understanding and will try to retain a friendly relationship with the one he or she has left.
The worst possible event for a Pisces is to be rejected by the one who loved them. (like I said last time, confession is pure stupidity, not bravery) A partner who wants to end a relationship with a typical Pisces will find this a very difficult thing to do. Pisces will cling, convinced that if they reform in some way, everything will be all right again. The ex-partner of a Pisces may have to go to extremes to extricate himself or herself from the emotional mess that a hurt Pisces can produce.
Pisces and Friends-
In general, Pisces likes a friend who is useful and reassuring. In return, they will give unprejudiced understanding and loyalty to their friends.
Positive Factors-
Pisces are emotionally attached to their friends and will rarely take notice if the friend is taking advantage of this involvement.
Pisces are friendly, humorous, and caring friends, even if there are long periods of time between meetings.
Pisces will always think up something interesting to do and will enjoy any kind of artistic ventures.
Negative Factors-
Pisces can be a confusing person, so arrangements may be difficult to make.
Pisces can sometimes seem to be cool and offhand. This is usually temporary and due to a moment of insecurity.
Pisces needs a hero or heroine to identify with. If a friend happens to be the chosen one, this can be pleasant enough but may become a nuisance when Pisces gives the friend talents he or she hasn't got and expects them to be demonstrated!
Pisces does not find it easy to conform; friends with conservative attitudes may find this a difficulty.
Piscean Likes and Dislikes
* seafood, champagne, and organic foods
* romantic places, sunsets over the sea, mountain vistas, waterfalls, ponds and waterlilies
* background music, poetry
* people who need their understanding
* mystical settings, candles, incense (sounds like I enjoy seeing dead people)
* being loved
* freedom to drift along from time to time
* privacy
* colorful food (that looks simply edible)
* personalized gifts
* presents wrapped in magical paper
* new books
* diamonds
* bright, noisy, crowded places
* dirty, ugly objects
* being told to get a grip on things
* stiff clothing
* authorities
* people knowing too much about him or her
and yeah, thats about it, the rest are kinda unneccessary.
Labels: questionnaires and quizzes
As Good As DEAD on 2:10 am
30 December 2006
back from ANOTHER chalet, 1 night only though. jus a quick update for this.
had a match against those national-to-be team members for tchouk at bedok, they aint really skillful. 9 quarters in total (dno 10 or 12 min each quarter) and i played only first three quarters coz of my left leg that went cramped (ah fuck it).
played from 4 to 7, and went to eat..then back to chalet after buying some some stuffs back. slept a few hours back there..and then left in the late morning. reached home in the afternoon.
at home rotting sure wasnt a good choice for a weekend, since that asshole is in the house, which totally ruined my mood ffs. and 31st Dec tml, am I so gonna rot at home this time or..? lol.
and alicia, I really feel like scolding you, that you are such a dumbass, for thinking the wrong things with the wrong happenings after thinking the actions you would take for certain matters. but anyways, do whatever you think its right, lim pei here (omg I actually said this?!) will support your decisions, even though it may be darn stupid. LOL
had a match against those national-to-be team members for tchouk at bedok, they aint really skillful. 9 quarters in total (dno 10 or 12 min each quarter) and i played only first three quarters coz of my left leg that went cramped (ah fuck it).
played from 4 to 7, and went to eat..then back to chalet after buying some some stuffs back. slept a few hours back there..and then left in the late morning. reached home in the afternoon.
at home rotting sure wasnt a good choice for a weekend, since that asshole is in the house, which totally ruined my mood ffs. and 31st Dec tml, am I so gonna rot at home this time or..? lol.
and alicia, I really feel like scolding you, that you are such a dumbass, for thinking the wrong things with the wrong happenings after thinking the actions you would take for certain matters. but anyways, do whatever you think its right, lim pei here (omg I actually said this?!) will support your decisions, even though it may be darn stupid. LOL
Labels: boredom, hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 11:30 pm
29 December 2006
this shall be a lousy and boring post. I just wanna post for the sake of posting (or rather kill some time)
I couldnt sleep at all, and was flipping my bed around in the wee hours until my mum woke up even, and put a jacket into my room. that was around 5am or so. I left my computer on, and so she asked if I shld just off it, and I refused, I was listening to radio.
she went off to work after that, and I continued flipping (from 2.30am flip till 6am, how cool), I guess its just probably becoz I'm nervous, this is just like when I was taking O lvl, flipping my bed here and there, and no matter what, I just couldnt get to sleep, or I would wake up suddenly..in addition, a cough there, how the hell can I sleep at all.
pissed off, I got up and washed up, and I realised my dad was supposed to be up and changing and then go to work, but he was still lazing around on his bed. I woke him up obviously, if not he would be late for work for sure (he offed his stupid alarm somemore). see, I'm such a good son afterall. LOL.
6.15 or so, I went jogging despite my cough (its not that serious anyway, but now, I feel like vomitting whenever I cough), ran and walk, and ran and walk, and practising the 3 steps running needed for the game. 1 and a half round woodlands circle, 2 and a half round around the school, and to 768 coffeeshop.
an old man with a wheelchair was at the traffic and trying to get up to the slope, and I went to help him (anyone who sees that would help, if not they are so totally heartless) and moved him there. my hand was holding $5 note at that time since I wanted to buy coffee ice in the coffeeshop..but while helping him I dropped it without notice. it was until when I helped the old man, and then walked in the coffeeshop I realised I dropped my money. feeling frantic, I rushed back to the track and searched for my $5, fortunately, it was still there
bought my coffee ice (ROCKS MAN!!) and then sat down awhile and drank..1 thing pissing me off was the cashier there..1 of the workers kept nagging and saying unpleasant words (like no brains, slow, might as well dun work) to 1 of the workers there. she just cant shut her mouth up, and I cant even drink my coffee in peace. my mind was screaming at me to scold that ass, but forget it, I dun want unnecessary troubles, so forget it..but I pity the one who got scolded. as if the one nagging so fucking pro like that. *spits*
bah, seriously, whats with my mind? I feel like I'm a busybody or something..I realised something is troubling me, and I'm extremely annoyed by it honestly, but its something I can do nothing about it. unless I misunderstood it, if not I guess it would only bring me despair. *sigh*
still feeling nervous, for this afternoon, but actually theres nothing to be nervous about, yet for some reason I'm just feeling uneasy. to be honest, I dunno if its the match that is making me feeling like this, or something else...which made me felt really uneasy when I realised it..or even both. Ahhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!! ok, I'm so really gonna go berserk soon.
I couldnt sleep at all, and was flipping my bed around in the wee hours until my mum woke up even, and put a jacket into my room. that was around 5am or so. I left my computer on, and so she asked if I shld just off it, and I refused, I was listening to radio.
she went off to work after that, and I continued flipping (from 2.30am flip till 6am, how cool), I guess its just probably becoz I'm nervous, this is just like when I was taking O lvl, flipping my bed here and there, and no matter what, I just couldnt get to sleep, or I would wake up suddenly..in addition, a cough there, how the hell can I sleep at all.
pissed off, I got up and washed up, and I realised my dad was supposed to be up and changing and then go to work, but he was still lazing around on his bed. I woke him up obviously, if not he would be late for work for sure (he offed his stupid alarm somemore). see, I'm such a good son afterall. LOL.
6.15 or so, I went jogging despite my cough (its not that serious anyway, but now, I feel like vomitting whenever I cough), ran and walk, and ran and walk, and practising the 3 steps running needed for the game. 1 and a half round woodlands circle, 2 and a half round around the school, and to 768 coffeeshop.
an old man with a wheelchair was at the traffic and trying to get up to the slope, and I went to help him (anyone who sees that would help, if not they are so totally heartless) and moved him there. my hand was holding $5 note at that time since I wanted to buy coffee ice in the coffeeshop..but while helping him I dropped it without notice. it was until when I helped the old man, and then walked in the coffeeshop I realised I dropped my money. feeling frantic, I rushed back to the track and searched for my $5, fortunately, it was still there
bought my coffee ice (ROCKS MAN!!) and then sat down awhile and drank..1 thing pissing me off was the cashier there..1 of the workers kept nagging and saying unpleasant words (like no brains, slow, might as well dun work) to 1 of the workers there. she just cant shut her mouth up, and I cant even drink my coffee in peace. my mind was screaming at me to scold that ass, but forget it, I dun want unnecessary troubles, so forget it..but I pity the one who got scolded. as if the one nagging so fucking pro like that. *spits*
bah, seriously, whats with my mind? I feel like I'm a busybody or something..I realised something is troubling me, and I'm extremely annoyed by it honestly, but its something I can do nothing about it. unless I misunderstood it, if not I guess it would only bring me despair. *sigh*
still feeling nervous, for this afternoon, but actually theres nothing to be nervous about, yet for some reason I'm just feeling uneasy. to be honest, I dunno if its the match that is making me feeling like this, or something else...which made me felt really uneasy when I realised it..or even both. Ahhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!! ok, I'm so really gonna go berserk soon.
