26 February 2008 - Its Time
perhaps its time, that something should be done.
As Good As DEAD on 4:03 am
25 February 2008 - Keep Thinking
been busy lately, with two jobs on hand, and some days are on the same day, can you imagine how fucking tired it can be, but then again, I won't be able to save enough if I dont work hard enough.
2 more days to results coming out, maybe it sounds scary, but whats done is done isn't it?
life is like, boring during the holidays, except the days when I hang out and have fun with the right bunch of people. once in a while, we ALL need a break.
but somehow, I still wonder if its the same. I've wasted much time though.
2 more days to results coming out, maybe it sounds scary, but whats done is done isn't it?
life is like, boring during the holidays, except the days when I hang out and have fun with the right bunch of people. once in a while, we ALL need a break.
but somehow, I still wonder if its the same. I've wasted much time though.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 4:30 pm
25 February 2008 - Happy Birthday List for 24th
Casandra 12am SMS
Alvin 12am SMS
Alicia 12.07am SMS
Matthew 12.41am SMS
Terence 12.53am Tagboard
Shi Rui 1.25am SMS
Yu Yang 1.51am SMS
Chin Chun + Haikel 2am+ During Work
Winston 4.10am MSN
Beatrice 8.41am SMS
Gilbert 8.54am SMS
Jing Xiang 9.35am SMS
Hui Jie 10am Tagboard
Zhen Hong 10.25am SMS
Su Ern 11.59am MSN
Zhen Jie + Alex Chia 12+pm Admiralty MRT Platform
Azlina (Marina Mandarin) 3.14pm SMS
Marisa 4.21pm Friendster
Valerie 4.52pm Friendster
Jessica Chan 5.04pm Friendster
Sebastian 5.53pm Friendster
Zul 6.47pm SMS
Jessica Poh 9.27pm SMS
Karen 9.44pm SMS
haha karen, you are the first (which wasnt on that exact date yet) and the last to wish happy birthday lol.
I wanna thank these 25 people for wishing me happy birthday =)
I hope I didn't miss anyone out.
18 years old, but stillllll, doesnt mean I'm old (no way man beatrice, never gonna admit I'm old, hahaha)
and alvin, no alcohols please -.-! LOL
Alvin 12am SMS
Alicia 12.07am SMS
Matthew 12.41am SMS
Terence 12.53am Tagboard
Shi Rui 1.25am SMS
Yu Yang 1.51am SMS
Chin Chun + Haikel 2am+ During Work
Winston 4.10am MSN
Beatrice 8.41am SMS
Gilbert 8.54am SMS
Jing Xiang 9.35am SMS
Hui Jie 10am Tagboard
Zhen Hong 10.25am SMS
Su Ern 11.59am MSN
Zhen Jie + Alex Chia 12+pm Admiralty MRT Platform
Azlina (Marina Mandarin) 3.14pm SMS
Marisa 4.21pm Friendster
Valerie 4.52pm Friendster
Jessica Chan 5.04pm Friendster
Sebastian 5.53pm Friendster
Zul 6.47pm SMS
Jessica Poh 9.27pm SMS
Karen 9.44pm SMS
haha karen, you are the first (which wasnt on that exact date yet) and the last to wish happy birthday lol.
I wanna thank these 25 people for wishing me happy birthday =)
I hope I didn't miss anyone out.
18 years old, but stillllll, doesnt mean I'm old (no way man beatrice, never gonna admit I'm old, hahaha)
and alvin, no alcohols please -.-! LOL
Labels: birthdays
As Good As DEAD on 12:56 am
22 February 2008 - Small Poly Gathering
a small gathering, with the few people, after not seeing them for quite some time. its kinda fun and nice seeing them. a simple lunch, loads of craps and jokes, a lil bit of fun.
just a small summary of whats going on today, I don't have to say much, cos what happened today is gonna be etched to my mind.
they rocks.
just a small summary of whats going on today, I don't have to say much, cos what happened today is gonna be etched to my mind.
they rocks.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 6:26 pm
20 February 2008 - A Day's Rest
no work for today. working in the school is a lil stressed, yet manageable. the kids are fraking noisy so to speak, but kinda fun overall just that in exchange my throat will have to suffer.
waiter wise, worse off because its tiring and damn busy. non stop walking and carrying of stuffs. banquet waiter really sucks, for that mere 6 bucks and gotta slog like hell
damn tired these few days, getting kinda restless and whatnot.
cant wait for friday, sunday, wednesday.
waiter wise, worse off because its tiring and damn busy. non stop walking and carrying of stuffs. banquet waiter really sucks, for that mere 6 bucks and gotta slog like hell
damn tired these few days, getting kinda restless and whatnot.
cant wait for friday, sunday, wednesday.
