30 October 2008 - Stress-Free Practical
I had a fun time during practical today. I've always thought how stressful it would be before it actually started, but I was totally wrong when I carried out the practical with my groupies.
The lecturer sure knows how to crack jokes, he made us laughed non stop, but at the same time did the serious stuffs at the right time. Its always fun to have such practical lecturers, we'll never be bored of practicals like this.
But the funny thing is, he sure know how to shoot people as well, andbetter worse still, he shoots better than anyone in the class, he really got me there. but well, it was all a good laugh.
Lecturer: "whats the concentration?"
Hai Yee: "Er 0.01?"
Lecturer: "ehh?"
Me: "0.01 MEH?!"
Lecturer: "is Meh the unit for concentration?"
Me: my mind screamed *OMG WHAT ON EARTH !!*
Me: "er, 0.01 mol per litre"
Lecturer: "yesssssss"
Damn ! he is so specific. and he is Mr Chia. he loves to correct even the slightest mistake, reason is cos he wants to see the reaction they made. but overall, hes a pretty nice lecturer, an interesting 1 I would say.
Ending off with this cute lil machine

Self proclaimed hotness. ain't itSexy cute?
and someone mentioned I was horny to the extent I'm in love with machines.
The lecturer sure knows how to crack jokes, he made us laughed non stop, but at the same time did the serious stuffs at the right time. Its always fun to have such practical lecturers, we'll never be bored of practicals like this.
But the funny thing is, he sure know how to shoot people as well, and
Lecturer: "whats the concentration?"
Hai Yee: "Er 0.01?"
Lecturer: "ehh?"
Me: "0.01 MEH?!"
Lecturer: "is Meh the unit for concentration?"
Me: my mind screamed *OMG WHAT ON EARTH !!*
Me: "er, 0.01 mol per litre"
Lecturer: "yesssssss"
Damn ! he is so specific. and he is Mr Chia. he loves to correct even the slightest mistake, reason is cos he wants to see the reaction they made. but overall, hes a pretty nice lecturer, an interesting 1 I would say.
Ending off with this cute lil machine
Self proclaimed hotness. ain't it
Labels: just for laughs, school
As Good As DEAD on 9:59 pm
28 October 2008 - A Way to Relieve Frustration
today is one of the latest Tuesday I stayed in school. practical preparation took me hours to finish them even though there wasn't really much to do (as in comparing with the time frame, it should be completed within 2+ hours actually)
off to the gym with kweh at 530pm, and as usual, do until our bodies can no longer take it. It felt great, especially when you feel vexed and frustrated, you use up all the energy and then lift up the weights, while the mind whispers "I'M SO GOING TO ****ing CONQUER YOU !"
and so, whenever in gym, both of us would just do till we are totally spiritless, to the extent we would somehow reach our limit. I reached home at about 8pm I guess, and dinner was already laying on the table. I came home late and my salmon isn't hot anymore. sigh. but nevertheless, its still yummy, especially with the oyster sauce (I think,not exactly sure what sauce my mom added) together with lime. lime lime lime~ it rox together with salmon.
A little bit of improvement for me today. 2 sets of 10 for 20kg barbell (excluding weight of the bar which weighs I dunno how much, by far the heaviest I tried carrying) and X sets of 10-25 for 10kg barbell weight. X meaning I actually lost count of how many I've done, but total it up there is at least 150 times and maybe near 200 times. and then did some machines as well after that. Basically, I just did till I felt satisfaction, then there goes my frustrations.
ending it here for today. Practicals coming up ! ITS GONNA BE A BUSY WEEEEEK. theres still tutorials for CRE to do. I guess I would TRY to do.
off to the gym with kweh at 530pm, and as usual, do until our bodies can no longer take it. It felt great, especially when you feel vexed and frustrated, you use up all the energy and then lift up the weights, while the mind whispers "I'M SO GOING TO ****ing CONQUER YOU !"
and so, whenever in gym, both of us would just do till we are totally spiritless, to the extent we would somehow reach our limit. I reached home at about 8pm I guess, and dinner was already laying on the table. I came home late and my salmon isn't hot anymore. sigh. but nevertheless, its still yummy, especially with the oyster sauce (I think,not exactly sure what sauce my mom added) together with lime. lime lime lime~ it rox together with salmon.
