31 May 2008 - Study Schedule
ah thats some dates during the holidays for plans. back in the afternoon that is.
continuing to blog as of 930pm.
my head is exploding, a sudden giddiness is hitting me kinda hard, and that I can hardly concentrate on anything. its distracting in a sense.
I hate this feeling, hate this head spinning feeling.
Labels: random
31 May 2008 - Brazilian making Prophecy
Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.
Future predictions:
2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.
2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China , simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.
2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America 2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.
2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.
2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
2013, 1st – 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on BahamaIsland of the Canary Islands. A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to 20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.
2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.
2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.
2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China, causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.
2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named “The Big One”. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.
Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people’s mindsets in the time period 2007 – 2008. One factor will be the environmental issue of global warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists assume
To prove whether it is true or not, I guess we'll be waiting to see the nearest future prediction, that will be in july
I do believe in predictions, but there are some who kinda looks absurd, especially from 2011 onwards.
Labels: topics and news
30 May 2008 - Last Day of School
ok anyway, last day of school today, so I wanna enjoy to the fullest before I start my revision and all.
and so, its time to start up the start plans. revision during the holidays, a target I need to aim for (but I never reach as always cos I aimed too high), and then to train tennis and more more more
gonna keep myself fucking busy during the hols.
Labels: hanging out
30 May 2008 - No Insulting My Friends
there has been cases of bullying in the area lately, and for the victims, its a pity, yet for some they might feel its fun.
Group A and Group B
On a particular day, Group A "bullied" one of Group B's people. victimized, nobody commented on anything, no rantings no whatever from the observers.
few days later, Group B then "bullied" one of Group A's people. this time round there
"man, what the hell is this? have they got nothing better to do? c'mon man get a life"
both the groups did roughly the same thing, well about the same incident probably, but comment (which never seem to be like a joke) came only on group B and got flamed (like ouch? nah), but A's all quiet (so wheres that particular commentator?! where where where? COMMENT PLEASE?!).
so point of view? from among the observers, many would choose to keep quiet, but as for wanting to make comments on anything is afterall their own decision. so naturally, many would rather keep comments to themselves, so as to be perhaps neutral, or not make any unnecessary troubles.
whats the point of stating point of views when theres already biasness in the first place? for some who never learns to shut up even when reminded by whoever or by self, this kinda thing pops out over and over again.
oh well, moral of this scenario? public comments shouldn't exist in the first place if biased, unless its a way of gaining 'reputation'. asking others to think when they themselves ain't using much brains (now thats what I call, attention).
am I asking for trouble, some would probably think "HELL YEAH, kelvin's such a fucking bastard, fucking busybody. *insert any amount of vulgars as you like*"
but I'm never the first to ask for it, aint it?
all and all, its just like a game of chess
Don't roast the wrong Duck
29 May 2008 - Same Gender Marriaged Legalised
ok its a kinda shocking news I come across, but doesn't mean I'm so damn excited about it cos I'm gonna be one of the gang in future or anything.
but seriously this is kinda absurd, when you see men marrying. I wouldn't give them my blessings man. if I ever have a friend like this I will disown them str8 away -.-!
"can like, for once, see me dont bully me?"
"you know, you just asked a redundant question"
Labels: topics and news
27 May 2008 - Devoting Time to Study
and then again I wanna devote my time to games as well, to do my usual stuffs that applies to all mmorpg.
but I wonder how much time I have left.
Labels: random
27 May 2008 - Last Minute Practical Work
and in the end I wasted hours trying to figure out what went wrong. and today I went to clarify and everything, and in the end it goes back to square one..or perhaps proving him wrong, and that his method didn't work.
after all these, I need to continue editing my report.
see? this is why I seriously hate last minute work. but perhaps, I wasn't doing it too early as well. bah.
Hate practicals, especially when theres so much to do.
