30 April 2008 - Fucked Up Class
all I have to do now is to sit back, relax, enjoy the good show thats coming up.
I wanna see how many people can withstand whatever going on
I wanna see what level of intelligence that people carries
I wanna see what kind of state the class would end up somehow
I wanna know how much and how long people can gossip about how much of an asshole I am
actually no, the previous sentence should be invalid, I don't have to know.
I can't bring myself for comparison in terms of many things man, I'm such a loser in so many trendy stuffs, unnecessary stuffs perhaps.
Waiting for good stuffs to happen is like waiting for 1st prize ToTo
Troubles wise is like Sunrise and Sunset. Every Day
I don't wanna blow myself over such matters and having to make one particular person in a spot thanks to unnecessary changes that involves me. Almost blew though, screw it.
and fuck la, I need a bigger shoe bag for that stupid big boots.
I wanna see how many people can withstand whatever going on
I wanna see what level of intelligence that people carries
I wanna see what kind of state the class would end up somehow
I wanna know how much and how long people can gossip about how much of an asshole I am
actually no, the previous sentence should be invalid, I don't have to know.
I can't bring myself for comparison in terms of many things man, I'm such a loser in so many trendy stuffs, unnecessary stuffs perhaps.
Waiting for good stuffs to happen is like waiting for 1st prize ToTo
Troubles wise is like Sunrise and Sunset. Every Day
I don't wanna blow myself over such matters and having to make one particular person in a spot thanks to unnecessary changes that involves me. Almost blew though, screw it.
and fuck la, I need a bigger shoe bag for that stupid big boots.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 12:30 am
29 April 2008 - 1 Class, Many Cliques
tiring day indeed, and as usual napped during plant utilities lesson. I'm getting into deep shit if this goes on man. but as for the rest of the lessons today wasn't quite a problem..maybe heat transfer, I dunno.
and after my nap I headed for tennis str8 away during the one hour break for 45 minutes, and then headed back to lecture. smelly me. thank god I have 2 shirts though.
I realised I'm always into happening things when it comes to chemistry related modules, from APChem to IOC and now BIA, lecturers always call me for unnecessary stuffs.
few days back was tutorial in class and that I was called upon to adjust the visualiser thanks to my "awww cannot see, release us earlier lah hahaha"
most of them somehow agreed lah, then Amos goh punished me to adjust the screen cos he wanted to continue the lesson =(
then today his lesson I kena sabo-ed again, terence's voice was the loudest, and according to him it was donald's idea to sabo me -.-!!
heres how it went. chapter 4, got a part talking about the movement of molecules or dunno what, then a few people were called out to do demonstration. 4 classes there, 2 representatives each..and uh huh I was being called out thanks to a few people, and I didn't know I'm classified under 'sporty' since I usually don't want do this don't want do that for events. lol.
and so I was called upon, and I got to pick one person from the class, of course sabo the one with the loudest voice lah bodoh ! songbo terence LOL serve you right for calling my name out loud, if not I would have picked someone else.
ok I wouldn't want to elaborate on what we were supposed to do, or rather how the demo was done because it was DAMN EMBARRASSING I SWEAR. and I told myself I swear I wouldn't want to do such things again (if given a choice that is)
but I think I did my supposedly stuff well (or rather looking stupid), and thats why people clapped =\
ok seriously, I like Amos Goh's lesson, heh.
and then went home, waited for jx alvin and haikel at the platform together with the usual gang (plus karen for mondays) and waited for them for quite awhile. home after that, and realised I'm alone for the day, and that theres no dinner again, so I just bathed and slept soon..after an exhausting day.
as what I can see, its pretty tough yet the best being nowhere, I doubt anyone would want all these as well lah, or whatever, I've no idea actually. so live with it dude, though its tough, I know you still can cope with it, so no worries.
and after my nap I headed for tennis str8 away during the one hour break for 45 minutes, and then headed back to lecture. smelly me. thank god I have 2 shirts though.
I realised I'm always into happening things when it comes to chemistry related modules, from APChem to IOC and now BIA, lecturers always call me for unnecessary stuffs.
few days back was tutorial in class and that I was called upon to adjust the visualiser thanks to my "awww cannot see, release us earlier lah hahaha"
most of them somehow agreed lah, then Amos goh punished me to adjust the screen cos he wanted to continue the lesson =(
then today his lesson I kena sabo-ed again, terence's voice was the loudest, and according to him it was donald's idea to sabo me -.-!!
heres how it went. chapter 4, got a part talking about the movement of molecules or dunno what, then a few people were called out to do demonstration. 4 classes there, 2 representatives each..and uh huh I was being called out thanks to a few people, and I didn't know I'm classified under 'sporty' since I usually don't want do this don't want do that for events. lol.
and so I was called upon, and I got to pick one person from the class, of course sabo the one with the loudest voice lah bodoh ! songbo terence LOL serve you right for calling my name out loud, if not I would have picked someone else.
ok I wouldn't want to elaborate on what we were supposed to do, or rather how the demo was done because it was DAMN EMBARRASSING I SWEAR. and I told myself I swear I wouldn't want to do such things again (if given a choice that is)
but I think I did my supposedly stuff well (or rather looking stupid), and thats why people clapped =\
ok seriously, I like Amos Goh's lesson, heh.
and then went home, waited for jx alvin and haikel at the platform together with the usual gang (plus karen for mondays) and waited for them for quite awhile. home after that, and realised I'm alone for the day, and that theres no dinner again, so I just bathed and slept soon..after an exhausting day.
as what I can see, its pretty tough yet the best being nowhere, I doubt anyone would want all these as well lah, or whatever, I've no idea actually. so live with it dude, though its tough, I know you still can cope with it, so no worries.
