30 April 2007 - DB Tough Training
I had about 1 hr break from another tutorial, so I studied ! how hardworking of me. but no, actually I was slacking away and wasting time, I did only one question, which was a question someone taught me to do. that qns was so simple, and my fren called me an idiot =(
I'm an idiot omg. but whatever, worst student, =(((((((
and today's dragon boat training was much more insane than the first one. last week was only 5 sets of 6 pull ups.
today? 8 sets of 10 pull ups. first 5 set can assist, which is to ask someone to support your leg lightly, last 3 set solo. if cant do pull ups, for every of them, we do 5 push ups instead. this is crazy. but theres worse ones. the senior said they gone through far more than all these. so this is not really much.
hell, I bet my muscles gonna ache again tmr. I did 56 pull ups altogether, assisted ones that is, if not already die. ran 1.2km before the pull up, and after all these was 100m sprint. 4 to 6 rounds. every monday looks hell to me. but it feels good, yet taking all my energy away. I'm feeling all lethargic right now, my shoulders are giving me discomfort when I'm typing this. lol.
Labels: school
29 April 2007 Homework Difficulty
First things first, I studied the lecture notes for quite some time (its physics, circuit) and the information was not exactly clear. I attempted to do the tutorials, its almost all about calculation. 9 questions, 1 on conversion of units, the rest on calculations.
I dunno all of the calculation questions. P = IV = I^2 R was all I know, and theres 1 more which was V^2 / R, I didn't know that formula exist until my classmate told me. and theres thing about the Resistance, Longer Length = More Resistance, Larger Cross Sectional Area = Less Resistance. I know that, but I didn't know theres a formula as well (the notes didn't state, they want us to derive it ourselves I suppose).
Resistance = k(Length) / Area
1 more thing which is, 2x Diameter = 4x Area. I didn't learn that at all before. and that question took me half an hour to figure out, nothing. in the end, I had to ask my classmate (who studied in NTU and went back to poly)
now you know why I feel so inferior? its not that I sleep for this module. its physics, its boring, but my weakest subject, I studied my lecture notes, but it looked as though nothing went into my brain, or rather, the lecture notes did not help me to understand and able to solve the tutorials.
I hate it la. I spent hours thinking of how to solve the questions but none of my answers were accurate at all, and I've got test at Week 5. its already Week 3 tomorrow, and its like 14 days away. not like I wanna whine, but it really talks alot about my intelligence, and really, I'm the worst student in the class. the others had their raw scores at least 14, lowest ard 7.
tell me, how am I going to survive?
28 April 2007
Labels: random
27 April 2007 Indian Youtube
Labels: just for laughs
26 April 2007
Name: Kelvin Yeo
Date of Birth: 24/02/1990
Current Status: Single
Eye color: Black
Hair color: and Black
Righty or Lefty: The Unique Left
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Your heritage: Chinese
Your fear: myself.
Your weakness: out of 200 guys, theres 199 guys taller than me.
Your perfect pizza : Cheesy plus Pineapple Pizzas. (make it spicy if there is)
Part 3: Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: "I wanna sleep somemore"
Your bedtime: 4 to 6 hours overnight.
Your most missed memory: Secondary School Times
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Neither. Both of them suck. I drink them only when theres no other drinks available left.
McDonalds or Burger King: Price = Mac, Quality = BK
Single or group dates : The more the merrier
Adidas or Nike: Impossible is Nothing. My blog tells you the answer.
Lipton Tea or Nestea: I want Heaven and Earth / Pokka Green Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Quality Coffee of course.
Part 5: DO YOU..
Smoke: Obviously. Not.
Curse: Occasionally. who the hell doesn't curse?
Drank alcohol: Alcoholic drinks are not my type.
Gone to the mall: Like, Duh
Been on stage: Yeah, been a nuisance.
Eaten Sushi: Guess not.
Dyed your hair: Never in my life at all.
1 minute ago: what else besides this
1 hour ago: Going through Tutorial with yinling, terence and zhibin
A month ago: Eat, sleep, talk, use the computer, I did like millions of stuffs 1 mth ago.