A little bit of improvement for me today. 2 sets of 10 for 20kg barbell (excluding weight of the bar which weighs I dunno how much, by far the heaviest I tried carrying) and X sets of 10-25 for 10kg barbell weight. X meaning I actually lost count of how many I've done, but total it up there is at least 150 times and maybe near 200 times. and then did some machines as well after that. Basically, I just did till I felt satisfaction, then there goes my frustrations.
ending it here for today. Practicals coming up ! ITS GONNA BE A BUSY WEEEEEK. theres still tutorials for CRE to do. I guess I would TRY to do.
Labels: school
As Good As DEAD on 8:29 pm
26 October 2008 - Big Hangout
Celebrated Ahtee's birthday (actual birthdate on 23), but no pics taken so..purely word post, but a short one.
around 17 or 18 people hanged out in total. Bugis till evening which includes eating and arcades and other stuffs, and somewhere in Admiralty at night for alcohol and slacking sessions. Exclude me and a few other guys on the alcohol part, since some of us don't drink them. its whiskey btw. 40+%
the day ended quick, I didn't took notice of the time at all, and by the time I came back home, it was already past 1 in the night.
and so, Happy Belated Birthday to TeeYuan
around 17 or 18 people hanged out in total. Bugis till evening which includes eating and arcades and other stuffs, and somewhere in Admiralty at night for alcohol and slacking sessions. Exclude me and a few other guys on the alcohol part, since some of us don't drink them. its whiskey btw. 40+%
the day ended quick, I didn't took notice of the time at all, and by the time I came back home, it was already past 1 in the night.
and so, Happy Belated Birthday to TeeYuan
Labels: birthdays, hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 2:18 am
22 October 2008 - Brother Alvin's Birthday
its a pity that this year we can't celebrate Alvin's birthday on that day itself...thats some kinda sad news for me when I heard it yesterday.
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway. the few of us have always remember this date.
exhausted day today, hanged out for awhile after afternoon lessons, and then headed home.
overall, I had a bad day today, and a disappointing one, (not because I didn't get to celebrate today). worst day of all since first week, and thus...the mood's plunged.
F it.
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway. the few of us have always remember this date.
exhausted day today, hanged out for awhile after afternoon lessons, and then headed home.
overall, I had a bad day today, and a disappointing one, (not because I didn't get to celebrate today). worst day of all since first week, and thus...the mood's plunged.
F it.
Labels: birthdays, rantings, school
As Good As DEAD on 10:16 pm
21 October 2008 - Excitement !
its a great day today. not because of school, but because of some good things that happened. not me though, but CC
he's now in his own world most of the time thinking of someone, go on dates and whatnot, LIKE SO AWESOMEEEEE LOL
I'm getting a feast from him real soon probably..hmm *evil grins*
enjoy yourself bro, I'm happy for you !
School's fine, better than last semester perhaps. a lil more quiet occasionally, but I'm beginning to enjoy the surroundings.
I can't wait for Wednesday - Brother Alvin's Birthday !
that shall be a definite update.
he's now in his own world most of the time thinking of someone, go on dates and whatnot, LIKE SO AWESOMEEEEE LOL
I'm getting a feast from him real soon probably..hmm *evil grins*
enjoy yourself bro, I'm happy for you !
School's fine, better than last semester perhaps. a lil more quiet occasionally, but I'm beginning to enjoy the surroundings.
I can't wait for Wednesday - Brother Alvin's Birthday !
that shall be a definite update.
As Good As DEAD on 12:07 am
17 October 2008 - Week Passed Just Like That
its the end of the first week of school. its freaking fast though its as freaking boring as well. no wonder 6 weeks holidays ended like so so fast as well.
nothing much happened, perhaps still some commotion regarding practical groupings, for some. those matters will be left settled more or less, probably and hopefully they get what they want.
gonna elaborate about today.
I felt like a fool when I woke up at 6.45am and rushed myself to school to get ready for the 8am lesson, which is canceled, and the first lesson starts at noon. well, thank god I'm not alone, the admiralty crew were with me, together with wangshuo and singlong, we headed to long's house to play and whatnot. fortunately, theres his house to camp, if not I can't imagine what on earth am I gonna do for F-O-U-R hours.
headed to school gym at 1, and tired myself out, and then had lessons for over an hour, till 4+pm, and then headed home, and went out again for the usual evening activities. so now, I'm typing this with half my eyes closed.