As Good As DEAD on 12:10 am
27 April 2008 - Haikel's New Blog
alright, lets talk about staying at home a whole day and how time pass. its gonna be pretty boring, so you might just wanna close it str8 away and not thinking about anything (like filming porn at home yes terence?)
and yes, I can't remember what time I woke up today, maybe 10 or 11 and definitely not earlier than that, because I hardly have good sleeps, especially when I have to get outta my bed and rush to school (and often being a few minutes late having to make KS wait)
I did something fruitful, I took out homework and do..miracle huh? even terence said maybe today will be made a public holiday, how exaggerating..that basket. but the unfortunate thing is, when I scanned through the questions, I felt as though my intelligence is Z-E-R-O, because I don't understand a thing, and then I tried scribbling, to the extent I fell into slumber somehow. my habit of doing homework on the bed, and then sleep sleep sleep instead of really doing my homework. but NONETHELESS, I TRIED AT LEAST, and yes my pencil lead and paper wasn't a waste at all.
and something new, for the first time, Haikel blogs. new discovery I would say, but its only 2 days old (just like him, or rather worse, his mentality is like a newborn baby since all he does is whine and cry and laugh. typical baby OOPS !)
but congratulations, you tried blogging at least, reason for being quite left out -.-!
somehow..weekends always fly pretty fast, and then the weekdays are like..damn slow..damn exhausting, especially tomorrow, another 6pm then go home, and by the time I reach home its bloody 7.30 or so.
and yes, I can't remember what time I woke up today, maybe 10 or 11 and definitely not earlier than that, because I hardly have good sleeps, especially when I have to get outta my bed and rush to school (and often being a few minutes late having to make KS wait)
I did something fruitful, I took out homework and do..miracle huh? even terence said maybe today will be made a public holiday, how exaggerating..that basket. but the unfortunate thing is, when I scanned through the questions, I felt as though my intelligence is Z-E-R-O, because I don't understand a thing, and then I tried scribbling, to the extent I fell into slumber somehow. my habit of doing homework on the bed, and then sleep sleep sleep instead of really doing my homework. but NONETHELESS, I TRIED AT LEAST, and yes my pencil lead and paper wasn't a waste at all.
and something new, for the first time, Haikel blogs. new discovery I would say, but its only 2 days old (just like him, or rather worse, his mentality is like a newborn baby since all he does is whine and cry and laugh. typical baby OOPS !)
but congratulations, you tried blogging at least, reason for being quite left out -.-!
somehow..weekends always fly pretty fast, and then the weekdays are like..damn slow..damn exhausting, especially tomorrow, another 6pm then go home, and by the time I reach home its bloody 7.30 or so.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 11:53 pm
26 April 2008 - Casandra's Church Service + SP Bros Singapore Flyers
woke up specially early today for a weekend, 8.20 in the morning. usually for a damn weekend I would be sleeping till 10 or 11, but I had to go out early in the morning to meet cas to help her out with some stuffs.
in the end I was there stoning for like a few hours there, then accompanied her with her friends till 2+ and headed to novena to meetup with my usual gang for a walk. practically nothing much to walk, its pretty boring there I would say, except that Adidas shop is having discounts up to 70%, so any adidas lovers who would like to shop for shoes or clothings, velocity and novena square is the current place for you.
went to City hall and hanged around at Singupapore Flyer. the thing turn damn slow la, and its like a waste of money to go there..and we just hanged around there..and had dinner there

yes our dinner place, similar to KFC, and the menu price is like WTF, look at this and you will know what I mean.

take a close look at 2pc chicken, 3pc chicken and 4pc chicken. its $6.90, $8.90 and $14.90 respectively. the price is like, wat the hell, if you add on 1 more chicken and it cost $6 more.
but its actually..with 2 more sides and 1 more drink (which means 4pc chicken, 3 sides, 2 drinks) for that meal. AND THEY DIDNT STATE !! its like a scam price somehow hurhur.

and a special utensil - a combination of spoon and fork, we call it 'Spork', or 'Fpoon' whichever is nicer, you decide.
and we continued hanging around the area till evening and then went home after that. and so, once again, time flies. its 9.20 as I'm typing this sentence, which means my 13 hours flew by pretty fast. cool huh, when I say hanging out with good friends, really makes my time fly.

You Can't See Me.

*blows the tissue paper hard*
Ahhh Now You Do.