1 year ago: I did billions of stuffs, I forgotten. Study in ADSS perhaps.
I love: My computer and lifebook (although gave me hell lot of troubles), my close friends, parents.
I feel: lethargic and bored every other minute
I hate: myself, sluts and braggarts, not to forget that god damn asshole.
I hide:
I miss: my close friends whom I've never seen for kinda long
I need: to sleep after this.
Part 9 : TAG 5 PEOPLE
Huijie (this name extra leh, all got english names except him LOL)
Labels: topics and news
23 April 2007 Dragon Boat
yeah, so my practical was at 12, till 3 supposedly, but ended at 2. and yeah we were divided into 4 grps, doing 4 different practicals. my grp consist of
1 hardworking malay, 1, diligent china guy, 1 studious-looking girl, 1 talkative boy, 1 new student that is from taiwan, 1 totally nonsensical girl who totally drives me nuts, and lastly, the sleepy me.
practical was fun, because people from other grp, came to
and I was messing around with the apparatus that determines the hardness of rubber. it costed 5k to 6k+, and I screwed that apparatus, and it got faulty. and the whole class went
"ORH HOR KELVIN HAPPY NEW YEAR". and one guy rubbed it in
"hey, 2nd week only leh, you need pay 6k"
I wasn't angry or what, instead, I was laughing my ass off together with my class. I'm so bloody wrong to think my class is a nerdy one seriously. Their looks really deceived me.
and theres this girl whos talkative, full of nonsense, scolded me an ass only at the 3rd day of school, said I'm dumb, stupid, and everything you can think of just at the 6th day of school. today that is. I swear theres no one else (a girl I mean) who would do that on me and shes the first one ever. hey, I didn't do anything, its another guy who went to disturb her and I only agreed, and we called her "daoster" (meaning ignoring us when we call her) thanks to some nonsense. what a
tutorial seriously sucked, and boring, so I'm not gonna talk about it. whats there to talk about? yeah, I fell asleep. end. =D
4pm, lessons and everything ended, and it was raining cats and dogs. and I had DB land training at 5.30pm. I was reluctant to go due to the rain initially, but my friend insisted on going, so I tagged along. thank goodness, rain stopped at 5pm, but puddles of water could be seen almost everywhere, and the stadium, wet. freaking wet.
I went to change my clothings, to get started with the training of course. theres hell lot of year ones man. and we ran a 1.2km, did 5 sets of 6 pull ups (that was hell totally, I swear). some people looked strong but they can't really do pull ups. as for me, I tried, and I realised I did better than a handful. so happy or? nahhh.
next was gathering a group consisting of ard 12 people. 1 group, need to do 400 jumping jacks (or is it jets?), 400 push ups, 400 sit ups. only ONCE per set. so, if the front people sabotage, the back people are dead, but no one would sabotage their own team, so everyone of us did our best we could. damn, it was fun xD
it was already some 8pm when everything ended. I looked as though I just came out from a shower. thats how wet my clothings were, and I had to change back to my shirt and jeans, (bloody long pants compulsory for school practicals, but its for safety measures.) and off I went, home, with Alvin when he saw me back at Dover station. he had his bowling training, and it sounded kinda boring. (thank god I didn't join, if not I would be throwing $50 down the drain every freaking month)
thats about it, after a long day in SP, dog-tired.
P.S- I think I'm the shortest boy in the whole DB club. WTF?!
Labels: school
20 April 2007
Week 1 was relaxing in SP, plainly all briefing. the real work starts next week. so fortunately, I can get plenty of rest. theres nth to post practically, maybe 1 thing. My class are kinda disorganised at times, but they are a real bunch of harmless crews.
Labels: random
17 April 2007
so yesterday night I visited the doctor, more than 3 and a half years of not visiting. the clinic changed quite abit. I got sore throat, a very bad one. Swallowing saliva and eating causes pain. I couldn't even sleep well for heaven's sake. this is much worse than cough and flu. and I skipped school today, which means, skipping briefing and etc. whatever.