Labels: rantings
25 May 2008 - Hate School, Hate Life
school life is getting very hectic, though 3 weeks of term break is coming, it feels as though its just not enough though..and I'm definitely not going to work already since its gonna only take more time, and that I have enough savings to last me I guess, since I dont spend much or anything else.
school's the only thing that can allow time to pass, a place where my mind is occupied and being troublefree, even though all the troubles are from there, sounds a lil contradicting more or less. hanging around with the usual gang makes me laugh harder each day in school, and then during lecture, study and learn together (yet occasionally I'm not paying much attention), or perhaps grumbling together how noisy some groups are and gets damn distracting. and that for some isolated creatures, who are on their own world usually..and then some who tries to ruin my current school life, talking this and that which sounds never ending at all, yet never reflect on themselves what big flaws they have on them.
and yeah maybe I have flaws, like being loud and being air headed, but at least I have a sense of responsibility and don't hurl harsh insults towards own friends.
even on mondays, time seem to pass fast, though we stay in school for up to 10 hours (excluding transport time) and then when its home, every hour seems longer than a day in school. I can stare blankly outside the dark atmosphere from my window for long, or just randomly clicking my laptop around for hours to just wait for time to pass for the next day, and that I'm beginning to hate..quiet moments that often drifts my mind somewhere else, which of course ain't doing any good to me.
fucking thunder roaring away as I'm posting this, and I swear I hate them. but I want the rain, that mild and refreshing scent.
All and all, school still sucks and I hate it even though I have people around me, which is perhaps the only thing that wants me to go to school, and tennis with alvin and his friends. everything else isn't worth much mentioning.
somehow I hope I can graduate as soon as possible and get outta this dumb lair that I'm stuck with
23 May 2008 - School Lecturers, Haikel's Pants
I actually came unprepared at all, and didn't do anything for tutorial 6. so ST Phua went through everything within 30 minutes, and then..we didn't have much things to do next..so I think, a few were talking about having breaks and all, while she was searching for some revision questions for us to do.
so I opened my mouth and said "smart students deserve a break"
alright that sentence almost got me into hot soup. this is how it went, roughly
Phua: really? since you are so smart you shall have a spot quiz
Me: huh?!
Phua: alright class, do you think you are smart?
Phua: ok then you all shall do this revision, and kelvin you will have to pass up these 2 questions as spot quiz. is the class agreeable upon that request?
Class: YESSSSSSSS (again, no one helped me)
Phua: I'm just letting the class making the final decision..and this seems to be what they want.
the scenario was something like that
almost everyone was laughing at me -.-! yeah and everytime I'm the one kena. not only this module, same goes for another module as well, I had to adjust the projector screen because I said the lesson shouldn't go on since the screen wasn't projected very well. (and hey I only say it because other people said it first lol)
ok but it was at least hilarious, and harmless in a way, but its as though I'm kinda thick skinned huh?
then Phua asked wheres nass and agus. hilarious reply were all out.
MIA, dead, sucking himself. and then say they are nocturnal, sleep in the day, active at night. lol.
and oh ya Phua didn't know the meaning of 24/7 LOL! damn funny.
and then hafiz tried speaking in mandarin, seriously ROFL, but quite impressive yo.
"jing jiu bu he he fa jiu"
when malays try to converse in mandarin, they never fail to make me laugh a lil, like those woodgrove students. but actually I do some weird when I converse other languages, and come to think of it, the few words I know always are those "vulgarities" like, as usual~
went to pool after lesson today. 7 people naming the Shengs (KS JS), Singlong, Weechuan, Wangshuo, Zhibin and me, played till 3+ and then went back school for tennis with Alvin and Tianhao and that Haikel. His Innova JC PE shorts DAMN SEXY BODOH, abit like those FBT shorts that girls always wear LOL!
those who knows him, do imagine, how he look like when he wears a shirt and a FBT shorts, and then play tennis. ahem. 2 scenarios I can predict
1) you will vomit OR
2) you will puke
and yeah then played all the way till 7++ and went home, and so here I am slacking around after eating and bathing.
but well after this post, I gotta start pract report again =\
Labels: just for laughs, school
22 May 2008 - Alicia's 18 Years Old
I'll have to form a study group out for revision soon.
Wish you happy happier happiest for the following days
see, of all birthdays I listed out in my past posts, yours is the biggest! feel honoured !