As Good As DEAD on 7:55 am
28 December 2006
The internet connection has been screwing me upside down yesterday and today thanks to the Taiwan earthquake which affected the cables from dunno where. This is damn infuriating, I cant access to MSN in the morning (boredom was torturing me), and then accessing to IE was simply wtfbbq.
Charmaine there tried to send me firefox and see if it worked, but failed, it was worse so I deleted it away. (Thanks for trying to help once again)
Yesterday was hell for me, hopefully not today again like this. This bloody boredom is getting onto me, making me insane sooner or later. and I cant even go to bloggers. What the hell..whatever it is, this simply sucks totally.
right, enough of that.
went out this afternoon with jianxiong, nicole and her korean fren (whos name is Ra Moon Sun, like RAHHHHHHH LOL), together with mingyong and xinrong. headed to Vivo, with the plans to watch movie initially and shopping, and I was late since I was sleeping in the afternoon omg.
so, we took the train all the way to Harbourfront, and then walked to Vivo. its shocking for a person like me who seldom goes to shopping centre to Vivo. my impression was "how bloody big can this place be?" but I kept quiet like duh, I dun wanna sound like I'm some China boy that goes "WAH WAH WAH".
we strolled a lil, and nicole went to coffee bean and bought some drinks. the coffee smell was so aromatic man, and I was staring at the menus non stop, but the price was, expensive, forget it T_T. we then headed to cinema there, and the queue was long like nobody business, so we gave up the idea of watching movie, and then continued loitering around.
they got hungry, so Jianxiong suggested Carl's Jr, in which he said the burger was huge, so we went to try it out. yes, no doubt, the burgers were huge, but the price was ridiculous. I ordered a burger for $10, in which I think I got scammed totally. my wallet was burnt a big hole just becoz of that burger in which I finished around 5 minutes, and I said I would never ever step in that shop again.
after all the eating, and AGAIN strolling, 6 of us all went to play pool. One thing I knew was that the place was FREEZING us out, we were all shivering away, and I couldnt wait to get out of that place as soon as possible. I lost all the matches except one, the feeling was different since the cues were like damn smooth or something, I couldnt play well (ok I know, you people find its an excuse LOL)
got out of that bloody place, and we headed to Page One, a place no different from a library, I swear it. there were a variety of books and videos, and we took a long time to browse here and there. and as we browsed through, nicole was pointing almost each and every book and video indicating she watched or not, and whether the video / book was nice. amazing isnt it? she knows alot of such stuffs since in Malaysia she has so many many many videos, probably books too. and we were at a spot where cable cars and boats could be seen. mingyong pointed out to moon sun and said "look there!" and her reply was "the one floating or..." they all laughed, I wasnt paying much attention so I asked them, and yeah, hilarious indeed.
after browsing for that long time, some books were bought and we got outta that place. and I rushed to adidas shop with xinrong first, leaving the rest behind =x (I was getting frantic and excited at the shop since long ago, that eagerness drove me there)
the shop was DAMN DAMN DAMN BIG! and there was sure a variety of shirts to search for, my god, I wished I owned each and every single shirt man LOL!!
I was searching for 1 shirt if which beatrice said she spotted one of the three shirts I wanted. it was, similar, but not the one I wanted. (which simply means, all the 3 I wanted was all not there ='( bad luck)
but nonetheless there were quite a few which I never see before. I still find that the tennis shirts are the best looking, and there was one jacket that looked kinda cool, but it was grey and green, the color sucked, if it was black, I bet it would look way better (Adidas stuffs looks better in black and white don't you guys think?)
We finished, and we accompanied nicole and moon sun to Topshop. and we saw Beng hui there, with a girl (who look a lil pretty), must be his new found girl -_-. he never changes. lol. the girls were still at Topshop, and the 4 of us (the guys) went back to adidas, xinrong said he wanted to buy a shirt there, so we headed back.
I continued looking at the clothings there..I had the great tempt to buy some shirts, but it was damn costly. one of the shirts I looked cost $72.40, and 1 more $69. the jacket was $129. oh man, the prices are crazy, but my temptation was still there, and I even had the thought to use my POSB card to pay for the shirts, how insane. xinrong bought 1 plain adidas with stripes on the sides, which looked quite nice as well (all adidas clothings look nice la!! haha) $35.
we continued strolling..to harbourfront centre, it was quite deserted, and we came across a sports shop, went in again of coz. lol. and walked a circle, headed back to Vivo. it was kinda late, ard 9+, so we decided to head home. and we took a photo there. 6 people, the picture isnt with me yet, but again, I bet I look stupid yet again. I reached home at ard 11+pm and first thing was, I told my mum "adidas hor, Vivo there alot nice nice clothes" LOL, I'm not hinting her to buy for me again, but then it was just a casual remark, that I had the tempt to buy, and I'm never gonna ask her to pay for the clothes ever again.
and tmr there will be two Tchouk matches going on, against National and National Youth team, I never had the thought of winning or whatsoever, and I'm hoping tmr I dun play stupid..I'm still lousy at it though, so anything dumb might happen, who knows?
and the Chalet organised by the team, $12 per person (alright, I'm seriously broke, I've been drawing money from my savings) and staying for 1 night there. I just realised I kept staying out this holiday, and surprisingly my parents only nagged and allowed. (usually they would like ROAR at me, and refused, just becoz they think I'm still small last year)
PS - praying everything goes well tomorrow, I dun wanna disgrace myself or anyone there T_T!!
Charmaine there tried to send me firefox and see if it worked, but failed, it was worse so I deleted it away. (Thanks for trying to help once again)
Yesterday was hell for me, hopefully not today again like this. This bloody boredom is getting onto me, making me insane sooner or later. and I cant even go to bloggers. What the hell..whatever it is, this simply sucks totally.
right, enough of that.
went out this afternoon with jianxiong, nicole and her korean fren (whos name is Ra Moon Sun, like RAHHHHHHH LOL), together with mingyong and xinrong. headed to Vivo, with the plans to watch movie initially and shopping, and I was late since I was sleeping in the afternoon omg.
so, we took the train all the way to Harbourfront, and then walked to Vivo. its shocking for a person like me who seldom goes to shopping centre to Vivo. my impression was "how bloody big can this place be?" but I kept quiet like duh, I dun wanna sound like I'm some China boy that goes "WAH WAH WAH".
we strolled a lil, and nicole went to coffee bean and bought some drinks. the coffee smell was so aromatic man, and I was staring at the menus non stop, but the price was, expensive, forget it T_T. we then headed to cinema there, and the queue was long like nobody business, so we gave up the idea of watching movie, and then continued loitering around.
they got hungry, so Jianxiong suggested Carl's Jr, in which he said the burger was huge, so we went to try it out. yes, no doubt, the burgers were huge, but the price was ridiculous. I ordered a burger for $10, in which I think I got scammed totally. my wallet was burnt a big hole just becoz of that burger in which I finished around 5 minutes, and I said I would never ever step in that shop again.
after all the eating, and AGAIN strolling, 6 of us all went to play pool. One thing I knew was that the place was FREEZING us out, we were all shivering away, and I couldnt wait to get out of that place as soon as possible. I lost all the matches except one, the feeling was different since the cues were like damn smooth or something, I couldnt play well (ok I know, you people find its an excuse LOL)
got out of that bloody place, and we headed to Page One, a place no different from a library, I swear it. there were a variety of books and videos, and we took a long time to browse here and there. and as we browsed through, nicole was pointing almost each and every book and video indicating she watched or not, and whether the video / book was nice. amazing isnt it? she knows alot of such stuffs since in Malaysia she has so many many many videos, probably books too. and we were at a spot where cable cars and boats could be seen. mingyong pointed out to moon sun and said "look there!" and her reply was "the one floating or..." they all laughed, I wasnt paying much attention so I asked them, and yeah, hilarious indeed.
after browsing for that long time, some books were bought and we got outta that place. and I rushed to adidas shop with xinrong first, leaving the rest behind =x (I was getting frantic and excited at the shop since long ago, that eagerness drove me there)
the shop was DAMN DAMN DAMN BIG! and there was sure a variety of shirts to search for, my god, I wished I owned each and every single shirt man LOL!!
I was searching for 1 shirt if which beatrice said she spotted one of the three shirts I wanted. it was, similar, but not the one I wanted. (which simply means, all the 3 I wanted was all not there ='( bad luck)
but nonetheless there were quite a few which I never see before. I still find that the tennis shirts are the best looking, and there was one jacket that looked kinda cool, but it was grey and green, the color sucked, if it was black, I bet it would look way better (Adidas stuffs looks better in black and white don't you guys think?)