And Now You Don't Again.
credits - Alvin
P.S- rest well sick boy, dont overexert yourself.
some little truths I know, and that I'm glad to know them after so long..but whichever it is, the main thing is, you feel happy and much lighter now ! hahaha
in the end I was there stoning for like a few hours there, then accompanied her with her friends till 2+ and headed to novena to meetup with my usual gang for a walk. practically nothing much to walk, its pretty boring there I would say, except that Adidas shop is having discounts up to 70%, so any adidas lovers who would like to shop for shoes or clothings, velocity and novena square is the current place for you.
went to City hall and hanged around at Singupapore Flyer. the thing turn damn slow la, and its like a waste of money to go there..and we just hanged around there..and had dinner there
yes our dinner place, similar to KFC, and the menu price is like WTF, look at this and you will know what I mean.
take a close look at 2pc chicken, 3pc chicken and 4pc chicken. its $6.90, $8.90 and $14.90 respectively. the price is like, wat the hell, if you add on 1 more chicken and it cost $6 more.
but its actually..with 2 more sides and 1 more drink (which means 4pc chicken, 3 sides, 2 drinks) for that meal. AND THEY DIDNT STATE !! its like a scam price somehow hurhur.
and a special utensil - a combination of spoon and fork, we call it 'Spork', or 'Fpoon' whichever is nicer, you decide.
and we continued hanging around the area till evening and then went home after that. and so, once again, time flies. its 9.20 as I'm typing this sentence, which means my 13 hours flew by pretty fast. cool huh, when I say hanging out with good friends, really makes my time fly.
You Can't See Me.
*blows the tissue paper hard*
Ahhh Now You Do.
And Now You Don't Again.
credits - Alvin
P.S- rest well sick boy, dont overexert yourself.
some little truths I know, and that I'm glad to know them after so long..but whichever it is, the main thing is, you feel happy and much lighter now ! hahaha
Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 9:13 pm
25 April 2008 - SP Bros Outing
today's a fun day, or perhaps more entertaining than other days.
first was Plant Utilities tutorial, ok that was kinda boring or rather, nothing out of the ordinary. then had Heat Transfer lecture. starting only, ST Phua went "ALRIGHT SINCE YOU CANT SETTLE DOWN, WE'LL HAVE A SPOT QUIZ NOW !"
oh my oh my. how troublesome. blame 01 02 class. hurhur. but who cares, anyway I got it right, thank god for that.
then her lecture proceeded as per normal..convection, when water is boiled..what happens?
"the water vibrated" was my answer. alright it was damn lame and the people there actually laughed at me, perhaps for my stupidity. it was MEANT to waste time. lol. I'm so gonna create nonsense in her lectures, so every friday would be a day of entertainment for me perhaps.
then tennis-ed today, with alvin and haikel (and terence was sitting there laughing at me playing like a noob). ok we were playing in an anyhowplaystyle, for 150mins..and its damn exhausting i swear, with the blazing sun thats burning my arms, and that now I can see a clear contrast of my skin. white, then arms tanned. blah.
and supposedly, we agreed to go MOS along with CC to ogle at babes that might be hanging around there (them, not me) but then, we got too tired and had a change of plans. No more MOS party for us (YES LA THATS WHAT I WANTED) , but instead went to CC's house for party, and played PS2..till evening and then had dinner at Jurong Point, LJS.
you know, time flies when I'm hanging around with good buddies, and it a blink its already 9.30 when I was at boon lay mrt station, and then got home at 10.10 or so..and so the moment I was online a message popped out "im super happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!"
alright, practically it was beatrice in which she was complimenting herself for beating her own score for bowling, aka a new record..er..I guess I shouldn't include the score here..but well I'm proud to say its 3 digits at least ! (which means above 99) LOL. alright dun get offended girl, I mean..I'm happy for you ok? hahaha
and yes, so its 11 now, getting late and I will have to wake up at 7 in the morning tomorrow and go out early in the morning perhaps. maybe I should sleep early...not
P.S - and I got threatened by Mafia Casandra time and again. blahhhhhhhh, box you man seriously. lol.
P.P.S - on the way to CC's house, alvin got damn high and crazy, so he was being gay in public with haikel..so while walking he said..
"why bother to look at other girls when you can look at me?"
shockingly..a sec sch girl was walking pass us together with her boyfriend..and right after alvin completed that sentence..she went "eeeyerrrr"
holy shit that seriously made me laughed for quite awhile. the public finally responded to his gayness. hurhur.
P.P.P.S - Try to act like a King, when you are just a mere Pawn. Don't joke around =O
first was Plant Utilities tutorial, ok that was kinda boring or rather, nothing out of the ordinary. then had Heat Transfer lecture. starting only, ST Phua went "ALRIGHT SINCE YOU CANT SETTLE DOWN, WE'LL HAVE A SPOT QUIZ NOW !"
oh my oh my. how troublesome. blame 01 02 class. hurhur. but who cares, anyway I got it right, thank god for that.
then her lecture proceeded as per normal..convection, when water is boiled..what happens?