I'm feeling so feeble right now, and typing this post is taking loads of energy from me, but I wanna use up all my energy so I can sleep. Again.
Labels: random
16 April 2007 First Day of School
Donald, the Class rep, said I'm so quiet back there, 2 Malay guys said I'm a loner, and dragged me to sit with them the next lesson. it seems like I don't have a choice do I, since the next lesson was a combined class and seats were kinda limited, and they invited me, I can't really refuse.
I slept back at the combined class lesson, I was utterly exhausted, plus my throat was giving me hella trouble, which kinda put me off. come break, the boys moved in 1 gang, sat near mac there and had lunch, waiting for the next briefing lesson.
supposedly, practical lesson lasts for 3 hours, but its briefing for week 1, and the briefing ended in a mere 1 hour. it was 1pm or so, and we had 1 more lesson at 3pm. dammit, 2 hours, and they went SP lan-shop for an hour, and back to the canteen to slack for another 15 min. theres 2 classmate of mine who sat beside me talking about NS stuffs, in which 1 guy is alr 22 years old (sec sch -> JC -> Army -> NTU 1 year+ -> Poly). he took civil engineering in NTU but didn't find the course appealing so he came back to poly. and yeah, so the other guy was asking him about NS stuff, 2.4km, training do what and such, and talked about swimming. WHAT?! swimming?! the guy dunno how to swim, so he was worried about it and asked the 22 year old big guy. I interrupted.
me "they will teach you how to swim sooner or later in the army. I also dunno how to swim."
classmate "what?! you dunno? but you look like someone who swims very often, your shoulders are so wide."
Last lesson of the day, was another briefing and story-telling (which OBVIOUSLY made me sleep) and yeah, boring. but so far I find the lecturers kinda fine. I think the class noticed me sleeping for the 2 boring lessons. sooner or later I'm gonna be ranked the sleepyhead. lol.
I just realised, many of my classmates are from the better schools, which made me like the worst student in the class. oh nooooooooo.
Labels: school
13 April 2007
my class rep, grabbed a class list and went through the list, and added people in MSN, and he started to chat with me. guess what? he is shuyi's working friend, one of the four who attended the changi chalet a long time back (in which we didn't recognize each other until he asked what school I was from and mentioned shuyi.). Singapore is REAL small isn't it.
so maybe, 1 friend in the class? well, maybe, or maybe not, cos I'm not one easy to mix with..though he said the class is friendly and all, and told me he thought he couldn't mix with the class well too. well, guess I have to see it for myself.
12 April 2007 Flag Day
dad "eh why got people wear black shirt ask for donation in jurong liao and you are still sleeping"
me "because I'm smart and I doing it in my school, which is only during recess time."
I was late meeting jess (chan), thanks to a dumb Disc that I left it at home when I was supposed to return to weimeng, and I was already more than halfway to school, and headed home again.
guess what. both of us stepped into the school, and well, we were told to seek permission from mrs lim. well..it turned out to be a lil awkward, when I told her I SMS-ed miss sum ytd but well, being the principal, she got the I-hear-no-excuse-and-I'm-always-right- face.
well, jess and I had some "lecture" back into her office.
"do you know you have to seek permission from the principal if you wanna do flag day in school? the poly never tell you ah? we've failed teaching for 4 years, we never teach, the poly never teach also is it. even NUS all those also need to seek permission first. since you are my ex students, I will allow it." (well, somewhere across like this)
yeah. and no one told me that at all. so how am I suppose to know anything. but well, leave that aside. because we are considerate, we asked for donation only during recess time (so that their lessons wun be disrupted) and I'm kinda shocked that ALOT donated. my saliva almost went dry by repeating "erm sorry to disturb you guys for a minute, I'm doing this for blahblahyadayada...." like a recorder. and there were stickers, I didnt bring mine, so I had to share with jess. and some ADSS students gave me the I-WANT-THE-STICKER-TO-PROVE-I'M-NICE face. so some donated and asked for sticker even when I ran out of it, like *cough* my *cough* "indian mummy" *cough* (in which I pasted the sticker at her forehead, and I know you are nice but you don't have to say it like a recorder lols) and her frens there. bunch of sec 3 girls trying to bully their senior =((((((
the 1 hour recess was over, and well..all the students went back to their classroom. well..the 2 of us hang around for awhile more, feeling nostalgic. and thanked mrs lim for allowing us to let us do our Flag Day, left and headed to Mac, glued our ass there for some 2 hours or so doing nothing and went back to SP.