We finished, and we accompanied nicole and moon sun to Topshop. and we saw Beng hui there, with a girl (who look a lil pretty), must be his new found girl -_-. he never changes. lol. the girls were still at Topshop, and the 4 of us (the guys) went back to adidas, xinrong said he wanted to buy a shirt there, so we headed back.
I continued looking at the clothings there..I had the great tempt to buy some shirts, but it was damn costly. one of the shirts I looked cost $72.40, and 1 more $69. the jacket was $129. oh man, the prices are crazy, but my temptation was still there, and I even had the thought to use my POSB card to pay for the shirts, how insane. xinrong bought 1 plain adidas with stripes on the sides, which looked quite nice as well (all adidas clothings look nice la!! haha) $35.
we continued strolling..to harbourfront centre, it was quite deserted, and we came across a sports shop, went in again of coz. lol. and walked a circle, headed back to Vivo. it was kinda late, ard 9+, so we decided to head home. and we took a photo there. 6 people, the picture isnt with me yet, but again, I bet I look stupid yet again. I reached home at ard 11+pm and first thing was, I told my mum "adidas hor, Vivo there alot nice nice clothes" LOL, I'm not hinting her to buy for me again, but then it was just a casual remark, that I had the tempt to buy, and I'm never gonna ask her to pay for the clothes ever again.
and tmr there will be two Tchouk matches going on, against National and National Youth team, I never had the thought of winning or whatsoever, and I'm hoping tmr I dun play stupid..I'm still lousy at it though, so anything dumb might happen, who knows?
and the Chalet organised by the team, $12 per person (alright, I'm seriously broke, I've been drawing money from my savings) and staying for 1 night there. I just realised I kept staying out this holiday, and surprisingly my parents only nagged and allowed. (usually they would like ROAR at me, and refused, just becoz they think I'm still small last year)
PS - praying everything goes well tomorrow, I dun wanna disgrace myself or anyone there T_T!!
Labels: boredom, hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 11:46 pm
27 December 2006
it seems like many things happened without my notice, and yeah..complicated stuffs that are not meant to be told. one of my fren was hurt badly by some..kind of unhappiness within friends, and dissatisfactions over one another. ending this here, its not meant to be disclosed, but just a reminder for myself actually.
went out in the late afternoon to amk, to meet jian xiong and nicole. there were 2 more there, ming yong and one korean friend of nicole's.
went there to play pool only, nth much of an event, and yeah, i won all the matches. that was sheer luck, I can confirm it. and my mind was somewhere else so I just played anyhow, but then again, I realise not concentrating makes me play better. ok this is no logic reasoning. haha.
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
why so quiet eh?
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
quiet? you mean when we were out?
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
my friend sed u were scary looking.
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
becoz of my glares
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
i'm used to it
now, another person says I'm scary looking..as in first impression. becoz of my small eyes which only stares, and meeting someone new makes me extremely quiet. I'm always loss for words, its just like, you cant expect me to talk much..becoz I dno what to say at all.
in nature, I'm not really talkative anyway. I prefer listening to talking, so usually, I would be dead silent like a mute. like duh, being quiet is the root of not getting into trouble. as the saying goes, Silence is Golden =\
went out in the late afternoon to amk, to meet jian xiong and nicole. there were 2 more there, ming yong and one korean friend of nicole's.
went there to play pool only, nth much of an event, and yeah, i won all the matches. that was sheer luck, I can confirm it. and my mind was somewhere else so I just played anyhow, but then again, I realise not concentrating makes me play better. ok this is no logic reasoning. haha.
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
why so quiet eh?
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
quiet? you mean when we were out?
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
my friend sed u were scary looking.
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
becoz of my glares
n.i.c // nic159.blogspot.com says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ impossible is just a word created by man, impossible is nothing. - says:
i'm used to it
now, another person says I'm scary looking..as in first impression. becoz of my small eyes which only stares, and meeting someone new makes me extremely quiet. I'm always loss for words, its just like, you cant expect me to talk much..becoz I dno what to say at all.
in nature, I'm not really talkative anyway. I prefer listening to talking, so usually, I would be dead silent like a mute. like duh, being quiet is the root of not getting into trouble. as the saying goes, Silence is Golden =\
Labels: hanging out, thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 12:42 am
25 December 2006 continued
back here to continue my blog, so this is how I celebrated my Christmas eve and day.
went to shi rui's house, with a large group of people..let me recap.
me, kky, zhen hong, yaoliang, benghui, shi rui, sheila, di yin(thats rui's sis FYI), zao zhen, tong fen, wei meng, yuyang, janella, valerie (hope I didnt miss anyone out)
yea, had steamboat here and there, for kinda long, made hella loads of noise, and blahblah. at a later time cherilyn, beng hui's sis and 1 more dno who arrived with a huge cake, then eat lor, what to expect.
was smsing at that time, and then watching them play mahjong etc, waited till 12am sharp when we all roared for Christmas.
continued playing and all those. the girls slept early, the guys still playing laptop etc..nothing exciting after that. so its all those boring stuffs, till morning.
great, I slept from 8 till 10, and my neck couldnt turn to the right, and I got up to adjust my neck. and I was about to resume my sleep, and Janella's legs were like stretching out to the sofa, and I cant get back to sleep becoz of that, and then snatching blankets here and there, bloody cold there.
and the gambling started in the afternoon, as mentioned in the earlier post, so I'm not gonna elaborate further.
Overall - this Christmas is average, not very fun in case you wanna know, but every year's like that, so it doesnt make a difference.
went to shi rui's house, with a large group of people..let me recap.
me, kky, zhen hong, yaoliang, benghui, shi rui, sheila, di yin(thats rui's sis FYI), zao zhen, tong fen, wei meng, yuyang, janella, valerie (hope I didnt miss anyone out)
yea, had steamboat here and there, for kinda long, made hella loads of noise, and blahblah. at a later time cherilyn, beng hui's sis and 1 more dno who arrived with a huge cake, then eat lor, what to expect.
was smsing at that time, and then watching them play mahjong etc, waited till 12am sharp when we all roared for Christmas.
continued playing and all those. the girls slept early, the guys still playing laptop etc..nothing exciting after that. so its all those boring stuffs, till morning.
great, I slept from 8 till 10, and my neck couldnt turn to the right, and I got up to adjust my neck. and I was about to resume my sleep, and Janella's legs were like stretching out to the sofa, and I cant get back to sleep becoz of that, and then snatching blankets here and there, bloody cold there.
and the gambling started in the afternoon, as mentioned in the earlier post, so I'm not gonna elaborate further.
Overall - this Christmas is average, not very fun in case you wanna know, but every year's like that, so it doesnt make a difference.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 10:58 pm
25 December 2006 Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone here, who visited here once again. a short update or 2, about christmas eve. overall its ok, I wouldnt want to classify it fun because I dun get to celebrate with the people I really wished to, so, a pity for me.
and erm, yea, this year's Christmas, is an unlucky Christmas, coz we gambled, I lost all my money LOL! lost roughly $20+ only, plus presents all those, yea, spent $30+ on Christmas. quite worthwhile afterall, but then again, not up to my satisfaction.
perhaps I would update more at night..I'm not really in the mood to do anything right now perhaps, except for this short lil update.
P.S - a disappointment, Dinner for tonight is Cancelled, such a pity, such a lonely Christmas..yet again..
and erm, yea, this year's Christmas, is an unlucky Christmas, coz we gambled, I lost all my money LOL! lost roughly $20+ only, plus presents all those, yea, spent $30+ on Christmas. quite worthwhile afterall, but then again, not up to my satisfaction.
perhaps I would update more at night..I'm not really in the mood to do anything right now perhaps, except for this short lil update.
P.S - a disappointment, Dinner for tonight is Cancelled, such a pity, such a lonely Christmas..yet again..
Labels: boredom
As Good As DEAD on 6:14 pm
23 December 2006
just a very short update, a sentence or two.
I hope this year's Christmas is not another miserable one like last year's, or boring like any other year..
I hope this year's Christmas is not another miserable one like last year's, or boring like any other year..
Labels: wishes
As Good As DEAD on 11:22 pm
21 December 2006
I happened to came across someone's blog, and wow, it sure shocked me quite abit, when I was away, so many irritating stuffs happened to her.
PMS at its peak, that was the only thing she told me when I was out at that time, and she asked me to return some library books on her behalf since I borrowed it, and intended to return to her initially.
humans are so weird with mood swings (including me), they can change within a minute or so, chatting happily blahblah yada whatsoever, then after that they would curse and swear this and that, becoz of some stuffs here and there.
but well, what can we people do? listen to their rants lor, I doubt we can help, since usually ask what happen, they wun tell. damn stupid man, they are so angry, curse and swear, say they bad mood, then after that I asked what the Fuck happened and they refused to say.
and oh, this is just a post about some friends of mine, but apparently, come to think of it, a warning to you readers, when people are at the peak of PMS, or for some, feel sick, just leave them alone, they are timebombs that would explode anytime.