"the water vibrated" was my answer. alright it was damn lame and the people there actually laughed at me, perhaps for my stupidity. it was MEANT to waste time. lol. I'm so gonna create nonsense in her lectures, so every friday would be a day of entertainment for me perhaps.
then tennis-ed today, with alvin and haikel (and terence was sitting there laughing at me playing like a noob). ok we were playing in an anyhowplaystyle, for 150mins..and its damn exhausting i swear, with the blazing sun thats burning my arms, and that now I can see a clear contrast of my skin. white, then arms tanned. blah.
and supposedly, we agreed to go MOS along with CC to ogle at babes that might be hanging around there (them, not me) but then, we got too tired and had a change of plans. No more MOS party for us (YES LA THATS WHAT I WANTED) , but instead went to CC's house for party, and played PS2..till evening and then had dinner at Jurong Point, LJS.
you know, time flies when I'm hanging around with good buddies, and it a blink its already 9.30 when I was at boon lay mrt station, and then got home at 10.10 or so..and so the moment I was online a message popped out "im super happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!"
alright, practically it was beatrice in which she was complimenting herself for beating her own score for bowling, aka a new record..er..I guess I shouldn't include the score here..but well I'm proud to say its 3 digits at least ! (which means above 99) LOL. alright dun get offended girl, I mean..I'm happy for you ok? hahaha
and yes, so its 11 now, getting late and I will have to wake up at 7 in the morning tomorrow and go out early in the morning perhaps. maybe I should sleep early...not
P.S - and I got threatened by Mafia Casandra time and again. blahhhhhhhh, box you man seriously. lol.
P.P.S - on the way to CC's house, alvin got damn high and crazy, so he was being gay in public with haikel..so while walking he said..
"why bother to look at other girls when you can look at me?"
shockingly..a sec sch girl was walking pass us together with her boyfriend..and right after alvin completed that sentence..she went "eeeyerrrr"
holy shit that seriously made me laughed for quite awhile. the public finally responded to his gayness. hurhur.
P.P.P.S - Try to act like a King, when you are just a mere Pawn. Don't joke around =O
Labels: hanging out, school
As Good As DEAD on 10:41 pm
24 April 2008 - Maths PBL
today ended in a blink, lessons wasn't long. maths chapter 2, gained 50% knowledge, fluid mechanics is totally gone case for me.
went to do PBL today, and went to FC 6 to do which is like so far, and the main reason my group went there is cos wanna see girls, totally zzz. well, I don't really go ogle at girls, I mean..hey c'mon I'm not saying I'm some freaking gay either, its just not my interest though.
did quite a bit of work in a swift, but then again incomplete. the questions are geographical instead of being mathematical, and yes slacking for me. =O
the jap food in FC 6 quite nice man, I ate 3 bowls of them. seriously I think I'm gonna roll like some bowling ball if I'm getting any rounder.
pretty short day, yet tiring..and I just realised the moment I came back is on the laptop and hang it there and then sleep, but well that explains my night-time, spending hours staring at the wall, only to fall asleep unknowingly, and then almost unable to get up for school.
Irregular sleeping hours. how unhealthy.
went to do PBL today, and went to FC 6 to do which is like so far, and the main reason my group went there is cos wanna see girls, totally zzz. well, I don't really go ogle at girls, I mean..hey c'mon I'm not saying I'm some freaking gay either, its just not my interest though.
did quite a bit of work in a swift, but then again incomplete. the questions are geographical instead of being mathematical, and yes slacking for me. =O
the jap food in FC 6 quite nice man, I ate 3 bowls of them. seriously I think I'm gonna roll like some bowling ball if I'm getting any rounder.
pretty short day, yet tiring..and I just realised the moment I came back is on the laptop and hang it there and then sleep, but well that explains my night-time, spending hours staring at the wall, only to fall asleep unknowingly, and then almost unable to get up for school.
Irregular sleeping hours. how unhealthy.
Labels: school
As Good As DEAD on 11:13 pm
24 April 2008 - Emo Emo Emo
when it comes to such thinkings "its better this way" or "maybe there is a way to purge this"
perhaps things would turn out a lil better, yet for the first or the latter.
I seek for the answer.
perhaps things would turn out a lil better, yet for the first or the latter.
I seek for the answer.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 12:25 am
22 April 2008 - Rantings
day by day, it gets more and more infuriating whenever I'm reminded of certain events, especially for insulting my friends that particular day.
sometimes, the sight of you really makes me wanna screw the shit out of you, and I swear I would have given hell if not for the sake of others.
remember what you did, faggot, because I won't forget what you did.
sometimes, the sight of you really makes me wanna screw the shit out of you, and I swear I would have given hell if not for the sake of others.
remember what you did, faggot, because I won't forget what you did.
As Good As DEAD on 11:24 pm
21 April 2008 - Mondays Just Too Long
every monday I can feel every bit of my energy being used up, simply because by the time I reached home its near 7.30 and that I was nearly dead from the exhaustion.
today sucked pretty badly today, I screwed up my heat transfer test by making a mistake with the area, how dumb. dont needa summarise much already.
pre-preparation is totally insane.
and my bun died today.
and whatever.
today sucked pretty badly today, I screwed up my heat transfer test by making a mistake with the area, how dumb. dont needa summarise much already.
pre-preparation is totally insane.
and my bun died today.
and whatever.