As Good As DEAD on 3:13 pm
18 February 2008 - First Day of Work's'
I wonder how is it like to teach a bunch of non chinese for me today. I hope they are cooperative enough and everything, if not I think I might just blast at them. LOL
oh whatever, hope everything goes well today. might update more tonight if I'm back early that is.
how far can one run to avoid all the shit you are facing, when you still have to face them sooner or later. No Escape.
oh whatever, hope everything goes well today. might update more tonight if I'm back early that is.
how far can one run to avoid all the shit you are facing, when you still have to face them sooner or later. No Escape.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 10:16 am
17 February 2008 - Start of 'Busy Days'
haven been blogging these few days, but yeah..nothing much would have happened anyway and that I couldn't recall what I was doing for wednesday and thursday.
the only thing I remembered was the past 2 days I was working, for 5 hours starting from 2pm. the preparation for chingay that is. pretty lame, because we dont have to do anything but just slack around. two days for $65 doing nothing.
the chingay celebration at cityhall there was kinda cool, I mean..for the first time I see such things not on television, since I don't really fancy such stuffs. but hey, they're pretty interesting..the decorations and such and loads of people were there. irritating.
headed home after work, and rested. pretty dull, boring.
but I guess today's the last day to be boring, and probably won't be blogging much from here.
the only thing I remembered was the past 2 days I was working, for 5 hours starting from 2pm. the preparation for chingay that is. pretty lame, because we dont have to do anything but just slack around. two days for $65 doing nothing.
the chingay celebration at cityhall there was kinda cool, I mean..for the first time I see such things not on television, since I don't really fancy such stuffs. but hey, they're pretty interesting..the decorations and such and loads of people were there. irritating.
headed home after work, and rested. pretty dull, boring.
but I guess today's the last day to be boring, and probably won't be blogging much from here.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 11:36 am
12 February 2008 - CNY Celebrations
CNY Day 4
Dinner at TPY Sakura, big party. 15 people. something stupid happened, and only the super lucky bunch of people will kena such things - Getting Trapped in The Lift.
Sakura is at third storey, and well we took the lift, and just nice full load so 15 of us were in. and the lift went up...not even at the 2nd storey and it hanged -.-!
a few of us called the lift service or whatever you call it. took 20 minutes before we were rescued. the funny thing is, we still can crap and laugh while getting trapped inside for the whole 20 minutes. thank god there was still ventilation, or else we would just be gasping for oxygen inside that god damn lift.
its my first time getting trapped in the lift, and with a bunch of my friends. its like, fun at least, because we were all crapping and laughing still despite the supposedly panic situation. and then some of us went
Person A "tio 4D also not that zhun ah ! then kena this 1"
Person B "eh what time we got trapped ah? take down the time take down the time ! go buy 4D and huat ah!"
actually person B is yuyang, who were crapping away, calling the lift service and demanding for a refund and the person on the phone with him was all confused. its so dorky, the whole thing that is.
and at last, we were out after 20 min (the service sucks man, took kinda long -.-)
a few pics taken in sakura

only took these few, and my phone went almost flat already so didnt took anymore. ate from 730 till 9+ or 10+ I think, and headed home.
Day 5 and Day 6
and practically yesterday and today is the same, headed to winston's house with my SPBs + zhenjie for gambling and gaming the whole afternoon, except that we watched a movie yesterday. CJ7. the movie is kinda hilarious, and like matthew said, its surprisingly touching. I would recommend this movie if anyone of you are thinking of what to watch.
hanging out with secondary school friends really kickass, something worth looking back.
and oh, before I forget. TPY there got a Robbery Shop !
for those who knows chinese..take a look

if you pronounce it, it sounds like "da qiang" which means "robbery" lol. damn lame I know, but well. hahaha.
Dinner at TPY Sakura, big party. 15 people. something stupid happened, and only the super lucky bunch of people will kena such things - Getting Trapped in The Lift.