Labels: birthdays
21 May 2008 - Heat Transfer Assignment
I'm assigned to do Regime 1 and 6, which is natural convection and stable film boiling. to find the similarities and differences.
the funny thing is, there isn't much information regarding these 2. Nucleated boiling and Transition got alot. so I'm unlucky to have gotten this shit.
and seriously this assignment is kinda bullshit, I mean..whats there to understand further -_- especially when lecture notes just leave 2 lines and thats it. seriously watthahell.
but at least going to the library today was not a waste of effort, because some information was found, and some books were borrowed.
summarised my day, boring day though. hurhur
Labels: random
20 May 2008 - Goodbye ADSS
there were alot of changes made thanks to her, and that really piss the bunch of alumni off, and that an agreement was made
Never ever go back to that school
reason is simple. the environment that we once had is gone.
the CCA room that we used to loiter around and do the many things there is gone
the principal we respected has left the school
the teachers there are not much worth talking about (maybe except a few, and I really mean a few, can count with just 1 hand)
and now you see the point, all thanks to the new principal bodoh.
I pity my juniors, because I think they are suffering right now. no wait, I pity them? I should be laughing, cause I don't like them. LOL (ok charmaine you are excluded since you are the only junior I know)
Labels: rantings
19 May 2008 - The Bad Days, The Blackbody
I got no idea what I'm actually busy with and that the days just passed just like that. nevermind, I shall start with what happened since Friday
plant utilities tutorial as usual, nothing extraordinary as always. right after that I went to had my heavy lunch to get pumped up for tennis after the lesson.
and then comes heat transfer, the lesson was a lil unexpected, some unusual stuffs happened but wasn't any concern of mine..and then the lesson just went on as usual.
but it was then clear to me that ST phua is a bias lecturer.
she was teaching radiation and that kinda interest me a little since theres of content that I like..shall skip what is it =\
and after the lesson, tennis all the way till very late. thanks to alvin I'm getting addicted to tennis (but ok I'm still a noob that make balls fly outta the fence occasionally)
saturday and sunday = home all day (doing nothing, or rather a mini bit of work)
today - tennis in school with alvin and tianhao, together with haikel. needless to say, under the bloody blazing sun, burnt me again, but it was fun yet exhausting.
thats pretty much all, kinda boring but yeah.

"This man is very capable"
he holds a value that equates to 1
Labels: hanging out, school
17 May 2008 - Tolerance at its Peak
if you wanna try test and ruin me, I'll make sure you get much more than what you've contributed as a thanksgiving gift.
Labels: ANGER
16 May 2008 - Random School Days
FMA is kinda screwed up in a way, because the experiments are just so confusing, and that it seriously makes one giddy, and the quiz practically pwned the whole class today. goner.
went home with alvin and the usual gang today, coincidentally with karen for the first time through the whole year, be it lucky or unlucky I guess I'll leave that choice for her to decide (and then she confirm say "you heng I suay")
school work is pumping me up with lots and lots of things, and I've still got assignments to do..and upcoming formal reports and whatnot. seriously, I doubt I will have much time to slack during the term break too. MST + formal reports + assignments and more practicals and tutorials. all I know is that time flies pretty fast, which may be or may not be a good thing.
ok I changed my mind, its a damn good thing time flies fast.
I love the jokers-cum-smarties in class, they seriously make me damn high, especially kaisheng..day by day he's getting better at bullying, but at least its enjoyable. heh heh.
and its getting late, so its bed time.
Libraries should feature Books on "How to Communicate Properly"
but hey, do I need such books..maybe its just unsuitable for jokers/lamers, or rather people who are a lil humourous.
and tennis after lecture. time to wham some balls.
15 May 2008 - Patience Inversely Proportional to Tension
Patience Inversely Proportional to Tension
in everyday life, we come into contact with people. and when it comes to discussion, this equation forms.
in group work, you need loads of patience to deal with others, constantly remind them what to do if they aren't doing anything and whatnot. if contribution is still missing, tension will then increase, because you find that person annoying when he isn't doing Anything. I seriously mean, people who does nothing.
in a group theres bound to be a few people doing more work than the other, but then again, at least contributions are done.
some people just dont get it when, people tell him where their flaws lie. while some people chose to keep their mouth shut and try to get over it, which I find it fucking dumb. but then again, when people tell you where your flaws are and you dont change, and become worse, thats what I call LAGI BEST. its where personality comes to place
people who speaks without thinking, or people who speaks unreasonably always think the world owes them something. I dare say I'm not like that, only because I'm USED to be like this back in my secondary life.
the point of this post is simple
- if you think the world owes you something, fuck off.