we counted the money in our own classroom, I had $36.60, while jess had $50+. alicia had $70+ !! so hardworking. handed the tin and money, and byebye to SP. waited for shaoyong and binkiat, met chinchun and alvin, and the 6 of us went back home. 5+pm after reaching my lair.
P.S- I dislike my class so much until I don't even wanna mingle with any of them. I think the whole DCHE dept, jess is the only person I can mingle with currently, who is totally a no-nerd wannabe. and I don't think I have the motivation to do my work because girls in my class are so nerdy or..grr whatever, and same goes for the boys, nerds to the extreme, or beng to the extreme. tell me, who the hell can I mingle with.
P.P.S- I'm the shortest boy in my class, sigh. but I find myself better looking than many of the boys there (simply because most of them are...much rounder than me, or have the I-wanna-study-24/7-face with them) ohhhh I'm so shameless =\
Labels: school
09 April 2007
but well, being stuck in that classroom, feeling all infuriated, I told the lecturer I wanted to find it after he briefed some flag day stuffs, thank god he let me off, and I managed to get outta the boring briefing and went back to the hall and hunt for my mp3. 1 stone kill 2 birds =\
Yes. Matthew, God told me not to buy a MP3 phone =D (becos he said God hinted me to buy a MP3 phone when I lost my ipod. wat the hell.)
well, and after that, rushed back to mac and meet winston zhenjie chinchun alvin and matthew. one of them went to retrieve their fujitsu notebook and off we go to eat. and home sweet home.
but well, wednesday I have to go back and do some SPICE training, which is to learn how to use some SP's computer programs, and Flag Day on Thursday. holy shit. I HATE FLAG DAY. so few singaporeans are willing to donate. I swear. they are all so heartless. guess I will just put some coins myself and SKIP it. smart idea eh? =\
Labels: school
09 April 2007 - Dynasty Warrior Characteristics

Labels: questionnaires and quizzes
08 April 2007 KKY early Birthday
and so..theres..benghui, yaoliang, weimeng, kky, me, shirui, sheila, and may-tan (kuku) the VIP of the day. and we met each other at 1+ at cwp, when supposedly 12.30pm, but I overslept and woke up only at 12+, and I didnt sleep throughout the night (unless you wanna count 11pm to 1.30am, and my MSN were deng deng deng all the while, thanks to a conversation there -_-)
well, unfortunately, the weather was bad, and we reached at some 3pm omg. it was drizzling when we reached there, but well, we didn't had any water activities, just plainly walked around, eat, and played skated for like 1 hour? I didn't really skate, because I dunno how to, and I was using benghui's blades, in which the shoe size was bigger, so I couldn't control well at all
well this was how bored I got. -_-" falling asleep soon obviously.
Kinda boring back there, and so we headed to Yishun Safra for bowling (OH MY I SO WANTED TO PLAY IT FOR LIKE LONG AGO), but waited for valerie back at Yishun station first. we had dinner after everyone gathered, but well, split again. some at the basement in northpoint, while some had in LJS. oh hell it was already like 8+pm.
we split into 2 groups. benghui, may and sheila went to buy a birthday cake for kky (since we were celebrating his bday afterall, but a few days earlier), while the rest of us, were on our own way to Safra, but well, we walked like snails, because we were waiting for the cake-buyers to reach the bowling centre first, so we could give kky a surprise. and well, being the simple minded him, he had a surprise, since he dunno what we were up to.
and well, we took some photos here and there..
thats a very cool cake o.o
the poor strawberries. =\
a cake for you? lol.
and when I'm eating..dont disturb me =\
and well, the group photos =)
the guy on the extreme left. yaoliang, looked so niang. LOL.
waited for miss sum and the bowling lanes were all booked / used. well..photo taking again.
miss sum aka Doraemon and shirui
and a penguin appeared out of nowhere
and well, I'm in as well in the end.
after all these, we waited awhile, and finally theres lanes for us. it was already near 11pm. but well, games getting started ! beginning of the fun.
bowling was, GOD DAMN FUN. we split to 2 teams.
kky sheila weimeng me and valerie vs benghui shirui may and miss sum.
we took 2 top scorer from each team, and well, the loser, sing the elmo song.