Sakura is at third storey, and well we took the lift, and just nice full load so 15 of us were in. and the lift went up...not even at the 2nd storey and it hanged -.-!
a few of us called the lift service or whatever you call it. took 20 minutes before we were rescued. the funny thing is, we still can crap and laugh while getting trapped inside for the whole 20 minutes. thank god there was still ventilation, or else we would just be gasping for oxygen inside that god damn lift.
its my first time getting trapped in the lift, and with a bunch of my friends. its like, fun at least, because we were all crapping and laughing still despite the supposedly panic situation. and then some of us went
Person A "tio 4D also not that zhun ah ! then kena this 1"
Person B "eh what time we got trapped ah? take down the time take down the time ! go buy 4D and huat ah!"
actually person B is yuyang, who were crapping away, calling the lift service and demanding for a refund and the person on the phone with him was all confused. its so dorky, the whole thing that is.
and at last, we were out after 20 min (the service sucks man, took kinda long -.-)
a few pics taken in sakura
only took these few, and my phone went almost flat already so didnt took anymore. ate from 730 till 9+ or 10+ I think, and headed home.
Day 5 and Day 6
and practically yesterday and today is the same, headed to winston's house with my SPBs + zhenjie for gambling and gaming the whole afternoon, except that we watched a movie yesterday. CJ7. the movie is kinda hilarious, and like matthew said, its surprisingly touching. I would recommend this movie if anyone of you are thinking of what to watch.
hanging out with secondary school friends really kickass, something worth looking back.
and oh, before I forget. TPY there got a Robbery Shop !
for those who knows chinese..take a look
if you pronounce it, it sounds like "da qiang" which means "robbery" lol. damn lame I know, but well. hahaha.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 11:31 pm
10 February 2008 - Gathering is The Best
this year's CNY is kinda busy for me, not because of visiting relatives, but rather meeting up with friends. let me summarise my 3 CNY days
Day 1
Father's side relative (which actually only consist of my aunt, her husband, and my 2 cousins) came to my house for lunch, some small talks and thats it.
Went to my Mother's side relative, my grandmother's house that is (who actually..left this world), and gathered there. Mini gambling den, and yeah, I'm the youngest cousin among the whole lot. its been years since they last saw me, so..many of them gave shocking looks when they saw me. I brought $100 with me and left with $80 on that day. went home in the late afternoon, and did nothing much already.
Day 2
Father's side relative. our turn to go their house (pretty lame, but yeah, its respect) and have lunch. small talks again. lol. thank god my uncle don't talk about christianity with me already. left in the afternoon and headed to ernest's house for gambling again. quite a few people were there..hmm..
I think theres more, but I cant really recall, went there and recouped a lil bit of my loss, and my wallet had around $90 bucks.
went back home during the late afternoon, got changed and tonned at CC's house together with haikel. pretty boring and well, slept at 5am and my Day 3 starts there.
Day 3
5 hours of sleep, omg thats so not me, because I'm kinda deprived of sleep, but I was kicked and tossed around and that I was forced to wake up. went back home to sleep again, and then went to Binkiat house in the afternoon for the usual activity - gambling. more people this time round, so the more fun we had, but we stayed there only for a while. my wallet had $120 by then (after calculating eating dinner and everything)
headed to mac with clinton and jingxiang and had some small talks for about 1 hour, and headed to shaoyong's house to continue gambling. big party there, and we played with adults, till 11pm and then played among ourselves again till 3+ midnight. my wallet? its bursting. roughly $200, full of $2 notes, which means I won around $100. damn happy this year, because theres more $ to save now.
and tada, this is how my CNY went, for the past 3 days. pretty fast, gambling almost the whole day on day 3, and then played at CC's house on day 2.
later on? Day 4, another gathering ! but with different bunch of friends this time round, with my another hilarious bunch of sec sch friends. its gonna be the last gathering I guess, and then no more, but I'm looking forward to it. 6 more hours to meetup that is.
life's kinda cool lately, having gatherings with secondary school friends are ever the best, guess I gotta agree, that sec sch friends are the best among all level education.
oh man, I'm so tired to the extent my head is spinning around already, I think its the sip of carlsberg I had hours ago (and beer seriously taste sucks), and damn, I broke my rule, which is to abstain from alcoholic drinks till I'm officially 18. lol. I hope a sip won't kill, or perhaps get myself drunk (but well I got home anyway)
think I better go sleep now, and yeah CNY is great this year, and now I'm so hoping the 10 weeks are forever, which is so impossible.
Day 1
Father's side relative (which actually only consist of my aunt, her husband, and my 2 cousins) came to my house for lunch, some small talks and thats it.