As Good As DEAD on 11:16 pm
20 April 2008 - Homework and All, Sucks
I had a hard time trying to get into this damnass page, or rather having difficulty using IE and Firefox because of some proxy thing or whatever it is, cant be bothered, and I can't surf the web just now. blah.
and as I'm typing now, theres an ant crawling around my keypad, and hiding underneath the buttons..I hope as I'm typing all these, the ant dies, inside..hopefully..but I think it really died since I don't see it anymore.
as I was reading and looking through some of the chapters for certain modules, I was kinda astounded by their explanation and all, because I'm like, an alien who cant even grasp anything. even chapter 2 heat transfer, I don't even know what the hell they want.
ok, I seriously dunno what to blog now, and yeah I just feel like typing out random stuffs. gonna have a bloody long day tomorrow, gotta bring laptop tmr, gotta watch code geass in school tmr, gotta sleep during lecture tmr, gotta do this and that and everything. I hate mondays so to speak, freaking long day with only 1 hour break. then theres practicals on tuesdays and wednesdays which is argh-so-tough. thursday almost maths all the way, but good lah, I like the maths teacher, she seems nice afterall. and if only everyday is friday, 3 hours ftw.
bah how random.
and as I'm typing now, theres an ant crawling around my keypad, and hiding underneath the buttons..I hope as I'm typing all these, the ant dies, inside..hopefully..but I think it really died since I don't see it anymore.
as I was reading and looking through some of the chapters for certain modules, I was kinda astounded by their explanation and all, because I'm like, an alien who cant even grasp anything. even chapter 2 heat transfer, I don't even know what the hell they want.
ok, I seriously dunno what to blog now, and yeah I just feel like typing out random stuffs. gonna have a bloody long day tomorrow, gotta bring laptop tmr, gotta watch code geass in school tmr, gotta sleep during lecture tmr, gotta do this and that and everything. I hate mondays so to speak, freaking long day with only 1 hour break. then theres practicals on tuesdays and wednesdays which is argh-so-tough. thursday almost maths all the way, but good lah, I like the maths teacher, she seems nice afterall. and if only everyday is friday, 3 hours ftw.
bah how random.
Labels: random
As Good As DEAD on 7:51 pm
19 April 2008 - A Week School
1 week ended pretty fast, and well..I cant believe I somehow managed to survive the boredom and all. the only thing that entertains me is the blabbering and hurling of insults, find loopholes or cracking jokes out of lecturer's words. man I'm so no life, and feeling insane.
had phua's lesson today, and shes damn calculative. 2 hours lecture, no break, release 5 minutes earlier and she emphasized this sentence "you are 5 minutes ahead of time~"
must she release us at 12 sharp? -.-!! and theres like so many tutorials to do..then dunno which day got her tutorial again..monday I think..stress la. blah.
it's been boring over the past few days or weeks, theres nothing that can keep me very interested so far, even games are boring me now. perhaps hanging out with frens and talking bout certain stuffs is the only thing I enjoy currently.
grouping of work in class is kinda a mess, when theres 2 left-outs in the class. its pretty hard to handle, yet no one wants to really voice out why. I'm scattered everywhere as well, with different groups in different modules which confuses me to the peak. seems like everyone is playing goodies in class, but well, among the angels would bear a devil someday.
maybe when the grouping comes into question again, I would wanna voice out how I feel, and I guess those around me knows why, since they have the same sentiments. 2 semesters passed, and we all know who does the most work and who slacks the most. of course I belong to the slack area..though sometimes I try to get serious, and turns out n-o-t-h-i-n-g effective happened in the end. lol
and I realised I'm damn into blogging now, because it seriously kills much of my time as well as to ease my mind, lax it a lil.
certain times, when I feel exhausted, the mood to be a mute comes, the intention to stay away from everyone, to take a good nap, or preferably hang around somewhere with a close friend to enjoy the silence and peace that I hardly get.
had phua's lesson today, and shes damn calculative. 2 hours lecture, no break, release 5 minutes earlier and she emphasized this sentence "you are 5 minutes ahead of time~"
must she release us at 12 sharp? -.-!! and theres like so many tutorials to do..then dunno which day got her tutorial again..monday I think..stress la. blah.
it's been boring over the past few days or weeks, theres nothing that can keep me very interested so far, even games are boring me now. perhaps hanging out with frens and talking bout certain stuffs is the only thing I enjoy currently.
grouping of work in class is kinda a mess, when theres 2 left-outs in the class. its pretty hard to handle, yet no one wants to really voice out why. I'm scattered everywhere as well, with different groups in different modules which confuses me to the peak. seems like everyone is playing goodies in class, but well, among the angels would bear a devil someday.
maybe when the grouping comes into question again, I would wanna voice out how I feel, and I guess those around me knows why, since they have the same sentiments. 2 semesters passed, and we all know who does the most work and who slacks the most. of course I belong to the slack area..though sometimes I try to get serious, and turns out n-o-t-h-i-n-g effective happened in the end. lol
and I realised I'm damn into blogging now, because it seriously kills much of my time as well as to ease my mind, lax it a lil.
certain times, when I feel exhausted, the mood to be a mute comes, the intention to stay away from everyone, to take a good nap, or preferably hang around somewhere with a close friend to enjoy the silence and peace that I hardly get.