I challenged miss sum, saying "eh miss sum, I must win you sia! I wait for you, we throw together." and the first turn, both my balls went DOWN THE DRAIN, while miss sum hit 6. OMG !! and then we continued playing, and KKY had turkey (3 strikes in a row), while I had a double strike, first time in my life can. and before that I told miss sum "I will strike this round" and then, really striked, and she mentioned she had stress playing that game. lol.
bowlers on action.
it was getting more and more ridiculous, after my first strike that is. they started to call out random names of the players' opposite gender (like, if it's a boy's turn to roll the ball, the rest of us would call out a girl's name. a random one), watching how we would score, if you score a strike, means you are interested in that particular person. yes, thats how childish it was, and the idea obviously was not from me, since they started the whole idea when I was about to roll my bowling ball. they were hoping me to score down the drain la, but I got strike again, trust them to call names. what, Prisca included? what the hell? and then the name callings started until the game ended. we were calling some dumb names when miss sum was about to roll her bowling ball. "MR GOH ! JOEL NEO ! OR MR CHNG !" oh. my. god. how horrible, and I remember theres Ray Chua when it was sheila's turn. gross.
but hey, we were laughing like nobody business can, like the whole bowling alley was ours. damn noisy, and we won, since kky and I got the highest. and they had to sing the elmo song =)
"THIS IS THE SONG ! LALALALA ! LALALALA ! ELMO SONG !" I'm laughing when I'm typing this post. its so hilarious. but the fun was over after that, it was already 12am. well. the girls (excluding May-kuku) took taxi home, while the rest took another cab home, I didn't want a cab, so I chose a bus, weimeng tagged along. and tada. home at 1am or near there.
a bathe str8 after coming home, got online for awhile and...zZzZ.
P.S- theres alot more pics, but not gonna upload them anymore. its some Wednesday 2am now, and I've got school in the morning. so, end here for now.
Labels: birthdays, hanging out
07 April 2007
before this post, I had nothing to do, and when I had nothing to do, flashbacks in my school life appeared in my mind, and each time this happens, I would have smiled unknowingly (until I'm brought back to reality).
in a blink of an eye, its already April, few of my good frens..don't really see them somehow, wonder how they are.
benny..zhenhong..jason..beatrice..sebastian..zul..and perhaps huijie jingxiang (though I just saw them few days ago), actually, just say the whole class la.
I wonder how everyone is now (maybe except for beatrice who is busy with work all the time, and benny who is the only one who engages in conversations like almost everyday, and huijie disturbing which he term it a break from work, and the one who claims to be damn stressed out, jingxiang.)
see the ones listed on top, practically all of them are from JC, except benny (but nonetheless a smartass) and everyone is busy with their JC project and such. but I don't see how Haikel can slack at all, and he entered JC for...nvm I'm skipping this out, guess it yourself, I'm not one to talk about stuffs like that.
and now I hang out with the people I don't usually hang out with last time. say..alvin and winston, and a few more perhaps. whats with all these nonsense. you guys might think, but I'm that bored to think of such things. and school is starting soon for me, like 1 week away, and a few more days would be orientation, and I bet it would be god damn boring, but I know I would need to show that-fake-enthusiastic-face of mine.
when school starts, everyone would get busy, even the ones I hang out with frequently now. its as though I'm alone now. and please, don't think I'm gay or whatever, or being so dependent on friends and whatnot, or try asking me to make friends in my new class, its just so difficult to mingle with strangers, and it would probably take months.