- if you know where flaws are and try to change, yet fail to change, blame yourself and not anyone else because its afterall your own attitude problems
- if you have a short limit of patience, it only means you are damn destructive.
or perhaps if you wanna put it in a crude way,
blame your parents for sending you to this world and waste the earth's resource, but love them because bad values of yourself are never taught by them, unless your parents are of exceptional cases then, yeah its a damn different story, I doubt I have to elaborate much on that.
not trying to say I'm great, nor trying to say I'm the best either, but well..
I'm definitely better than a handful, thats if you can see, and that no doubt I'm better than certain people who insult their own frens "dogs" back in the time. then again, I think that whoever is worse than a dog. Faggot
Labels: random
14 May 2008 - Condolences
and it just reminded me of something, when I knew what happened.
when one day, a sudden news broke out to you and you realised someone close to you left this world, how would you feel?
having to go through all of these, and then to try your best to hold your tears, yet in the heart its screaming desperately.
only those who are strong willed can handle them.
I know the amount of pain inflicted when someone close to you is no longer here because I lost someone close to me before, but the pain felt would be much greater, if its your closest kin..someone whom you see everyday and love dearly
Marisa, maybe you won't see this blog since you don't know its existence, but you have my condolences..
Stay Strong, for yourself, and your family.
all these ups and downs..we as humans have to go through them, yet its just so painful.
Labels: pains
11 May 2008 - Janella's BBQ + Mother's Day Dinner
busy day yesterday, I was practically out the whole day. went to meet zhenhong huijie and chinchun at cwp to get a gift for janella, very last minute, and then rushed to crescent park bbq pit. she invited super duper lot of people. ranging from her work frens, poly frens, sec sch frens (own class + seniors and other classes)
there were at least 50 or 60 people there if I'm not wrong. so we just hanged around at 1 corner and talked about mundane stuffs. alvin came later, and the talk continued. the cake came damn late, so we only wished her happy birthday at about 9+ I think.
hanged around awhile more and left with my buds and weimeng for mac, and went back home to bathe and to dom's house overnight with winston yuyang and jiahao to play and to rush my practical. its kinda screwed in a way.
still in dom's house, till 2+ then we went back to our respective homes. as for me, I rested for a few hours, and then went out for Mother's day dinner..at Sembawang
apparently the food sucks, and I really mean sucks. its kinda tasteless, which ruined my mood for the day. we spent 140 on lousy food.
and a very nice spelling there, BALCK PEPPER CRAB. its either, they have something against BLACKS, or, their english really sucks. and they dont even bother changing it.
pretty much boring. and seriously, I've no time for my tutorials. goner
Labels: hanging out
10 May 2008 - Dota Deteriation
after not touching it for like 2+ months cos of cabal and work, my dota gets lousier each day.
I need to devote some time into playing =O
Labels: random
09 May 2008 - Happy Birthday to Janella
Happy Birthday Janella !!
may you excel in your work and..hopefully grow a lil taller.
ok, I'm hoping for the second 1 as well actually. lol.
Labels: birthdays
08 May 2008 - Typical School Days
lunched with karen and teri and wangshuo together with dannah at FC1 today. the rest went FC 4 and 6.
and nothing much happened today, except getting restless as usual.
long day tomorrow.
and chris brown and one republic's songs are damn nice
Labels: school
07 May 2008 - Busy Schedules
PBL, maths tutorial and other tutorials, 2 or 3 practicals, tennis, birthday celebrations, outings, yet another cabal rush (actually can count this out)
alright actually, I wanna spend my time hanging out with people, especially my bros, but have only been getting to meet them in school and not hanging out somewhere for food hunting session.
nothing much today, a kinda well prepared practical (but still, the marks were not as high), maths lecture, gems sleeping session, bit of tennis then home. and needless to say, tired.
shall go off for now then.
a bamboo stick, a chipped bamboo stick, and a short + chipped bamboo stick cost $70++
thats Stupid.
Labels: school
06 May 2008 - Chithrra's Birthday
and Chithrra, happy birthday + legally approved for alcohols.
06 May 2008 - Personal Intelligence
Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence |
![]() You shine in your ability to relate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person. |
say, beatrice, is having the same kind of personality as you a blessing or something unfortunate? LOL. perhaps we can try convincing or rather psycho each other on something.