Went to my Mother's side relative, my grandmother's house that is (who actually..left this world), and gathered there. Mini gambling den, and yeah, I'm the youngest cousin among the whole lot. its been years since they last saw me, so..many of them gave shocking looks when they saw me. I brought $100 with me and left with $80 on that day. went home in the late afternoon, and did nothing much already.
Day 2
Father's side relative. our turn to go their house (pretty lame, but yeah, its respect) and have lunch. small talks again. lol. thank god my uncle don't talk about christianity with me already. left in the afternoon and headed to ernest's house for gambling again. quite a few people were there..hmm..
I think theres more, but I cant really recall, went there and recouped a lil bit of my loss, and my wallet had around $90 bucks.
went back home during the late afternoon, got changed and tonned at CC's house together with haikel. pretty boring and well, slept at 5am and my Day 3 starts there.
Day 3
5 hours of sleep, omg thats so not me, because I'm kinda deprived of sleep, but I was kicked and tossed around and that I was forced to wake up. went back home to sleep again, and then went to Binkiat house in the afternoon for the usual activity - gambling. more people this time round, so the more fun we had, but we stayed there only for a while. my wallet had $120 by then (after calculating eating dinner and everything)
headed to mac with clinton and jingxiang and had some small talks for about 1 hour, and headed to shaoyong's house to continue gambling. big party there, and we played with adults, till 11pm and then played among ourselves again till 3+ midnight. my wallet? its bursting. roughly $200, full of $2 notes, which means I won around $100. damn happy this year, because theres more $ to save now.
and tada, this is how my CNY went, for the past 3 days. pretty fast, gambling almost the whole day on day 3, and then played at CC's house on day 2.
later on? Day 4, another gathering ! but with different bunch of friends this time round, with my another hilarious bunch of sec sch friends. its gonna be the last gathering I guess, and then no more, but I'm looking forward to it. 6 more hours to meetup that is.
life's kinda cool lately, having gatherings with secondary school friends are ever the best, guess I gotta agree, that sec sch friends are the best among all level education.
oh man, I'm so tired to the extent my head is spinning around already, I think its the sip of carlsberg I had hours ago (and beer seriously taste sucks), and damn, I broke my rule, which is to abstain from alcoholic drinks till I'm officially 18. lol. I hope a sip won't kill, or perhaps get myself drunk (but well I got home anyway)
think I better go sleep now, and yeah CNY is great this year, and now I'm so hoping the 10 weeks are forever, which is so impossible.
Labels: hanging out, thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 4:06 am
06 February 2008 - Two Jobs, Time Clash
I got two jobs on hand I think, if all goes well, will be working from 2.30 to 11 which is kinda long. but in between I only got half hour break, in which is insufficient time for me to even travel. one in woodlands another in city hall -.-
bleahs whatever, reunion dinner just now was as usual, ordinary. nothing much, just a simple meal and we are done. CNY is coming, feeling excited and all? nahhhhh, not on the first two days, which will bore the ass out of me.
whatever it is, happy chinese new year to everyone in advance again.
A game of chess, the pawns, the tactics, to manipulate.
Only the King, never the Pawn.
bleahs whatever, reunion dinner just now was as usual, ordinary. nothing much, just a simple meal and we are done. CNY is coming, feeling excited and all? nahhhhh, not on the first two days, which will bore the ass out of me.
whatever it is, happy chinese new year to everyone in advance again.
A game of chess, the pawns, the tactics, to manipulate.
Only the King, never the Pawn.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 8:13 pm
06 February 2008 - ADSS Change Principal = Sux
my school changed principal, to that freaking fatso, who kpkb so much, when seniors like me go back to school and visit them, and then chased me out of school.
went crescent park to meet zhenhong and yuyang after that, then more gathered, then stood around outside the school. I took a glance at the school from outside again, shook my head and went "sucks"
the new principal really is no diff from shit. then we were outside the side gate, talking to those indian guards yet again
guard "next time wanna come must make appointment first, then take down name then can come"
friend "woah, you know we from there, walk to here, then to main gate then out again then back to here, now you chasing us off again omg"
me "sigh, celebrate chinese new year also so difficult, we aint celebrating deepavali here leh"
we burst out into laughters. no hard feelings here. but yeah, the principal and the guards really ruined our day, especially jason's, all lethargic, and got to walk here and there. he got damn pissed off. lol.