let me just make this simple perhaps. I want another class gathering la, though I know its almost impossible, when each and everyone has their own time slot for their own stuffs. The bond's drifting, and I hate to see that.
perhaps, 2006 is the best year I ever had, and it kinda ended so fast.
a wave of nostalgia hit me whenever I remind myself back to last year
Labels: random
06 April 2007 Poly TimeTable
Well, this is my..Poly Timetable..apparently its like kinda screwed because mondays to wednesdays' lessons are at bloody 8am, which means I need to wake up at some 6am in the morning to get pumped up and reach school at some 7.30am, using the 25 minutes to find the bloody block, and 5 minutes to settle down.
and, now I'm all alone in the class, theres no one I know, no one I can communicate. I wonder..how tough things would get. oh well, lets take it as..a challenge perhaps.
Labels: school
06 April 2007 - Good Fats and Bad Fats
Among the best fats on the planet, omega-3s add years to your life by dramatically reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. They may also stave off arthritis, depression, some cancers, and even tame menstrual cramps and post-workout soreness. Looking for clear, soft skin and great hair? Omega-3s do that too.
Eat these frequently:
- Fatty fish, such as wild salmon, sardines, herring, and tuna
- Flax seeds and flax seed oil (packaged food and cooking oil respectively I guess)
- Walnuts -->
- Canola oil and leafy greens (modest amounts) *vegetables*
All monounsaturated fats are kind to your heart, because they up good HDL cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol (the kind that clogs arteries). But virgin olive oil, the MVP of monounsaturates, does more. For starters, it contains micronutrients that are needed for hormone and enzyme production. But olive oil also boasts compounds that may fight breast and colon cancer as well as boost the cancer-fighting power of other foods.
Delicious sources are:
- Olives -->
- Virgin olive oil. be sure it's virgin; processing destroys nutrients
- Canola oil
- Peanut and other nut oils
- Nuts -->
- Avocados -->
Most polyunsaturated fats are heart-friendly but, with the exception of omega-3s, they don't have the star power of other healthy fats. Also, they contain omega-6s, which are healthy unless you get too many of them?and most Americans get up to 25 times more omega 6s than they need?because they can overwhelm the superstar omega 3s. Overall, try to get most of your polyunsaturated fats from omega 3 sources.
Find them in:
- Corn, soybean, safflower, canola, sunflower and cottonseed oils
- Fatty fish (canned light tuna counts)
Saturated fats are mainly trouble because they raise blood cholesterol to artery-clogging levels. In one study, eating a single slice of carrot cake and drinking a milkshake hindered the body's heart-protective functions. Loading up on sat fats may also harm brain molecules that help form memories, raising the risk of dementia.
Skimp or skip:
- Meats, particularly with visible fat
- Poultry skin, fat, and dark meat
- Whole-milk dairy foods including butter, full-fat cheeses, ice cream, sour cream
- Most hard margarines (those in stick form)
- Coconut and palm oils
- Lard and shortening
These fats are so scary that they're being banned in some cities, and food manufacturers and restaurants are working fast to find substitutes. Trans fats are formed when liquid oils are zapped with hydrogen, turning them solid (like stick margarine). Processed foods that contain trans fats have nearly eternal shelf life-ironically, that's why trans fats were invented: to keep food from going bad. But trans fats turned out to boost bad cholesterol, decrease good cholesterol, gum up arteries, and set off inflammation throughout the body, which can trigger a host of problems, from stroke to diabetes.
Bypass completely:
Though things are changing quickly, be suspicious of any fast or processed food that's not labeled trans-fat free (packaged-food labels now must list trans fats), including:
- All deep-fried foods-chips, French fries, onion rings, donuts, etc.