Labels: questionnaires and quizzes
05 May 2008 - Last Minute Work Sucks
and I thought I can have a good nap but apparently not, when my room suddenly was blasted with loud music and a phone that rang..though I was still asleep.
gazing at the time and realised it was 10+ already, and shockingly I had work to do.
no slacking, or at least spend time with my tutorials.
whatever, get it over and done with. simple as that.
I don't think its that difficult to divide the work, or to communicate.
so whats the problem?
Labels: rantings
WITH MONEY YOU CAN BUY A HOUSE, BUT NOT A HOME. Its from some Chinese proverb or something I received from a mail. there are quite a few things money can't buy..and those rich people who loves flaunting their wealth around snobbishly, thinking money can buy everything, should just go to hell somehow. being a poor bloke, perhaps enough to fill our stomachs, but living happily and quietly is probably the best blessing you can ever get..so long there are no arguments over the root of all evil..it would most probably be a good one. 6 more days. Labels: email
Labels: school
Labels: random
03 May 2008 - School, Tired. Home, Boredom
and yes, I stayed at home the whole day today, still feeling a little burnt. the sight of homework makes me giddy so I decided to skip it in the afternoon, and then realised I got quite a lot to do actually.
I got loads of maths tutorial to do, heat transfer as well, PI and BIA to catch up for now, listen harder for plant utilities, practicals, and many many more lah. typical student life.
formal reports are a few weeks away, and that we are gonna slog like some slaves when its coming out, and I need to join CCA I think, mind games probably..though it sounds boring..and that my current interest lies in tennis though I suck damn damn damn badly.
alright to be exact, I'm feeling a little bit of stress now, and its just the end of third week can you imagine? I've got like 4 months more to end the bloody semester and then comes the break again.
I shall rest the entire night, and start working my tutorials and everything tomorrow.
meanwhile after this post I should just update on my template a little and kick things alive
and that I have to cover up alot of things, damn lot.
2 May 2008 - Hot Weather = Sunburn
went for tennis today, for long hours, under the sun who seriously tried to murder people. now my arms really have a clear contrast. its damn tanned now, and when I turn my arms, the other side is white, and as I'm blogging now I can feel my face burning here and there.
its only a matter of time that my skin will start to peel off like some pupa shedding skin becoming a butterfly.
ahhhhhhhhh I'm so hating this man.
loads of work to do this weekend I guess, but I have no idea when I'm gonna finish them..lazy me.
oh yeah, I wanna comment on Phua's lesson today. I managed to shoot her again woot! thats for her saying "engineers must improvise" or whatever, she just said something like "no laptop can use lecture notes, dun have lecture notes can use whiteboard, no whiteboard can use transparency. damn power la she. seriously.
then she tried using the visualiser, and hurhur kena shoot when someone told her to try and she was wondering if it would work. and tadahhhh~
"thats what engineers are for isn't it?!"
that sentence pwned her right on the spot LOL, she was speechless, thats for her saying how powerful engineers are. (yeah, brainy future engineer = me, but probably will blow plants)
yes la ! now Friday lessons are like SO COOL because I cant wait to shoot her somemore yo ! its like, entertainment..but I have to admit she really teaches damn detailed, to the extent, TOO DETAILED. oh wellllllll.
P.S - and there was this fat old lady standing right in front of me in the mrt when I was on the way to school with Kaisheng. She was there playing around with her hair for minutes, and it was disgusting, and there her lips are like
that kind. Fat Old Lady Playing Her Curly Hair Around, like shes some dua chiobu. I think I would have puke on the spot if she carried on any longer. unsightful to the extent, it really can make people..shut their eyes tight hoping she disappears the moment they open their eyes again. alright I'm mean. damn mean to be exact.
02 May 2008 - Tennis Tennis and Tennis
and yes, tennis again friday, or rather later on (since its 12+am now)
and again, play until I'm damn tired then forget my problems and throw all my anger to the balls.
Sparring as well, maybe.
Kelvin Yeo (Mista Badass)
Up till 19.
Pisces. 24 Feb is when you get to call me old man
I'm your typical short guy living next door
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But do you understand its language?
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(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Come Find Out Yourself
And The Music Goes
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