Labels: school
As Good As DEAD on 2:14 am
18 April 2008 - 4E1 Gathering at 11 April
I forgot to post something - the memorable lil gathering. stupid drunkard troublemaker alex once again, got us into trouble. lol -_-

Labels: hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 8:01 pm
17 April 2008 - School Days..Summary of Term Start
finally I'm able to blog, the blogger team detected this blog to be a spammed blog which is like whatthahell~
back to what I wanna summarise, school school school.
first week turned out pretty ok, I don't really know how to put it but yeah majority are looking fine and damn alive. probably a good news I guess, but well, something's forever missing.
practs briefing today by Saint Phua..I swear it man, shes hella strict though she doesnt look like 1. and I was telling Terence this as she kept on explaining and emphasizing certain stuffs
"now I think I know why so many people repeated this module"
man, this really drive people nuts, and I cant believe theres no 5 minutes late allowance at all. thats life perhaps =(
but I believe she has high expectations from students that takes this particular course, and therefore the high level of discipline. blah its making me nuts..asking me to get serious is like..only when I can really get serious which is like..perhaps when you see a meteor shower in Singapore in the DAY. (which is impossible to see even if there is)
alright, I lied..I probably have to get serious more or less so as to not cause anymore troublesome matters like "NO PRACT FOR YOU TODAY, ZERO FOR YOU". maybe a lil exaggerating.
and I had GEMs today. I should have taken tuesday GEMs..and definitely not this course..I feel cheated so to speak. a class which is so damn serious that the atmosphere is kinda tensed. Economics-like lessons are so boring it can really make you wanna take out your mp3 and blast it and just sleep. but guess what? I'M THE ONLY ONE ASLEEP IN THE CLASS. thats how serious the class looks, and as usual, I'm the shortest guy there no surprise. but then in a class of 40 with around 35 guys, 163 cm is the shortest. BLAH !
and the girls are..OH WELL~ lets skip that, you can't expect much from typical engineering girls. but theres 1 which I kept making fun of in front of wangshuo "eh eh, shes your qing mei zu ma right?! same surname sio!"
and a summary of the lecturers of all the modules.
a lively lesson would probably be andrew kon's class. a joker lecturer..but well he never fails to make me active and all, so I'm kinda sure I won't sleep in his lessons..but understanding wise is yet another thing.
attentive lessons would probably be..engineering maths since the lecturer is nice..yap-eng oh wee or something. I look forward to her lessons. (I think benny feels proud if he reads this, someone nice with your surname which is so unlike you lol)
as well as famous amos goh's lesson..well that is without a choice have to listen. from the way he prepared the lecture notes which takes much more time than a standard 1, he put blanks for us to fill it in on our own, he actually took the effort to prepare such tedious work, no doubts hes good. and its the only module when I can hang ard with teri and karen. those 2 naughty kids. hurhur! (and karen, her name is not adeline, continue to guess haha)
then theres this leehuibee's class..I forgot the module name, that module is pretty interesting so should be able to listen and not fall asleep. yesterday was simply wtf. she randomly called people to answer some questions when I wasnt listening. fortunately or unfortunately, my name was called and I didn't even know what question she was asking so I asked her to repeat..she cruelly said "ahh lets skip this boy". damn sad man ! and I was trying to do the qns inside the notes..but then I got it wrong la. blah. (AND TERENCE, I WASN'T LISTENING BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO DO THE QNS NOT COS IM EMO-ING DAMMIT LOL)
whos next..ahhh heat transfer. the strict ST Phua..guess I can't at all, slack for this module since shes like trying to terrorise our minds, or at least mine. a module I wouldn't really look forward to totally.
and plant utilities by katerina yang I think, right I think I will just fall asleep behind the lecture hall. but this module is not as scary as others I think..just my own personal opinions though. hmmm..
and lastly GEMs. practically a lesson which hypnotizes me..economics really bore the hell outta me, and the class is like so serious la ! I'm the only soul sleeping during the first lecture, and this module isnt easy at all. blah
so as you can see, year 2 is like torturous man, 4 practicals I think, must be well prepared before attending the pract, and then many are core modules which will really stress stress stress me up in two periods of time. Day, Night, meaning 24/7
alright, the beginning of year 2 starts as of this week, no more jiat zua-ing after this week.
Chemical equations can always be balanced, but it doesnt work the way life does, they are never balanced so to speak. - credits: alicia
back to what I wanna summarise, school school school.
first week turned out pretty ok, I don't really know how to put it but yeah majority are looking fine and damn alive. probably a good news I guess, but well, something's forever missing.
practs briefing today by Saint Phua..I swear it man, shes hella strict though she doesnt look like 1. and I was telling Terence this as she kept on explaining and emphasizing certain stuffs
"now I think I know why so many people repeated this module"
man, this really drive people nuts, and I cant believe theres no 5 minutes late allowance at all. thats life perhaps =(
but I believe she has high expectations from students that takes this particular course, and therefore the high level of discipline. blah its making me nuts..asking me to get serious is like..only when I can really get serious which is like..perhaps when you see a meteor shower in Singapore in the DAY. (which is impossible to see even if there is)
alright, I lied..I probably have to get serious more or less so as to not cause anymore troublesome matters like "NO PRACT FOR YOU TODAY, ZERO FOR YOU". maybe a lil exaggerating.
and I had GEMs today. I should have taken tuesday GEMs..and definitely not this course..I feel cheated so to speak. a class which is so damn serious that the atmosphere is kinda tensed. Economics-like lessons are so boring it can really make you wanna take out your mp3 and blast it and just sleep. but guess what? I'M THE ONLY ONE ASLEEP IN THE CLASS. thats how serious the class looks, and as usual, I'm the shortest guy there no surprise. but then in a class of 40 with around 35 guys, 163 cm is the shortest. BLAH !
and the girls are..OH WELL~ lets skip that, you can't expect much from typical engineering girls. but theres 1 which I kept making fun of in front of wangshuo "eh eh, shes your qing mei zu ma right?! same surname sio!"