PMS at its peak, that was the only thing she told me when I was out at that time, and she asked me to return some library books on her behalf since I borrowed it, and intended to return to her initially.
humans are so weird with mood swings (including me), they can change within a minute or so, chatting happily blahblah yada whatsoever, then after that they would curse and swear this and that, becoz of some stuffs here and there.
but well, what can we people do? listen to their rants lor, I doubt we can help, since usually ask what happen, they wun tell. damn stupid man, they are so angry, curse and swear, say they bad mood, then after that I asked what the Fuck happened and they refused to say.
and oh, this is just a post about some friends of mine, but apparently, come to think of it, a warning to you readers, when people are at the peak of PMS, or for some, feel sick, just leave them alone, they are timebombs that would explode anytime.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 11:07 pm
21 December Evergreen + Admiralty Chalet
dragged to the chalet afterall, but overall it was fine, a short summary of the days I've been there.
practically being kinda autistic, didnt really wanna talk, stayed in my room and read alicia's book. It was kinda a nice book, but I stopped till chp 6, simply becoz the content from chp 1 to 6 was simplified juz by 2 or 3 sentence by alicia, so forget it, its too descriptive.
talked a little to some guys there, but then again, not much of an interaction since at that time it came to my realisation that the girls were in a grp and the boys were in a grp, and they cant communicate.
and shuyi said she was sick, gastric or smth if I rmbed correctly, poor her, cant eat anything..but well, she was fine the next day I think.
spent the night loitering around. hj and addinu were sound asleep, and the room was FREEZING, so I walked around the yacht, and there sit in a corner here and there, switching places here and there too, and went back to my room at 5am. sleep.
which is 2 and a half hours later, addinu's bloody alarm rang and woke me up, and then I realised I cant get back to sleep no matter what. for awhile, the room was quiet, until then..the snoring came, and it went louder and louder! RAHHHHH I couldnt stand it. wth -_-!!
and anthea woke up at 8+ or 9, went down to eat breakfast with her, then went back to my room again to wait for the 2 sleepyheads to get up.
and the people there were eating lunch soon after, I wasn't hungry at all, so I kinda skipped it since I ate quite alot for breakfast. everyone except shuyi went to the beach to play then, due to my feet that was burnt last night during bbq, I couldnt run, so I skipped whatever activities they were playing. everyone were enjoying, but well, I was bored (all the time since I came) still, but whatever, I was hoping time would fly fast, but that period was kinda slow, and they were playing under the rain. cool, but too cool (it simply means cold if you are still wondering).
went back to rest awhile and then started the bbq and blahblahblah yada yada yada. more interaction than the day before. and there came a black cat which I couldn't spot earlier on since it was evening, and quite dark, then one thing came across my mind being racism, EVEN TO CATS.
"Oh, bangala meow. and *************" censored, not to be too sensitive. and then again, sylvia became a professional animal trainer, she was like, taking a crabstick or sausage and ran around throwing the food "there here there there" all the while, and the bangala cat ran for the food of coz.
after all the bbq, went inside to watch TV, chatted a lil, and what came to my attention was when charmaine and marisa and sylvia were talking about, blacks, then niggas. apparently, during that period, they were far more wild than I could ever thought. partially burnt chicken wings were called nigga, even BLACK ANTS were called niggas, anything black would juz mean nigga at that time. my mind started to reply "gosh, look at our hair, we are part of niggas." conspicuously I didnt said anything, I wouldnt wanna offend them or whatsoever, listening to crap and laughing a lil would be enough.
midnight time, everyone except shuyi and her colleagues and charmaine went to see changi gays, they were scattered in loops, all tall, with the looks of women, physically (but they were like titans, imagine, they are like above 180cm) and all. one thing that cant be changed was, their bloody voice, SO MAN OMG!!
went to supper after that, and started raining, wee bin (I dunno if I spelt it correctly) wanted to drunk himself or what, due to his N level I suppose, but well, I thought he would surely be drunk since he drank with an empty stomach (which is way too unhealthy and gets drunk quite easily), but surprisingly, he was not totally drunk, since calvin and the rest were there with him, making sure he wouldnt fall.
went back, with the rain, drizzling, and then started raining quite heavily again. everyone was drenched except hj and addinu who went ahead first. then beatrice fell sick, ate one of the guy's panadol and slept. she sure looked damn dead at that time.
I stayed throughout the night again, and most of the evergreen people had left. so only a minority of us were left in the house, after all the cleaning up that is, and I fell asleep at the dining area there, for an hour or so..
woke up at 8+am or 9am+ ard there, then went to wash up and packing up all those shit. addinu hj and I left earlier becoz addinu had to work and hj and I needed to get to school. and then blahblahblah yadayada ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
reached home only now, and I started this crap str8 away. overall what I wanna say is, I had a bad impression on some of the guys initially, but then the 2nd day, we talked more, and then well, they were very sociable, and that thought was soon abolished.
I'm just so fucking tired la, I'm so gonna bathe and sleep right now.
practically being kinda autistic, didnt really wanna talk, stayed in my room and read alicia's book. It was kinda a nice book, but I stopped till chp 6, simply becoz the content from chp 1 to 6 was simplified juz by 2 or 3 sentence by alicia, so forget it, its too descriptive.
talked a little to some guys there, but then again, not much of an interaction since at that time it came to my realisation that the girls were in a grp and the boys were in a grp, and they cant communicate.
and shuyi said she was sick, gastric or smth if I rmbed correctly, poor her, cant eat anything..but well, she was fine the next day I think.
spent the night loitering around. hj and addinu were sound asleep, and the room was FREEZING, so I walked around the yacht, and there sit in a corner here and there, switching places here and there too, and went back to my room at 5am. sleep.
which is 2 and a half hours later, addinu's bloody alarm rang and woke me up, and then I realised I cant get back to sleep no matter what. for awhile, the room was quiet, until then..the snoring came, and it went louder and louder! RAHHHHH I couldnt stand it. wth -_-!!
and anthea woke up at 8+ or 9, went down to eat breakfast with her, then went back to my room again to wait for the 2 sleepyheads to get up.
and the people there were eating lunch soon after, I wasn't hungry at all, so I kinda skipped it since I ate quite alot for breakfast. everyone except shuyi went to the beach to play then, due to my feet that was burnt last night during bbq, I couldnt run, so I skipped whatever activities they were playing. everyone were enjoying, but well, I was bored (all the time since I came) still, but whatever, I was hoping time would fly fast, but that period was kinda slow, and they were playing under the rain. cool, but too cool (it simply means cold if you are still wondering).
went back to rest awhile and then started the bbq and blahblahblah yada yada yada. more interaction than the day before. and there came a black cat which I couldn't spot earlier on since it was evening, and quite dark, then one thing came across my mind being racism, EVEN TO CATS.
"Oh, bangala meow. and *************" censored, not to be too sensitive. and then again, sylvia became a professional animal trainer, she was like, taking a crabstick or sausage and ran around throwing the food "there here there there" all the while, and the bangala cat ran for the food of coz.
after all the bbq, went inside to watch TV, chatted a lil, and what came to my attention was when charmaine and marisa and sylvia were talking about, blacks, then niggas. apparently, during that period, they were far more wild than I could ever thought. partially burnt chicken wings were called nigga, even BLACK ANTS were called niggas, anything black would juz mean nigga at that time. my mind started to reply "gosh, look at our hair, we are part of niggas." conspicuously I didnt said anything, I wouldnt wanna offend them or whatsoever, listening to crap and laughing a lil would be enough.
midnight time, everyone except shuyi and her colleagues and charmaine went to see changi gays, they were scattered in loops, all tall, with the looks of women, physically (but they were like titans, imagine, they are like above 180cm) and all. one thing that cant be changed was, their bloody voice, SO MAN OMG!!
went to supper after that, and started raining, wee bin (I dunno if I spelt it correctly) wanted to drunk himself or what, due to his N level I suppose, but well, I thought he would surely be drunk since he drank with an empty stomach (which is way too unhealthy and gets drunk quite easily), but surprisingly, he was not totally drunk, since calvin and the rest were there with him, making sure he wouldnt fall.
went back, with the rain, drizzling, and then started raining quite heavily again. everyone was drenched except hj and addinu who went ahead first. then beatrice fell sick, ate one of the guy's panadol and slept. she sure looked damn dead at that time.
I stayed throughout the night again, and most of the evergreen people had left. so only a minority of us were left in the house, after all the cleaning up that is, and I fell asleep at the dining area there, for an hour or so..
woke up at 8+am or 9am+ ard there, then went to wash up and packing up all those shit. addinu hj and I left earlier becoz addinu had to work and hj and I needed to get to school. and then blahblahblah yadayada ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
reached home only now, and I started this crap str8 away. overall what I wanna say is, I had a bad impression on some of the guys initially, but then the 2nd day, we talked more, and then well, they were very sociable, and that thought was soon abolished.