- Many fast foods
- Candy
- Commercial baked goods-cookies, pies, cakes, rolls, muffins, etc.
now, this is some good news, that some fats are healthy, and fast foods are..well, not good. except for MacDonalds maybe? because there are news saying it uses healthy oil, but hell, theres no guarantee on it, so play safe. EAT LESS SUCH FOOD. or else, be FAT like me xD
Labels: topics and news
03 April 2007 Fujitsu Laptop and Christianity survey
we walked in loops and circles in SP and alicia was still doing her self cert which took like more that 2 hours. and when she finished, winston and I were still in search of the place to collect that precious. the reason why it took me hours is because..the person who called me to collect the laptop, informed the wrong place, and alicia heard from someone in the library, went to the library, and waited for some 15 minutes and said at the admission office which is located at the entrance of SP, and it was CLOSED because those staffs were having lunch break. what the hell.
and so I decided to have lunch first, and eat peacefully, but well, not really peacefully, because 2 graduates from SP approached us, and surveyed us about Christianity. well, as many of you here knows, I'm free from religion, as I've told the guy who surveyed me as well. He quoted an example after some talk
"think of religion as basketball (because I made an analogy for that earlier on), theres only 1 rule for it, and maybe for that, there is only 1 Truth (one of the Christian word that Jesus said, the other 2 is Way and Life, though I don't really know what it is) and for that, there may only be 1 God."
speechless? of course not. since he classify only 1 game, why not classify sports? different sports have different rules, just like, different religions having different beliefs. well, there may be more than 1 God. and so on.
well, theres no right or wrong in religions, and yes, the guy he himself said, God created the world, but he couldn't really accept that fact because its too, unbelievable, since we are living in a world using science to prove existence.
religions, sometimes it can be interesting when you think through and question the people. because my questions don't really have an answer.
Who created God?
Why are there disasters when God and Man are known to have good relationships?
Just how many God(s) are there, since there are so many religions.
well? that we don't really have an answer there do we?
Truth is, I chose to be a free thinker because there are many different religions, and there might be some in which their beliefs clashes, which contradicts each other's religions, and there is no Science in it (since I believe in Science which proves Existence).
it took us some 30 minutes just to go through all these religious stuffs, and I find that time spent was kinda fruitful. and we went to the ohmygod admission office tocollectthelaptopandinstallthesoftwareandgotourassoff SP. tiring, and I was supposed to catch a movie with the usual gang at night, but no, cancelled. sad.
and I got scammed. the laptop only got 100 gig (because they installed so many shit in it). but I love it. now I've got 2 comps under my control, but my money...$1000 flew off just like that. sigh. $1000 cannnnnnn, not $10.00
oh well, after so much crap. ending it here. I know its a boring post. (since when are my Posts interesting I guess?) bear with it, because my life is just that rotten.
P.S- oh my, I just discovered "Labels" is just right below this content box. how slow am I? anyways, gonna spend my time slowly to label the old posts, maybe.
P.P.S- ok I guess after labeling 100 posts I'm getting sick and tired of it. I'm not bothering the older posts
Labels: hanging out, thoughts
02 April 2007 - Beatrice's email
Running in the rain
A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Checkers. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.
It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of Checkers.
We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world.
Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.
The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in
"Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"What?" Mom asked.
"Let's run through the rain!" She repeated.
"No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated:
"Mom, let's run through the rain,"
"We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said.
"No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young
girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.
"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get
"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,
you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"
The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes.
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.
"Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD
let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said.
Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.
And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.
Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories... So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.
A friend sent this to me to remind me of life. Hope you enjoy it.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate
a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.
If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry. (in which I chose to blog)
Take the time to live!!!
Keep in touch with your friends, you never know when you'll need each other
- and don't forget to run in the rain!
well..memories..are perhaps the ones that can really make people smile..be it smiling in a daze alone, or sharing the joy with a group of people whom we call friends / families
life seems like a special film full of negatives that contains our memories, be it beautiful or an ugly one, its all there, and can never be overwritten.
Labels: email
01 April 2007
Lich vs Priestess of the Moon
POTM leaps right smack in front of Lich, and Lich dagons POTM to death.
Priestess of the Moon vs Lightning Revenant
POTM's Elune Arrow is spammed non stop, and LR's base was destroyed in the end. POTM farmed a Divine Rapier and told LR
POTM "I dropped the rapier outside your base".
LR "where got"
POTM "what date is it today??"
LR "not funny"
Labels: random
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes

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