oh well, ADSS changed for the worse, without Mrs Lim, the school is damn sad case. I rather she continues being the principal, at least she still welcome ex students like us with gates wide open.
went crescent park to meet zhenhong and yuyang after that, then more gathered, then stood around outside the school. I took a glance at the school from outside again, shook my head and went "sucks"
the new principal really is no diff from shit. then we were outside the side gate, talking to those indian guards yet again
guard "next time wanna come must make appointment first, then take down name then can come"
friend "woah, you know we from there, walk to here, then to main gate then out again then back to here, now you chasing us off again omg"
me "sigh, celebrate chinese new year also so difficult, we aint celebrating deepavali here leh"
we burst out into laughters. no hard feelings here. but yeah, the principal and the guards really ruined our day, especially jason's, all lethargic, and got to walk here and there. he got damn pissed off. lol.
oh well, ADSS changed for the worse, without Mrs Lim, the school is damn sad case. I rather she continues being the principal, at least she still welcome ex students like us with gates wide open.
Labels: hanging out, rantings
As Good As DEAD on 2:21 pm
05 February 2008 - 3 New Shirts for CNY
bought 3 new shirts for CNY this year, and it cost me 102 in total, spent kinda much I know, but yeah, my mum had been asking me to get it before new year as well.
out with the usual people, the usual stuffs, but well, it may sound boring, but its not the activities that matters, its about who you go out with, thats the real fun.
happy CNY to all my buddies, and my friends.
jobs jobs, come fast.
out with the usual people, the usual stuffs, but well, it may sound boring, but its not the activities that matters, its about who you go out with, thats the real fun.
happy CNY to all my buddies, and my friends.
jobs jobs, come fast.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 11:01 pm
04 February 2008 - Fallen Class, Worse Than Trash
slept for merely 5 hours and woke up early in the morning and gymmed with kaisheng. and omg I became much weaker alr, cant do as much as before, perhaps its cos its been a long time since I've been there..a few months that is.
and then, talked a lil about how certain things came and went about. but then again, ignorance is bliss, for his case that is. terence, the class is never like before, and will never be like before, you know it. but like you always said, life goes on simply, put it that way. but theres not a need for peacekeeping, because nothing will happen, that I'm dead sure about it. you think too much dude. lol.
went out with SP bros after that, and I bought a shirt, and ate swensen. and its like 8pm, which means time flies today.
fix the direction forward, so that you won't know and won't bother anything. to be outta the circle 'x' times, is to save 'x' troubles.
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Link blog if you wish to
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and then, talked a lil about how certain things came and went about. but then again, ignorance is bliss, for his case that is. terence, the class is never like before, and will never be like before, you know it. but like you always said, life goes on simply, put it that way. but theres not a need for peacekeeping, because nothing will happen, that I'm dead sure about it. you think too much dude. lol.
went out with SP bros after that, and I bought a shirt, and ate swensen. and its like 8pm, which means time flies today.
fix the direction forward, so that you won't know and won't bother anything. to be outta the circle 'x' times, is to save 'x' troubles.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 8:15 pm
02 February 2008 - Part Time Job
I found a job as a waiter, a typical job I would say, but well, at least its gonna kill some time and make some $$ at least.
went City Hall with
Alvin (kyle)
Chinchun (kenny)
Matthew (stanley)
Haikel (cheese)
walked around and around, and for job interview. probably will start work this coming monday. the sooner the better duh.
went Bugis for arcade after that, poor stanley left us and headed to godparents' house, but we went to meet Weimeng, walked awhile and then went back CWP to eat, and off we go arcade again and again.
and yeah, freaking boring post I know, cos didnt encounter anything interesting.
Terence, lets solo the 10 weeks away, will pass damn fast 1 lah. lol.
went City Hall with
Alvin (kyle)
Chinchun (kenny)
Matthew (stanley)
Haikel (cheese)
walked around and around, and for job interview. probably will start work this coming monday. the sooner the better duh.
went Bugis for arcade after that, poor stanley left us and headed to godparents' house, but we went to meet Weimeng, walked awhile and then went back CWP to eat, and off we go arcade again and again.
and yeah, freaking boring post I know, cos didnt encounter anything interesting.
Terence, lets solo the 10 weeks away, will pass damn fast 1 lah. lol.
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 7:54 pm
The Cursed
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Current Mood

Onion Tales
Onion Tales
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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February 2007
March 2007
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May 2007
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