I'm just so fucking tired la, I'm so gonna bathe and sleep right now.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 4:36 pm
17 December 2006
this is an example of a looney who is happy yet 'angry', but well, god blessed me to be vulgar..blame myself for that.
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
pronounce it
cunning nun bake charred cheese pie
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
i thought it was some tongue twister initially
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
cry cry leg
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
say in chinese
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
you vulgar ass
shut up lar !
there was still more..like..I shan't say it hereeeeeeeeee, read my personal message hehe..and isnt it weird? this Loudheader is laughing yet asking me to shut up. rofl, simply silly, simply foolish. I love to see people laugh, especially my special friends, and its all vulgars, but who cares really? so long they laugh that is..it all keeps my soul alive.
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas
Is you...
and only you..but I guess not..
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
pronounce it
cunning nun bake charred cheese pie
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
i thought it was some tongue twister initially
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
cry cry leg
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
- Kelvin - // A.D.I.D.A.S \\ I need the Speed // I'm sorry I'm such a bad liar.. - says:
say in chinese
ALICIA ; dazed. [ DTRM ] says:
you vulgar ass
shut up lar !
there was still more..like..I shan't say it hereeeeeeeeee, read my personal message hehe..and isnt it weird? this Loudheader is laughing yet asking me to shut up. rofl, simply silly, simply foolish. I love to see people laugh, especially my special friends, and its all vulgars, but who cares really? so long they laugh that is..it all keeps my soul alive.
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas
Is you...
and only you..but I guess not..
Labels: just for laughs
As Good As DEAD on 3:31 am
13 December 2006
today is a very short day, since I went out to shop for the whole day, with my mum and aunt.
went to Bugis first, the Guan Yin temple or something..(I hav never visited such places before, so don't really know), and went to do some praying so call, and yea, I prayed for everyone's result would meet their expectations and such..and 1 more wish for myself =X
got out of that place as fast as I could due to the smell of the incense..*cough cough* ~.~ we went to Bugis street after that, and my mum and aunt sure took hell alot of time to look at their stuffs, so I was bored like, duh, you know.
went to Bugis junction then..nothing to seeee, basket. then I told my mum maybe we shld just head to Orchard and shop, and she agreed, my aunt too obviously.
headed there, and went to Taka str8, find that Loud Loud Alicia. shes like invisible, and I was searching for 1 corner when she was at the other corner, so conspicuously, I couldn't find her. due to the time constraint that my mum called me to hurry, I called alicia and asked her where the hell she was, at the counter there..playing laptop. WTH, lazy right? say yes, shes darn lazy. and oh yeah, another friend of ours were there, so we talked a sentence of two.
haha, alicia, hiro never changed abit did he? lol.
went off after that, then alicia stopped me all of a sudden, and then the next sentence came "help me buy cards lehhhhhh" lols, no money, sorry =X
I rushed up to find my mum and aunt, then walked around again..then headed to Adidas shop! saw a female celebrity there, but I dunno the name
(the 1 acting as Zoe Tay's sister in Million Treasures)
but I didnt bother, continued to search for my clothes, and bought 2 in the end..my mum paid for it even though I said I would..maybe thats the reason she would ask me to go out all of a sudden..oh well, to be honest, I felt bad and she kept insisted that it was okay ~.~
went to Wisma Atria food republic there to eat..then went to World of Sports just beside it and bought another pants. then went home ard 6.15. switched on the comp, get online, and there I go, sleep...lol
went to Bugis first, the Guan Yin temple or something..(I hav never visited such places before, so don't really know), and went to do some praying so call, and yea, I prayed for everyone's result would meet their expectations and such..and 1 more wish for myself =X
got out of that place as fast as I could due to the smell of the incense..*cough cough* ~.~ we went to Bugis street after that, and my mum and aunt sure took hell alot of time to look at their stuffs, so I was bored like, duh, you know.
went to Bugis junction then..nothing to seeee, basket. then I told my mum maybe we shld just head to Orchard and shop, and she agreed, my aunt too obviously.
headed there, and went to Taka str8, find that Loud Loud Alicia. shes like invisible, and I was searching for 1 corner when she was at the other corner, so conspicuously, I couldn't find her. due to the time constraint that my mum called me to hurry, I called alicia and asked her where the hell she was, at the counter there..playing laptop. WTH, lazy right? say yes, shes darn lazy. and oh yeah, another friend of ours were there, so we talked a sentence of two.
haha, alicia, hiro never changed abit did he? lol.
went off after that, then alicia stopped me all of a sudden, and then the next sentence came "help me buy cards lehhhhhh" lols, no money, sorry =X
I rushed up to find my mum and aunt, then walked around again..then headed to Adidas shop! saw a female celebrity there, but I dunno the name
(the 1 acting as Zoe Tay's sister in Million Treasures)
but I didnt bother, continued to search for my clothes, and bought 2 in the end..my mum paid for it even though I said I would..maybe thats the reason she would ask me to go out all of a sudden..oh well, to be honest, I felt bad and she kept insisted that it was okay ~.~
went to Wisma Atria food republic there to eat..then went to World of Sports just beside it and bought another pants. then went home ard 6.15. switched on the comp, get online, and there I go, sleep...lol
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 10:03 pm
12 December 2006 Armanda's Birthday
Ahhhhhh fuck, hey you guys out there, listen up, next time if wanna listen song, don't ever go baidu and listen, there are some websites that contain spywares around, took me 2 hours to screw my computer back to normal, for god sake. -_-"
and the pop ups are so bloody irritating it lags my com, waste my time, dampens my mood, piss me off, and I almost threw something onto the wall, grrrr...my dear comp mustnt be hurt T_T!!
oh well anyway, its fixed, so I dun care. and yeah, 12 december right, if I'm not wrong, its Armanda's bdae, so Happy Birthday to her. lol.
hrm...only got number 2..oh well, but watever, better than nothing..lol
wondering what is it? its..nothing but just a number. =X
and the pop ups are so bloody irritating it lags my com, waste my time, dampens my mood, piss me off, and I almost threw something onto the wall, grrrr...my dear comp mustnt be hurt T_T!!
oh well anyway, its fixed, so I dun care. and yeah, 12 december right, if I'm not wrong, its Armanda's bdae, so Happy Birthday to her. lol.
hrm...only got number 2..oh well, but watever, better than nothing..lol
wondering what is it? its..nothing but just a number. =X
As Good As DEAD on 2:03 am
11 December 2006 171 questions
1. What is your full name? Kelvin Yeo Yong Tiah
2. Do you wish on stars? for what?
3. What's your favorite color(s)? black, white, navy blue
4. Do you like your handwriting? sucks, I remembered miss sharifah commented my handwriting is like some worm.
5. Who are you jealous of? jealousy speaks for itself.
6. What do you look for out of life? leading a simple life with the person I love.
7. Who is your favorite family member? I've no idea, but I know who I hate.
8. Why are you filling out this survey? becoz I wanna kill time DUH.
9. What is your favorite season? any season, as long as I get along with my friends.
10. If you were another person would you be friends with you? very gd qns, but dun ask me
11. Pepsi/Coke? Neither, these 2 fizzy drinks sucks most.
12. Do you find yourself attractive? never.
13. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? I think I..never did tat..
14. What is your girl type? smart and unique
15. Do looks matter? a little.
16. What is the sexiest thing a girl can wear? mini skirt? nahh..I dunno
17. Person u respect the most? my parents, being able to bring a rebellious kid like me up.
18. Have you ever met anyone famous? cant remember, cant be bothered.
19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? yea, wait long long
20. Whats your favorite song? currently? the one playing, if readers never off it.
21. What do you do to prevent anger? eat? LOL, now you know why I'm plump/fat/obesed
22. Are you passive or aggressive? both.
23. Who is your idol? nobody.
24. Do you trust others? parents, and 3 more, 1 boy 2 girls.
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? power rangers, this is so embarrassing.
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? if it is subject, its none other than LIGHTS
27. What class is the BEST? Maths, both E and A
28. Do you like sappy love songs? what the heck is that?
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? I'm not some famous boy
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? even gentlemen and idiots does that.
31. Do you like sarcasm? depends, but I do know I love using it.
32. Do you believe in God? no, unless I call myself one, then yes =X
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? guess not.
34. Are you afraid of anything? seeing girls cry, why? they win sympathy when they cry.
35. What is your favorite movie? I dun watch movie except one, DEATH NOTE!! lol.
36. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? only Fucking idiots would
37. What is your nickname? GuNSoL, Porkie, Pig, Wild Boar, whatever, I prefer my name.
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? OHHH THIS IS SO, nonsensical.
39. What are you worried about right now? worried about when I would finish this shit, but I'm bored
40. Do you ever wear overalls? I think never.
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? would you believe if I say I'm very weak?