and a summary of the lecturers of all the modules.
a lively lesson would probably be andrew kon's class. a joker lecturer..but well he never fails to make me active and all, so I'm kinda sure I won't sleep in his lessons..but understanding wise is yet another thing.
attentive lessons would probably be..engineering maths since the lecturer is nice..yap-eng oh wee or something. I look forward to her lessons. (I think benny feels proud if he reads this, someone nice with your surname which is so unlike you lol)
as well as famous amos goh's lesson..well that is without a choice have to listen. from the way he prepared the lecture notes which takes much more time than a standard 1, he put blanks for us to fill it in on our own, he actually took the effort to prepare such tedious work, no doubts hes good. and its the only module when I can hang ard with teri and karen. those 2 naughty kids. hurhur! (and karen, her name is not adeline, continue to guess haha)
then theres this leehuibee's class..I forgot the module name, that module is pretty interesting so should be able to listen and not fall asleep. yesterday was simply wtf. she randomly called people to answer some questions when I wasnt listening. fortunately or unfortunately, my name was called and I didn't even know what question she was asking so I asked her to repeat..she cruelly said "ahh lets skip this boy". damn sad man ! and I was trying to do the qns inside the notes..but then I got it wrong la. blah. (AND TERENCE, I WASN'T LISTENING BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO DO THE QNS NOT COS IM EMO-ING DAMMIT LOL)
whos next..ahhh heat transfer. the strict ST Phua..guess I can't at all, slack for this module since shes like trying to terrorise our minds, or at least mine. a module I wouldn't really look forward to totally.
and plant utilities by katerina yang I think, right I think I will just fall asleep behind the lecture hall. but this module is not as scary as others I think..just my own personal opinions though. hmmm..
and lastly GEMs. practically a lesson which hypnotizes me..economics really bore the hell outta me, and the class is like so serious la ! I'm the only soul sleeping during the first lecture, and this module isnt easy at all. blah
so as you can see, year 2 is like torturous man, 4 practicals I think, must be well prepared before attending the pract, and then many are core modules which will really stress stress stress me up in two periods of time. Day, Night, meaning 24/7
alright, the beginning of year 2 starts as of this week, no more jiat zua-ing after this week.
Chemical equations can always be balanced, but it doesnt work the way life does, they are never balanced so to speak. - credits: alicia
Labels: rantings, school, thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 2:16 am
14 April 2008 - First Day of School Sucks
first day of school, from 8 to 6..if counting the traveling trip and time to go home, lets start from..lets say 715 to 715 12 hours sharp.
yet I can only remember certain things like..
1) 2 presents from casandra and terence. but I gave away terence's vodka after i drank 1 ml. Im not good at holding alcoholic stuffs.
2) then er..getting to meet CC during my break time in the morning.
3) seeing those 2 happy DCP ginnas
4) meeting up with alicia at T4 and taking a nap there
5) going home trip
the only 5 things I can remember for now..
oh oh right, fell asleep during some heat module or whatsoever, the lecturer is..oh well
and yeah, seems like school doesnt start anywhere good today, I mean..some people just don't wanna see my face =O like I'm some monster.
12 hours passed just like that, I would say its fast yet slow. first day and theres lecture (in which I kinda hate it) and notes keep piling in. and I need to fork out $100+ for concession and notes and a Phua Chu Kang boots (safety boots in case you are slow). poor bank of mine, you're going empty again soon. bahhhhhhhhhh.
yet I can only remember certain things like..
1) 2 presents from casandra and terence. but I gave away terence's vodka after i drank 1 ml. Im not good at holding alcoholic stuffs.
2) then er..getting to meet CC during my break time in the morning.
3) seeing those 2 happy DCP ginnas
4) meeting up with alicia at T4 and taking a nap there
5) going home trip
the only 5 things I can remember for now..
oh oh right, fell asleep during some heat module or whatsoever, the lecturer is..oh well
and yeah, seems like school doesnt start anywhere good today, I mean..some people just don't wanna see my face =O like I'm some monster.
12 hours passed just like that, I would say its fast yet slow. first day and theres lecture (in which I kinda hate it) and notes keep piling in. and I need to fork out $100+ for concession and notes and a Phua Chu Kang boots (safety boots in case you are slow). poor bank of mine, you're going empty again soon. bahhhhhhhhhh.
Labels: school
As Good As DEAD on 7:31 pm
11 April 2008 - Long Awaited 4E1 Gathering + KKY Birthday
just woke up..but there is something to be happy about throughout the hols. a small gathering tonight. back to how 2 years ago was like making fun of each other and whatnot, studying together and whatever. lol.
its been months since I saw benny, and well I'm not missing yet you dumbass lol. and I'm gonna compare height with you again see who taller =\ (more like self comforting myself, unless he grew much taller which will be oh myyyyyy god)
and from what I heard, those going are mostly the guys, most of the girls aint coming where some bitches (whos class doesnt have bitches? I see bitches everywhere I go man) went
"its not worth my time turning up" according to some people.
ahh well its best if you dont turn up you fugly bitch. I mean..whether you turn up or not wouldnt make a difference, or perhaps we just have more entertainment if people like you turns up. try to act like some VIP, gross.
as for the rest who cant turn up..oh well its just a pity I would say, because since school's starting..if another gathering is to be organised, it would be damn difficult afterall..or perhaps needa wait till A lvl is over or something.