2 days left to the beginning of second week, which also marks the start of get-busy-days. I hope my 2 weekends are well spent. hopefully.
nothing much happened, perhaps still some commotion regarding practical groupings, for some. those matters will be left settled more or less, probably and hopefully they get what they want.
gonna elaborate about today.
I felt like a fool when I woke up at 6.45am and rushed myself to school to get ready for the 8am lesson, which is canceled, and the first lesson starts at noon. well, thank god I'm not alone, the admiralty crew were with me, together with wangshuo and singlong, we headed to long's house to play and whatnot. fortunately, theres his house to camp, if not I can't imagine what on earth am I gonna do for F-O-U-R hours.
headed to school gym at 1, and tired myself out, and then had lessons for over an hour, till 4+pm, and then headed home, and went out again for the usual evening activities. so now, I'm typing this with half my eyes closed.
2 days left to the beginning of second week, which also marks the start of get-busy-days. I hope my 2 weekends are well spent. hopefully.
Labels: hanging out, school
As Good As DEAD on 11:50 pm
16 October 2008 - Bringer of Joy's Date
the days in school are plain boring. today's break totaled up to 5 hours. it was so freaking boring like seriously, and I was thinking of whether to skip the last lecture and just go home, but I didn't.
have been meeting the sec sch gang almost everyday, meeting up and hanging ard for awhile and then ride the train home together, its probably the only fun thing I have throughout the whole day. day by day, it just gets more boring in school, stressful thanks to the high demands from practicals.
however, today's a little special, happy occasion that is, because someone turns OLDER. LOL
so anyway..
have been meeting the sec sch gang almost everyday, meeting up and hanging ard for awhile and then ride the train home together, its probably the only fun thing I have throughout the whole day. day by day, it just gets more boring in school, stressful thanks to the high demands from practicals.
however, today's a little special, happy occasion that is, because someone turns OLDER. LOL
so anyway..
As Good As DEAD on 7:31 pm
14 October 2008 - The Way Things Work
things seems a little smooth in school for the second day, though its just a two hour lecture. but the practical is so gonna kill us I guess.
groupings were as usual, all distorted, except for the last group in which everyone is happy with where they are, and especially one group which seriously will get into deep shit if no changes are made, because its gonna be a solo instead of a group.
but then again, I still believe that, there are some things where you just have to do it. my class has 4 students which are sort of "sentenced to death" already, so whenever it comes to groupings, nobody wants them, so in the end they will just hang around with themselves.
so there were bits of commotion after lesson..I didn't say much, but the thing is that those who don't want their grades to suffer will sometimes have to make a more selfish choice, which is not to let those "sentenced to death" have any choices in their groupings, because they brought it upon themselves. I myself wouldn't wanna put myself with them even if I'm smart enough, since my results for the last semester was quite a disaster already. they have themselves to blame for the poor attitude in doing group work. individually, maybe worse off.
whatever, I'll never group myself with them no matter what group assignment comes by.
Class readers, you tell me, which one of you are willing to put yourself with them. Its as though doing rock climbing on HDB flats without those small rocks or edges that support you, its just plain, smooth walls, perhaps maybe a few windows for you to grab or even go in the flats(rmb to take some valuables with you and then name yourself "spider-burglar") if you manage to climb each floor up.
many wondered how they managed to get over the previous semester, but that didn't matter to me at all. perhaps it just explains that there are people who are worse than them, or maybe SP hardly fails any student. lecturers always say fail fail fail, but how many students do you actually see failed? anyway, isn't it a relieve if you see all 4 of them stayed? rather than maybe 1 or 2 still inside, and that FEW OF US HAVING NO CHOICE BUT TO PUT THEM INTO OUR GROUP? be glad. I know I'm evil with such thinking, and I ought to be cursed at swear at, but then again, what I said, is not exactly wrong.
putting that aside, I have no idea how I'm going to cope this semester, because I have lesser time than I used to have now when I have my hands on other stuffs besides school work, but hopefully I'm able to manage everything well..probably?
its all a win-win situation after all. but unexpected things always happen. hanging out can really make me throw all these aside once in a while.
groupings were as usual, all distorted, except for the last group in which everyone is happy with where they are, and especially one group which seriously will get into deep shit if no changes are made, because its gonna be a solo instead of a group.
but then again, I still believe that, there are some things where you just have to do it. my class has 4 students which are sort of "sentenced to death" already, so whenever it comes to groupings, nobody wants them, so in the end they will just hang around with themselves.
so there were bits of commotion after lesson..I didn't say much, but the thing is that those who don't want their grades to suffer will sometimes have to make a more selfish choice, which is not to let those "sentenced to death" have any choices in their groupings, because they brought it upon themselves. I myself wouldn't wanna put myself with them even if I'm smart enough, since my results for the last semester was quite a disaster already. they have themselves to blame for the poor attitude in doing group work. individually, maybe worse off.
whatever, I'll never group myself with them no matter what group assignment comes by.