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? never even touched alcoholic drinks (unless you wan count 0.5% that type, never ever drunk 1)
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? I got no pyjamas.
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? late only, I dun skip school
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? LOL? I ain't a pyromaniac.
46. Had an imaginary friend? hmm..when I'm bored, I talk to myself, counted?
47. Almost got raped by someone? who dare or would even want it? I think they rather suicide ROFL.
48. Cried during a Flick? tsk. when I was a kid maybe.
49. Had a crush on a teacher? I dun wanna eat old grass
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? oh, Bleach has damn lots of attractive people.
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? western question?
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? no way, I dun really watch TV.
53. Been on stage? who hasn't, tell me.
54. Gotten in a car accident? I'm careful when crossing the roads (thats why I hate to jaywalk)
55. Who's the loudest friend? loudest? scream over msn counted? if yes, Alicia is. LOL
56. Who knows all your secrets? me, myself and I.
57. Who was the last person you cried with? I dun cry with people
58. Cried: my eyes are extremely dry.
59. Cut your hair: nah
60. Worn a skirt: girl question, so of coz no.
61. Been mean: no, but someone was mean to me for not telling me the story title she was reading. ROFL
62. Been sarcastic: I'm sarcastic everyday without fail
63. Talked to someone you love: hmm..yea..
64. Missed someone: doing it now too.
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: parents no, sibling? cant be Fucking bothered.
66. Wished upon a star: no
67. Played Truth or Dare: with the wall? -_-
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: too late to watch, and couldnt be bothered.
69. Went to the beach: no, but I do feel like going
71. When's your birthday? 24 feb 1990. need my particulars?
72. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? OMFG NO WAY
73. Who is the last person you talked to On-Line? nicole
74. What is your favorite TV show? dun haveeeee, maybe I not stupid 2.
75. Do you have a cell/beeper? a disgusting looking 1.
76. What is your favorite clothing store? adidas
77. What is the last movie you saw? Death Note
78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: nah
79. Nervous Habits: hmm, during competitions.
80. Are you double jointed?: what the, hell is that?
81. Can you roll your tongue?: duh
82. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: guess not.
83. Can you blow spit bubbles?: duh, but its disgusting
84. Can you cross your eyes?: cross? like this? X_X? LOL
85. Tattoos?: never in my life
86. Piercings and where?: no, no, never.
87. Do you make your bed daily?: dun really get it
88. Which shoe goes on first?: anyhow.
89. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: of coz
90. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: usually more than $20, I feel unsafe if its below that.
91. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: I'm not a girl or gay, and who sleeps with their jewelry -.-
92. Favorite Piece of Clothing: Adidas T-shirt
93. Pajamas: dun have lah
94. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: cut with my teeth while sucking it, yes, I suck my noodles.
95. Have you ever eaten Spam?: whats that?
96. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: no favourite, I eat all kinds, except the sucky durian flavour.
97. How many cereals in your cabinet?: none. but I wish I have unlimited stocks there
98. What's your favorite beverage?: MILK! best with Oreo!!
99. What's your favorite restaurant?: huh, I'm not some classy boy.
100. Do you cook?: how about some burnt food?
101. How often do you brush your teeth?: everyday la wtf, I dun hav zombie breath like..oh well. LOL.
102. How often do you shower/bathe?: every, single, day.
103. How long does your shower last?: 10 to 30 minutes.
104. Hair drying method: dry with towel, maybe fan my hair a lil.
105. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: I prefer natural.
106. Do you paint your nails?: very gay.
107. Do you swear?: this question is so cute, you people answer for me LOL.
108. Do you ever spit?: into the dustbin
109. Animal: baby animals are cute
110. Food: no idea, but I have wat I hate most, DURIANS!
111. Month: December, cos theres Christmas and Holidays.
112. Day: Dun really have one
113. Cartoon: sorry, only Animes
114. Shoe Brand: Adidas
115. Subject in school: Maths, Both E and A once again.
116. Color: you asked before dammit.
117. Sport: Badminton
118. Tv show: I not Stupid 2 I guess.
119. Best Looking Male Celebs: No idea
120. Vacationing Spot: how do I get outta my country when I got NO PASSPORT. LOL
121. Game: Dota? nah..I change my game very often.
122. The CD Player: huh?
123. Person you talk most on the phone with: my phone conversations are short, so I dun notice.
124. Ever taken a cab?: I just took them on Saturday, and its bloody expensive.
125. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: seldom.
126. What color is your bedroom?: white with random-shaped of purple and pink mini spots.
127. Do you use an alarm clock?: only if I hav events going on
128. Window seat or aisle?: window duh
---LA LA LAND---
129. What's your sleeping position? -.-? how to answer this.
130. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes, I love my blanket, it keeps me cool in hot weathers, and warm in cold weather, weird huh? LOL.
131. Do you snore?: I bet not.
132. Do you sleepwalk?: I think yea, a few months ago, I walked to the Living room door instead of my bedroom, when I was sleeping in the Living room. damn stupid lol
133. Do you talk in your sleep?: resounding someone's name? lol, but I think no.
134. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: asked before.
135. How about with the light on?: only when I can't be bothered to turn it off, or slept while taking a short rest.
136. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: I do it like almost everyday, with computer on, and the radio in the comp playing.
137. Coke or Pepsi?: I said both sucked.
138. Oranges or apples?: oranges.
139. One pillow or two?: duh, Two of coz
140. Deaf or blind?: neither, who the fuck wants it -.-
141. Pools or hot tubs?: pools.
142. Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
143. Tall or short?: Tall !! but I'm short..
144. TV or radio?: this qns sucks, becoz I want computer
145. Beach or pool?: beach.
146. Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs. I won money out of it. lol
147. Snooze button or jump out of bed?: both? lol
148. Sunrise or Sunset?: depends where.
149. Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: CHEESE!!!
150. Morning or night?: night sky looks better.
151. Sports or news?: sports
152. Indoors or outdoors?: depends.
153. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: the more fruitful day
154. Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
155. Spearmint or Peppermint?: peppermint I guess
156. Bath or shower?: is there a difference?
157. Book or Movie?: movie of cus. but I no money.
158. Green or Red apples?: Crimson / Blood-like Red
159. Rain or Snow?: snow, but Singapore dun hav.
160. Nike or Adidas?: Adidas FTW!
161. Took a shower?: few hours ago.
162. Cried?: thats so long ago
163. Talked on the phone?: 8pm+
164. Read a book?: uhh, before the exams ended. ROFL
165. Punched someone?: I dont remember, I hurl vulgarities instead of violence.
166. Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Earth
167. Who are you going to be married to?: like I know, but I do have someone in mind. shit. LOL.
168. How many kids?: 1 or 3, never 2.
169. Your profession: sports? or games design
170. Future School: SP / NYP
171. Car of Your Dreams?: Ferrari o_O
so much for this post, but whatever, I'm bored like hell
2. Do you wish on stars? for what?
3. What's your favorite color(s)? black, white, navy blue
4. Do you like your handwriting? sucks, I remembered miss sharifah commented my handwriting is like some worm.
5. Who are you jealous of? jealousy speaks for itself.
6. What do you look for out of life? leading a simple life with the person I love.
7. Who is your favorite family member? I've no idea, but I know who I hate.
8. Why are you filling out this survey? becoz I wanna kill time DUH.
9. What is your favorite season? any season, as long as I get along with my friends.
10. If you were another person would you be friends with you? very gd qns, but dun ask me
11. Pepsi/Coke? Neither, these 2 fizzy drinks sucks most.
12. Do you find yourself attractive? never.
13. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? I think I..never did tat..
14. What is your girl type? smart and unique
15. Do looks matter? a little.
16. What is the sexiest thing a girl can wear? mini skirt? nahh..I dunno
17. Person u respect the most? my parents, being able to bring a rebellious kid like me up.
18. Have you ever met anyone famous? cant remember, cant be bothered.
19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? yea, wait long long
20. Whats your favorite song? currently? the one playing, if readers never off it.
21. What do you do to prevent anger? eat? LOL, now you know why I'm plump/fat/obesed
22. Are you passive or aggressive? both.
23. Who is your idol? nobody.
24. Do you trust others? parents, and 3 more, 1 boy 2 girls.
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? power rangers, this is so embarrassing.
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? if it is subject, its none other than LIGHTS
27. What class is the BEST? Maths, both E and A
28. Do you like sappy love songs? what the heck is that?
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? I'm not some famous boy
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? even gentlemen and idiots does that.
31. Do you like sarcasm? depends, but I do know I love using it.
32. Do you believe in God? no, unless I call myself one, then yes =X
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? guess not.
34. Are you afraid of anything? seeing girls cry, why? they win sympathy when they cry.
35. What is your favorite movie? I dun watch movie except one, DEATH NOTE!! lol.
36. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? only Fucking idiots would
37. What is your nickname? GuNSoL, Porkie, Pig, Wild Boar, whatever, I prefer my name.
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? OHHH THIS IS SO, nonsensical.