I hope time runs slow today. real slow, till the extent it should just stop, since its only one of the few occasions to be happy about.
P.S - and happy R21 birthday to kky. lol. and yeah hope you had fun with us yesterday.
its been months since I saw benny, and well I'm not missing yet you dumbass lol. and I'm gonna compare height with you again see who taller =\ (more like self comforting myself, unless he grew much taller which will be oh myyyyyy god)
and from what I heard, those going are mostly the guys, most of the girls aint coming where some bitches (whos class doesnt have bitches? I see bitches everywhere I go man) went
"its not worth my time turning up" according to some people.
ahh well its best if you dont turn up you fugly bitch. I mean..whether you turn up or not wouldnt make a difference, or perhaps we just have more entertainment if people like you turns up. try to act like some VIP, gross.
as for the rest who cant turn up..oh well its just a pity I would say, because since school's starting..if another gathering is to be organised, it would be damn difficult afterall..or perhaps needa wait till A lvl is over or something.
I hope time runs slow today. real slow, till the extent it should just stop, since its only one of the few occasions to be happy about.
P.S - and happy R21 birthday to kky. lol. and yeah hope you had fun with us yesterday.
Labels: birthdays, hanging out
As Good As DEAD on 12:56 pm
06 Aprils 2008 - Flashbacks, Flashbacks and more Flashbacks of You
out for the whole day today for sports, to eat and to stroll around the local areas with my buds. certain areas that I came across never fail to give me the nostalgic feelings. train rides, botak jones at clementi, the city area. those thoughts that never fails to keep me thinking and thinking..till on the way home while taking the train ride, I actually dreamt of many things, within the 40 minutes from marina till yishun.
many things have made me realised how to go about living in this world, especially when I start to think back of everything that happened that went on for a year, and it seems that many things always run to a situation where "ignorance is bliss" or maybe "blessing in disguise"
I have no idea, if I've any regrets over every problems I created, yet one thing for sure is..whatever that happens, we just gotta try facing it, and the answer would probably reveal when the time is right. rage always get the better of me, and I would lose control of myself quite often when I'm pissed. its a freaking bad habit, but everyone at least experienced it before. it only makes matters worse.
8 more days..some things I hope I wouldn't have to see how fuck up things can get again. that would be a good example.
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Link blog if you wish to
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many things have made me realised how to go about living in this world, especially when I start to think back of everything that happened that went on for a year, and it seems that many things always run to a situation where "ignorance is bliss" or maybe "blessing in disguise"
I have no idea, if I've any regrets over every problems I created, yet one thing for sure is..whatever that happens, we just gotta try facing it, and the answer would probably reveal when the time is right. rage always get the better of me, and I would lose control of myself quite often when I'm pissed. its a freaking bad habit, but everyone at least experienced it before. it only makes matters worse.
8 more days..some things I hope I wouldn't have to see how fuck up things can get again. that would be a good example.
Labels: thoughts
As Good As DEAD on 3:11 am
1 April 2008 - The Beginning of a New Phase
more than a month I left this blog empty, but practically time seems to be ticking in a rapid pace. I'm kinda annoyed by whatever thats happening these past months yet I've no idea what to do about it because leaving certain things hanging there is kinda dumb.
2 more weeks to start school and I'm not really looking forward to it due to the screwed timetable having to mix with a bunch of unknowns again (in which I really hate it, and that explains why I always prefer hanging out with old friends)
work's been busy, but gonna be the last week this time. I need a good rest, a really god damn good sleep and everything else, and I cant believe I still needa go work later on facing a bunch of kids -_-
another thing is, CC and Alvin moved house, so far away from Woodlands now, 1 at Boonlay the other at Bukit Panjang. sian la I'm alone now lol, perhaps only can hang out during school times or after school, and needa give Jingxiang my notes and so on when he comes into SP 2 weeks later.
'Live life to the fullest' is what always the happy souls said, or perhaps those in a dire state saying this to comfort themselves.
I'm not living to my fullest, because each and every day, life gets so dull and boring, especially when school's starting. I don't wanna be a nerd again.
2 more weeks to start school and I'm not really looking forward to it due to the screwed timetable having to mix with a bunch of unknowns again (in which I really hate it, and that explains why I always prefer hanging out with old friends)
work's been busy, but gonna be the last week this time. I need a good rest, a really god damn good sleep and everything else, and I cant believe I still needa go work later on facing a bunch of kids -_-
another thing is, CC and Alvin moved house, so far away from Woodlands now, 1 at Boonlay the other at Bukit Panjang. sian la I'm alone now lol, perhaps only can hang out during school times or after school, and needa give Jingxiang my notes and so on when he comes into SP 2 weeks later.
'Live life to the fullest' is what always the happy souls said, or perhaps those in a dire state saying this to comfort themselves.
I'm not living to my fullest, because each and every day, life gets so dull and boring, especially when school's starting. I don't wanna be a nerd again.
As Good As DEAD on 12:32 pm
The Cursed
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
Adaptive to everywhere I am in
My eyes can talk
But do you understand its language?
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
Current Mood

Onion Tales
Onion Tales
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
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December 2007
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