Class readers, you tell me, which one of you are willing to put yourself with them. Its as though doing rock climbing on HDB flats without those small rocks or edges that support you, its just plain, smooth walls, perhaps maybe a few windows for you to grab or even go in the flats
many wondered how they managed to get over the previous semester, but that didn't matter to me at all. perhaps it just explains that there are people who are worse than them, or maybe SP hardly fails any student. lecturers always say fail fail fail, but how many students do you actually see failed? anyway, isn't it a relieve if you see all 4 of them stayed? rather than maybe 1 or 2 still inside, and that FEW OF US HAVING NO CHOICE BUT TO PUT THEM INTO OUR GROUP? be glad. I know I'm evil with such thinking, and I ought to be cursed at swear at, but then again, what I said, is not exactly wrong.
putting that aside, I have no idea how I'm going to cope this semester, because I have lesser time than I used to have now when I have my hands on other stuffs besides school work, but hopefully I'm able to manage everything well..probably?
its all a win-win situation after all. but unexpected things always happen. hanging out can really make me throw all these aside once in a while.
Labels: hanging out, school, thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 7:27 pm
13 October 2008 - First Day of Semester
first day of the semester starts, and as usual, things are happening the usual way, or perhaps a lil change.
I spoke less than 20 sentences today, probably due to my spiritless mood. I had a hard time getting to sleep yesterday, and I woke up later than usual. The class remains the same, except one who came out of the box we are in, which simply means...we get to see the usual people. (are you guys happy? guess not, but to me, its all just neutral)
I just came back from outside, and it seems that I've no time to rest at all.
Good thing its only a 2 hour lecture tomorrow, but the unfortunate thing is..who would want to attend school specially for just that 2 hours (OK, if you have GEMs on tuesday then ignore me, you all have 4 hours so good for you). it simply makes me wanna skip the lecture somehow. but wellllllllll, I'm just talking nonsense here, of course I have to attend still.
perhaps that marks the day for today, the day where I spoke less than 20 sentences, which is like..the same as first semester first day..haha
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
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I spoke less than 20 sentences today, probably due to my spiritless mood. I had a hard time getting to sleep yesterday, and I woke up later than usual. The class remains the same, except one who came out of the box we are in, which simply means...we get to see the usual people. (are you guys happy? guess not, but to me, its all just neutral)
I just came back from outside, and it seems that I've no time to rest at all.
Good thing its only a 2 hour lecture tomorrow, but the unfortunate thing is..who would want to attend school specially for just that 2 hours (OK, if you have GEMs on tuesday then ignore me, you all have 4 hours so good for you). it simply makes me wanna skip the lecture somehow. but wellllllllll, I'm just talking nonsense here, of course I have to attend still.
perhaps that marks the day for today, the day where I spoke less than 20 sentences, which is like..the same as first semester first day..haha
Labels: school
As Good As DEAD on 11:45 pm
12 October 2008 - Resurrection
since the new semester is just a day away, I'm back to blogging, so readers, do come and patronize this blog once again, for lame and whatsoever posts.
I've not been missing during the holidays, just that I had things to do. I shall not elaborate what I've done and all.
I wanted longer holidays, since 6 weeks passed in a flash. I wanted more rest, more time for my own stuffs, and everything else, but I'm in reality.
New term is starting again, I wonder how I'm going to cope this time.
I've not been missing during the holidays, just that I had things to do. I shall not elaborate what I've done and all.
I wanted longer holidays, since 6 weeks passed in a flash. I wanted more rest, more time for my own stuffs, and everything else, but I'm in reality.
New term is starting again, I wonder how I'm going to cope this time.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 3:23 am
The Cursed
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Current Mood

Onion Tales
Onion Tales
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