39. What are you worried about right now? worried about when I would finish this shit, but I'm bored
40. Do you ever wear overalls? I think never.
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? would you believe if I say I'm very weak?
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? never even touched alcoholic drinks (unless you wan count 0.5% that type, never ever drunk 1)
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? I got no pyjamas.
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? late only, I dun skip school
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? LOL? I ain't a pyromaniac.
46. Had an imaginary friend? hmm..when I'm bored, I talk to myself, counted?
47. Almost got raped by someone? who dare or would even want it? I think they rather suicide ROFL.
48. Cried during a Flick? tsk. when I was a kid maybe.
49. Had a crush on a teacher? I dun wanna eat old grass
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? oh, Bleach has damn lots of attractive people.
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? western question?
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? no way, I dun really watch TV.
53. Been on stage? who hasn't, tell me.
54. Gotten in a car accident? I'm careful when crossing the roads (thats why I hate to jaywalk)
55. Who's the loudest friend? loudest? scream over msn counted? if yes, Alicia is. LOL
56. Who knows all your secrets? me, myself and I.
57. Who was the last person you cried with? I dun cry with people
58. Cried: my eyes are extremely dry.
59. Cut your hair: nah
60. Worn a skirt: girl question, so of coz no.
61. Been mean: no, but someone was mean to me for not telling me the story title she was reading. ROFL
62. Been sarcastic: I'm sarcastic everyday without fail
63. Talked to someone you love: hmm..yea..
64. Missed someone: doing it now too.
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: parents no, sibling? cant be Fucking bothered.
66. Wished upon a star: no
67. Played Truth or Dare: with the wall? -_-
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: too late to watch, and couldnt be bothered.
69. Went to the beach: no, but I do feel like going
71. When's your birthday? 24 feb 1990. need my particulars?
72. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? OMFG NO WAY
73. Who is the last person you talked to On-Line? nicole
74. What is your favorite TV show? dun haveeeee, maybe I not stupid 2.
75. Do you have a cell/beeper? a disgusting looking 1.
76. What is your favorite clothing store? adidas
77. What is the last movie you saw? Death Note
78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: nah
79. Nervous Habits: hmm, during competitions.
80. Are you double jointed?: what the, hell is that?
81. Can you roll your tongue?: duh
82. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: guess not.
83. Can you blow spit bubbles?: duh, but its disgusting
84. Can you cross your eyes?: cross? like this? X_X? LOL
85. Tattoos?: never in my life
86. Piercings and where?: no, no, never.
87. Do you make your bed daily?: dun really get it
88. Which shoe goes on first?: anyhow.
89. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: of coz
90. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: usually more than $20, I feel unsafe if its below that.
91. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: I'm not a girl or gay, and who sleeps with their jewelry -.-
92. Favorite Piece of Clothing: Adidas T-shirt
93. Pajamas: dun have lah
94. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: cut with my teeth while sucking it, yes, I suck my noodles.
95. Have you ever eaten Spam?: whats that?
96. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: no favourite, I eat all kinds, except the sucky durian flavour.
97. How many cereals in your cabinet?: none. but I wish I have unlimited stocks there
98. What's your favorite beverage?: MILK! best with Oreo!!
99. What's your favorite restaurant?: huh, I'm not some classy boy.
100. Do you cook?: how about some burnt food?
101. How often do you brush your teeth?: everyday la wtf, I dun hav zombie breath like..oh well. LOL.
102. How often do you shower/bathe?: every, single, day.
103. How long does your shower last?: 10 to 30 minutes.
104. Hair drying method: dry with towel, maybe fan my hair a lil.
105. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: I prefer natural.
106. Do you paint your nails?: very gay.
107. Do you swear?: this question is so cute, you people answer for me LOL.
108. Do you ever spit?: into the dustbin
109. Animal: baby animals are cute
110. Food: no idea, but I have wat I hate most, DURIANS!
111. Month: December, cos theres Christmas and Holidays.
112. Day: Dun really have one
113. Cartoon: sorry, only Animes
114. Shoe Brand: Adidas
115. Subject in school: Maths, Both E and A once again.
116. Color: you asked before dammit.
117. Sport: Badminton
118. Tv show: I not Stupid 2 I guess.
119. Best Looking Male Celebs: No idea
120. Vacationing Spot: how do I get outta my country when I got NO PASSPORT. LOL
121. Game: Dota? nah..I change my game very often.
122. The CD Player: huh?
123. Person you talk most on the phone with: my phone conversations are short, so I dun notice.
124. Ever taken a cab?: I just took them on Saturday, and its bloody expensive.
125. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: seldom.
126. What color is your bedroom?: white with random-shaped of purple and pink mini spots.
127. Do you use an alarm clock?: only if I hav events going on
128. Window seat or aisle?: window duh
---LA LA LAND---
129. What's your sleeping position? -.-? how to answer this.
130. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes, I love my blanket, it keeps me cool in hot weathers, and warm in cold weather, weird huh? LOL.
131. Do you snore?: I bet not.
132. Do you sleepwalk?: I think yea, a few months ago, I walked to the Living room door instead of my bedroom, when I was sleeping in the Living room. damn stupid lol
133. Do you talk in your sleep?: resounding someone's name? lol, but I think no.
134. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: asked before.
135. How about with the light on?: only when I can't be bothered to turn it off, or slept while taking a short rest.
136. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: I do it like almost everyday, with computer on, and the radio in the comp playing.
137. Coke or Pepsi?: I said both sucked.
138. Oranges or apples?: oranges.
139. One pillow or two?: duh, Two of coz
140. Deaf or blind?: neither, who the fuck wants it -.-
141. Pools or hot tubs?: pools.
142. Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
143. Tall or short?: Tall !! but I'm short..
144. TV or radio?: this qns sucks, becoz I want computer
145. Beach or pool?: beach.
146. Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs. I won money out of it. lol
147. Snooze button or jump out of bed?: both? lol
148. Sunrise or Sunset?: depends where.
149. Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: CHEESE!!!
150. Morning or night?: night sky looks better.
151. Sports or news?: sports
152. Indoors or outdoors?: depends.
153. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: the more fruitful day
154. Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
155. Spearmint or Peppermint?: peppermint I guess
156. Bath or shower?: is there a difference?
157. Book or Movie?: movie of cus. but I no money.
158. Green or Red apples?: Crimson / Blood-like Red
159. Rain or Snow?: snow, but Singapore dun hav.
160. Nike or Adidas?: Adidas FTW!
161. Took a shower?: few hours ago.
162. Cried?: thats so long ago
163. Talked on the phone?: 8pm+
164. Read a book?: uhh, before the exams ended. ROFL
165. Punched someone?: I dont remember, I hurl vulgarities instead of violence.
166. Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Earth
167. Who are you going to be married to?: like I know, but I do have someone in mind. shit. LOL.
168. How many kids?: 1 or 3, never 2.
169. Your profession: sports? or games design
170. Future School: SP / NYP
171. Car of Your Dreams?: Ferrari o_O
so much for this post, but whatever, I'm bored like hell
Labels: questionnaires and quizzes
As Good As DEAD on 1:13 am
09 December 2006 Personality Test.
Get to know yourself betterYour view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
something for you to try out and know more about yourself, maybe. (only some describes me)
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
something for you to try out and know more about yourself, maybe. (only some describes me)
Labels: questionnaires and quizzes
As Good As DEAD on 2:14 am
09 December 2006
haven update for quite long (like I said, I love to keep my blog alive) so I'm updating again =O
so thursday was a totally tiring day, but fun. these are the people who went out to hang ard, according to the time we arrived at the meeting time, starting from earliest.
hj, anthony, me, zul, jason, jingxiang, addinu (the organiser is the latest as always -_-)
so the 7 of us went to run ard in town (sounds like kids huh, lol) to shop, mostly for sports stuff. I took a fancy of a few adidas shirt, but darn expensive ~.~ and hence, saving plans coming up soon (but tml gonna go out spend again ROFL, how to save, tell me.)
we stroll from orchard taka, to cineleisure, to cuppage plaza (pool 1 hr), then back to orchard streets then went dunno where, then took MRT to esplanade.
loitered ard there conspicuously, and then in the esplanade, near the entrance, theres a lady playing the harp (do we call the lady a harpist, just like someone play piano, a pianist? lol.)
I didnt know the sound of the harp is like water flow O_O and then she played as though its chicken feet to her, but the pieces she played came out to be very very nice. very surprising I would say. this was the first time, ard 6+pm, and there was a second time at 7+pm, so meanwhile we took a walk or watever it is.
and yea, we walked dno where (I cant explain, but its a path that follows up the streets), and theres this Merlion where jingxiang called it a SEALION. ROFL.
and yea, took a photo or 2 there, and..the night view at the esplanade is gorgeous, yes including the durian-shaped esplanade (but durians still suck, and stinks.) then after that went back see the lady play the harp, damn nice!! omg. I shant elaborate further, 1 word, Rocks.
went marina square after that, then..eat..then..go sports wear again -_-'' ok, I'm so tempted to buy the adidas shirt but I'm so penniless. RAHHHHH!! and then zul had to get back early, so all of us accompanied him back as well, it was getting late anyway, 9pm, ok not late at all, I'm trying to lie to myself.
basically, its a day that was spent quite normally, yet fast. alright man..whatever..haha. I know its boring for you people to read it maybe, but then again..haha.
maybe next week they are going again, with more people I think..and OH! Alicia is working at orchard in the morning till late afternoon, time to go disturb her if I ever see her there,
"Zha lan ni de tan zi" LOL!! and btw, according to her, no business = she can slack, got business = she busy, but then she bhb said she draws so much attention till the extend that she can make the business from empty to booming. BHB! totally, and dun say I'm jealous. hahaha
so thursday was a totally tiring day, but fun. these are the people who went out to hang ard, according to the time we arrived at the meeting time, starting from earliest.
hj, anthony, me, zul, jason, jingxiang, addinu (the organiser is the latest as always -_-)
so the 7 of us went to run ard in town (sounds like kids huh, lol) to shop, mostly for sports stuff. I took a fancy of a few adidas shirt, but darn expensive ~.~ and hence, saving plans coming up soon (but tml gonna go out spend again ROFL, how to save, tell me.)
we stroll from orchard taka, to cineleisure, to cuppage plaza (pool 1 hr), then back to orchard streets then went dunno where, then took MRT to esplanade.
loitered ard there conspicuously, and then in the esplanade, near the entrance, theres a lady playing the harp (do we call the lady a harpist, just like someone play piano, a pianist? lol.)
I didnt know the sound of the harp is like water flow O_O and then she played as though its chicken feet to her, but the pieces she played came out to be very very nice. very surprising I would say. this was the first time, ard 6+pm, and there was a second time at 7+pm, so meanwhile we took a walk or watever it is.
and yea, we walked dno where (I cant explain, but its a path that follows up the streets), and theres this Merlion where jingxiang called it a SEALION. ROFL.
and yea, took a photo or 2 there, and..the night view at the esplanade is gorgeous, yes including the durian-shaped esplanade (but durians still suck, and stinks.) then after that went back see the lady play the harp, damn nice!! omg. I shant elaborate further, 1 word, Rocks.
went marina square after that, then..eat..then..go sports wear again -_-'' ok, I'm so tempted to buy the adidas shirt but I'm so penniless. RAHHHHH!! and then zul had to get back early, so all of us accompanied him back as well, it was getting late anyway, 9pm, ok not late at all, I'm trying to lie to myself.
basically, its a day that was spent quite normally, yet fast. alright man..whatever..haha. I know its boring for you people to read it maybe, but then again..haha.
maybe next week they are going again, with more people I think..and OH! Alicia is working at orchard in the morning till late afternoon, time to go disturb her if I ever see her there,
"Zha lan ni de tan zi" LOL!! and btw, according to her, no business = she can slack, got business = she busy, but then she bhb said she draws so much attention till the extend that she can make the business from empty to booming. BHB! totally, and dun say I'm jealous. hahaha
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 1:50 am
06 December 2006
I gonna hav a job on January O_O! teaching robot programming, pay is high OMG. $20+ per hr, so much lor omfg. LoL.
got this lobang thx to mr wee, since we went seoul garden, along with jason kky sherwin and, baoling (unexpected guest, but well, nvm)
we went to chat about sherwin instead of eating actually, well, crapped here and there. he is sooo gonna be in deep trouble. lolol.
and anyway! I CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! prolly one of the best outing so far, its gonna be fun I bet. hehe. alright end this short post already.
got this lobang thx to mr wee, since we went seoul garden, along with jason kky sherwin and, baoling (unexpected guest, but well, nvm)
we went to chat about sherwin instead of eating actually, well, crapped here and there. he is sooo gonna be in deep trouble. lolol.
and anyway! I CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! prolly one of the best outing so far, its gonna be fun I bet. hehe. alright end this short post already.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 11:38 pm
04 December 2006
wheres my jobbbbbbbbbbbbbb. sigh, still cant find =O. forget it, self-employed then. lol
going out and have fun today, so shut up. and this post is actually for alicia, you and your BLACK cookies.
these black cookies that she told me, does not mention any dark choc chips in her recipe book, so logically, it sounds like some BURNT cookies, edible? HAHAHA!
anyways, good luck on your cookies, BLACK-N-BURNT Cookies. =X
going out and have fun today, so shut up. and this post is actually for alicia, you and your BLACK cookies.
these black cookies that she told me, does not mention any dark choc chips in her recipe book, so logically, it sounds like some BURNT cookies, edible? HAHAHA!
anyways, good luck on your cookies, BLACK-N-BURNT Cookies. =X
Labels: rantings
As Good As DEAD on 1:48 pm
03 December 2006
I fucking hate god damn fuckers who fucking log in into my fucking comp when I'm not fucking at home.
Whatever, Saturday Parkway Parade, Sunday? Parkway Parade =O. went there to watch FLL, but in actual fact is just walking ard shopping and playing games. only 4 ppl went though, zh val kky and me. tml gonna be the same, but theres jason too. woohoo, well, at least time flies when I'm not at home, and well, I hate staying at home during weekends, becoz army is off on those days.
Whatever, I need to tighten my 'security' on my fucking comp, if not some fucking asshole would fucking access in without any fucking reason, for fuck indeed.
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
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Whatever, Saturday Parkway Parade, Sunday? Parkway Parade =O. went there to watch FLL, but in actual fact is just walking ard shopping and playing games. only 4 ppl went though, zh val kky and me. tml gonna be the same, but theres jason too. woohoo, well, at least time flies when I'm not at home, and well, I hate staying at home during weekends, becoz army is off on those days.
Whatever, I need to tighten my 'security' on my fucking comp, if not some fucking asshole would fucking access in without any fucking reason, for fuck indeed.
Labels: rantings
As Good As DEAD on 1:43 am
02 December 2006
time flies, december already, in just a blink of an eye..well I guess I'm updating a lil nonsense here and there again, since I just want to keep my blog, somehow, 'alive'
went for job interview, and again, wait for call, for the many times. wtf keep saying 'wait for call, a few days later call you' like so damn fake. but watever, if I still cant get in, then worse come to worst, dun work, I dun really need the money, I just wanted to kill time.
apparently, someone has been looking for a job too, and she was more crazy than I am of coz, she went many many areas to find a job, but she didnt receive any calls in return, and shes kinda pissed off..yea, natural reaction..if someone needs a job, find so many, none contacted her, who the heaven wouldn't be pissed? none other than my good fren here la. no need say, you people shld know.
and then, all the rants came in, but well, I do agree abit with some of her points la, like, dun be a nosey parker, becoz you would only land yourself into some deep shit. but I'm someone determined to find out the truth, so usually I would pester a person for something that he or she is troubled about and talk it out, and if by all means they still refuse, they would hav to scold me to shut me from asking again. thats only sometimes though.
troubled with this, troubled with that, so many things to be troubled about when its HOLIDAYS. cool huh, I haven't got much time to spend with my friends too, all working, I rot at home, giving me the feeling not wanting to go out either, zbl in the end only.
watever it is, as a fren, good fren, or watever you would wanna classify me, look, I know nothing can make you feel better since you said so, but watever man, get over it..life goes on.
went for job interview, and again, wait for call, for the many times. wtf keep saying 'wait for call, a few days later call you' like so damn fake. but watever, if I still cant get in, then worse come to worst, dun work, I dun really need the money, I just wanted to kill time.
apparently, someone has been looking for a job too, and she was more crazy than I am of coz, she went many many areas to find a job, but she didnt receive any calls in return, and shes kinda pissed off..yea, natural reaction..if someone needs a job, find so many, none contacted her, who the heaven wouldn't be pissed? none other than my good fren here la. no need say, you people shld know.
and then, all the rants came in, but well, I do agree abit with some of her points la, like, dun be a nosey parker, becoz you would only land yourself into some deep shit. but I'm someone determined to find out the truth, so usually I would pester a person for something that he or she is troubled about and talk it out, and if by all means they still refuse, they would hav to scold me to shut me from asking again. thats only sometimes though.
troubled with this, troubled with that, so many things to be troubled about when its HOLIDAYS. cool huh, I haven't got much time to spend with my friends too, all working, I rot at home, giving me the feeling not wanting to go out either, zbl in the end only.
watever it is, as a fren, good fren, or watever you would wanna classify me, look, I know nothing can make you feel better since you said so, but watever man, get over it..life goes on.
Labels: rantings
As Good As DEAD on 12:25 am
The Cursed
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
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Come Find Out Yourself
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